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shall not make any idol for yourself to bow down before it». Worship Me and not you; serve Me and not you, if you want Me to be your Lord God, for if you serve to yourself, then it means that you are your own god. Do not even believe that I am the God of those with a carved image; you should not believe like the world, which has its carved image. I am the God of living ones, not of the dead. I am the Lord your God, living Israel, if you are alive and if you want to be alive and if you will rise after My whole image.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 23-10-1994



He, who has many things on the earth, is a man with a heavy burden, a man full of worries, a man without time for God. You, My people, you have to work what I worked, but if you did not understand and if you did not listen, you did like the man, who gathers a heavy burden for himself and then he gets under it, takes it into his house and sleeps under it, and not even the sleep pleases him under his heaviness.


The man gathers wealth to have it as his god. The wealth of the man of today has become a god for the man. You should not boast about your wealth, Israel. However, you should boast about Me, as I want to be at home with you, for where I am, the judgment does not come; the judgment is not called forth, but you should not have something into your house, so that the judgment may be called forth. And you should not have a worldly thing into your house to call for its master, the master of this world, but rather you should gather yourselves together in groups, Israel, My people, so that I may know your camp and to be able to stay in it, as I made you, so that you may proceed from Sodom, son Israel. Instead of taking and having a thing from the world, you had better make it with your holy hand, and that the world may take from you a holy thing. But, I still have sons into My people, who make with their own hands things pleasant to the world, things asked by the world. Oh, sons, change your occupation and work out holy things, which have been put aside by the Christian man. You should work with your own hand the things that urge you to praying and holiness, My people. You should work brother for brother, so that My people may no longer take from the world a thing that is not blessed. Only those that are created by God are blessed, and only those that are pleased to God are written into the law of God. Let only the works and the occupations written in the law from heaven be for My people.


Oh, son Israel, I grow you up, son. I work to your growth. If you come under a burden gathered by your hand, you should know that you lose the thought from God. When I am not into your thoughts, children of Israel, the evil and hostile spirit finds the occasion to occupy your mind with its wills, with greed and its lusts, and if you taste of its wills, you lose the thought from your God. Without Me in your mind is as you would go alone on another way, without the Lord on the way. Without Me in your mind is another way.


Oh, Israel, when you do not have burdens, you are light and if you go to bed, you sleep and rest without any worry, and you are healthy and without worries. Embrace yourself with Me in your bed, and rest with Me in your mind, as this is what I told you: „Son, when you go to bed, you should sleep with the thought at your happiness, to My work with you”, and I am your happiness. I am your work too. My child, here is what I tell you: „If you are with Me into your mind, you get healed of any kind of sickness, of any kind of sufferance. I am all the comfort you need; I am the One Who can do everything. I, the One Who is able to do for you and not the man.


Oh, My people, you, who cannot give up the things that you like; you had better have Me as your wealth. Do you see son, that I got rid of the meanness that I found into your house for Me. You had Me stay on a worldly bed, on a sinful bed. You had Me sit at a high table; you had sit on a worldly throne, and I was hanging on your wall with My image multiplied for selling, dressed in red chlamys, as a sign of crucifixion, as a sign of slavery. (In the written icons, instead of being painted, and the Lord appears crucified or dressed in red purple, a garment received from Romans as a mockery, r.n.). I want to get you used to the holy things, but you should not take anything without blessing; you should not steal the craftsmanship without having a calling for the holy things, as the Israel people received them from Me through Moses. Help Me work with love on you, as if you also make Me bow to your petition now, you will back off and not grow up. Set yourself to a holy propriety, as you do not know what I ask you when I ask you this. This means to be pleased, to be a man without pretensions, without whims, without desires. The desires are for those who heap burdens on the earth. But you have everything you need from the earth, from the forest, from the sun, from the rain and from the air; My love gives you everything you need, and the Lords gives you, son. Do not longer make a sack with clothes for yourself, son, and rather have only one little bag with clothes, as the sack is too heavy on the way. The little bag is easy and no one steals it from under your head, and the thieves are not enticed by it.


I want you to be holy, My people, and I want to give you the halo of glory, as the man does not know what halo means. The man believes that he can make it with his pencil around his head. The halo means holy life, always with God on the way. The devil starts to put into the man’s mind that he has got the halo. Only the Holy God has the halo. The halo is the holiness lived by the man. But I scatter the walls of satan’s school from everywhere, as he cannot give the man what I have. He cannot take from Me, but only from him, and the halo is from God, and the Lord does not give it to the bodies without holiness, and the man sits down to various apparatuses to read his holiness, as though the holiness is measured by man.


A table has been spread in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as Israel is blessed. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 05-11-1995



Sons, sons, there are two kinds of peoples on the earth: the human race and the Christian people. Sons, sons, there are two kinds of Christian peoples: the people after the Christian name, and the people after the deed of the Christian faith, as the faith in Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ Himself, living as a mirror into the Christian. The Christian name after the truth does not sell Christ; that one does not sell his brother, Christ’s brother, and that one does not judge God’s judgments. And this is so, as I am speaking with you and among you and into your midst, as Joseph who was sold did not tell it to his buyers that those that sold him were his brothers; he did not tell anything, and went with God, sold by his brothers. But he was a very dear man in his soul and inclined to God, and look, what great and unfathomable to the mind, the God’s wonders and judgments are! How had Joseph remained for such a long time in Egypt without forgetting the Lord? Behold, sons, how strong is the Christian after the Christian truth. But the Christian of today, no sooner does he come out on the way, and seeing the idols of the man, than he is deceived and delighted at once, (With those from the world, r.n.), and the Lord is forgotten by the Christian.


People, you should stay into your nest flying as I have counseled you, for the idols of today have a hidden work, son. And when you leave, put the cross around you, as the child Joseph did in the middle of Egypt, without being enchanted by any things from Egypt. That is why I prepared the teaching for you beforehand, for you saw that even the good brothers sold their brother, and I have exhorted you to be aware that the unknown man is a snare for the son of My people; he is a snare for you, son named into My people.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from paradise, from 25-02-1996



Oh, My people, I am in a celebration with you and we honor the prophet Elijah and his prayer. The people were extremely hated before Me, and the prophet Elijah wanted to turn them with their face to Me, so that I may give beauty to the face of the people. I often sneak among you, My sons, and I come with the mysteries of My word, with the parables of the life, as I have a way through the middle of Israel. The man is greatly detested before Me, and no one takes a look into his mirror to see how ugly he is. Every man looks into the mirror, but he looks only to see how beautiful is, to see himself the most beautiful possible, but no one looks to see how ugly he is before Me. The man looks into the mirror to see how good he looks like with his gods, with his pleasures, with his kingdom, and the man does no longer serve the true God. Only false gods everywhere; only lying upon the man, and the prophet Elijah goes down on the earth and always demolishes the Baal’s altars, and Baal with his sons raises other altars and the smoke on their altars choke those from heaven and those from earth who are from heaven, and no one looks into the mirror any more to see how ugly he is before Me.


Israel, beautiful child, you should be beautiful, as that is why I call you beautiful child, to be beautiful before Me. I am the example of the New Man, Who came down from heaven, so that every man, who wants to be from heaven, may look at Me; the man, who wants to be as beautiful and clean as the heaven. I am your mirror, Israel, beautiful child, child adorned with the gifts of the Holy Spirit that came to you with Me. You should not look, beautiful child; you should look neither with your thought nor with your eyes to those dyed gods. You should not look for you spoil your beauty if you look; you spoil your looking and its sight if you do look; you spoil your godly nature that I have always have on you; you spoil it, if you look at the dyed time of today. You should

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