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Book online «TRUE MATURITY by Deborah Melissa Möller (knowledgeable books to read txt) 📖». Author Deborah Melissa Möller

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Chapter 5: THE SONS OF GOD

 29 January 2012


“Today I want to talk about the sons of God. It is true that from this year on many of My sons will manifest on earth. Those that allow Me to mold them into My Son Yeshua’s image, they will be called My sons. My true sons will obey My voice like My Son Jesus. Because of His obedience to Me to die for your sins, to give you My Spirit and give you eternal life, many, many will be blessed.

Your obedience to Me has such a ripple effect on others’ lives that you cannot even begin to understand the importance of obeying Me. Your obedience can save many lives and they will thank you in eternity for your obedient heart towards Me. The ultimate qualifying test to be one of My sons is obedience. For the sons of God will do and say what the Father does and says.

Many are My children, but to be one of My sons (and daughters), you will be transformed to the image of Christ and be obedient to the Father. No matter the cost. This comes at a high price, but the  reward is eternal. To walk with Me, like Christ walked with Me, is to have a simple day-to-day walk with Me. I AM your Father and you need to be in a relationship with Me for Me to speak to you and for you to have fellowship with Me. I want to be your Father, to teach and reveal many things to you. Come to Me and ask that I reveal My true heart towards you. I want to reveal My love to you. Ask Me to show you My love for you. I love you with an everlasting love. I knitted you together in your mother’s womb and I had you in mind when I planned creation. I knew you before I laid the foundation of the world. I knew you, because you are Mine and I chose you. You did not choose Me.”



“Today you stand in front of two choices again – the Tree of life and the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. You will stand in front of these two trees every day. I give you the gift of free-will. My perfect will is that you choose the Tree of life, which is good and which represents Me. You can also choose The Tree of knowledge which represents your Egypt life. I give you a choice in which you can use your free-will, because to love is a choice. 

If you love Me you will obey Me. If you love Me you will realize that I only plan to give you My promises. By choosing My perfect will, you will be blessed and your fruit will last forever. If you use wisdom, you will choose to walk in My perfect will. If you lack wisdom, ask it of Me. Not choosing My perfect will and plan is to walk in stubbornness, pride and selfishness.”



"The choice Adam and Eve made in the garden to disobey Me and eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, because of the gift of free-will which I gave to them, resulted in many, many lives being infiltrated with sin. I gave them the gift of free-will to choose My perfect will or not. 

Choosing to do My perfect will is obedience to Me. Where Adam and Eve chose to disobey Me, My Son Yeshua (Jesus) came and obeyed Me, choosing My perfect will. His obedience broke the curse of sin on mankind. Can you see the devastating effect of disobedience versus the eternal fruit of obedience?

If you have wisdom you will obey Me. Your reward will be eternal. Be molded in My Son’s image. Be humble, obey My voice and love Me like Christ loved Me. For I loved you first. If you are not for Me you are against Me. I AM the Tree of life. Do you choose Me today? 

Knowledge will puff you up and make you proud. Remain teachable to Me. The parable of the rich young man is about knowledge, religious knowledge. That rich young man was supposed to give up his knowledge because that was what made him rich. Because of this knowledge he could not be filled with My simple truth. You need to become a child, so I can fill you with fresh and true revelation of who I AM. Lay down your knowledge of Me and ask for a clean heart and childlike faith. For if you cannot lay down your knowledge, you are blinded by sin.

My sons, you are about to be awakened by Me, for the whole earth awaits the manifestation of My sons. I will give you authority and you will speak with fire in your mouth like My Son Christ. Stay humble and be obedient. I will protect you and guide you and I will be your Father and I will love you like I love My Son Yeshua!”


 30 January 2012


The Lord said: “What do you see Deborah?”

I replied: “I see coals burning in fire.”

The Lord said: “I am busy testing My people. The coals are My people in the fire. The fire is hot, therefore know that if you find yourself in uncomfortable circumstances, you are in the coals of the fire, being tested to see what is inside of you. It will hurt and you will cry out to Me and I will give you My peace in this testing time. If you overcome this coal-in-the-fire test, I will give you authority. You will have this authority because you overcame yourself and the situation and kept your heart pure. This coal test is not like a silver or gold or bronze test. It is merely a coal fire, which will burn to ashes. This test will determine if you will love Me and fear Me above all else, even if you see nothing coming from your test or your circumstances.

I am keeping My eye on My children, those who allow Me to mold them into My image. Ask Me for perseverance and grace to get you through this test. For this is the ultimate test you need to face. Will you still love Me and fear Me even if the circumstances that you currently have are approved by Me? Like My servant Job, his ultimate test was to see if he can still love Me after all I allowed. This kind of test, if you overcome the obstacle, will bear fruit forever and I will restore double to you like I did for My servant Job.”



“I want to bless you, My people, but in order to bless you, I need to test you, because My blessing comes with authority. If your character is not tested you cannot carry authority. As you overcome, your character is shaped in My image, because I overcame the world. I can bless you if you overcome. The overcomers are My strong ones. The ones who love Me and fear Me above all else. Those that pass this test of loving and fearing Me, even if nothing will come of it, those ones will soar with Me like eagles - because they’ve waited on Me. Blessed
are you if you go through all trials and tests.

If you are not sure what I am busy with in your life, ask Me. I will reveal to you what I am doing in and through you. I will speak through My Word. Ask Me for a hunger for My Word. I will speak to you through My Word like you have never experienced before, for I AM God and I speak through My Word – I AM the Word. I will touch you to receive My Truth if you ask it of Me with a humble heart. I will teach you to listen to My still small voice. I live inside of you. I am near you. I know your every thought. Ask Me and you shall receive. Ask Me for grace that you can persevere in this test.”



“If you asked Me for something big or great to do in your life, you will need to pass this test. In overcoming this test, an eternal covenant will be formed with Me. Abraham passed this test with Isaac. He loved and feared Me despite his circumstances, even in this midst of losing the son that I had promised him and then asked him to give up again. This type of test is the ultimate test – it shows if you still love and fear Me. I will test your heart. Abraham passed and I sealed the covenant I made with him. Then I blessed him and his offspring forever. Do you also want this blessing, this promise over your life?

Choose to love Me and fear Me above your circumstances. If you love Me, you will obey Me and you will fear Me. I keep everything in the palm of My hand. Love Me, obey Me – then you will be My people and I will be your God! I will then protect you in the coming danger and I will remember you in the day when you cry out to Me for help and protection. I will help and protect those that love and fear Me, for you put your trust in Me and did not rely on some idol. I AM the one true God, Yahweh. If you are not for Me, you are against Me. 

I will choose those that chose Me! Do you choose to walk with Me closely? Do you choose to love and trust Me? If you choose to learn about Me and My character you will find that I AM for you, not against you and My plan is to bring you hope.”

“For I know the thoughts that I think about you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace and not for evil, to give you a latter end and a hope.” (Jer 29:11)

“It is a hope you will only find in Me. Without Me you have nothing. Like with Adam and Eve I can warn you, but you still have a choice – do you choose Me to be your Tree of life and trust that I speak the truth to you? You can accept or reject My Word. Choose wisely, for you will be sowing eternally.”


2 February 2012


The Lord said: “What do you see Deborah?”

I replied: “I see cut up meat, Lord.”

The Lord said: “That is the condition of My people. Lifeless! Many within My Body have used spiritual abuse to kill My people. Many have blamed Me and still carry much anger,

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