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Book online «The Word of God about the carved image and the sign of the cross by Lord Jesus (highly illogical behavior TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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be a clean child, a child refreshed by the Holy Spirit, and you should stay within the Holy Spirit, as no one stays any longer within the Holy Spirit before Me today.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the saint prophet Elijah, on 02-08-1996



But to you, Israel, I give you wisdom from above as an example of the kingdom of heavens, which calls out on the earth. The true wisdom in the man is this: the man has to deny himself and no longer be himself, but Christ should be instead. Hear Israel, what your Shepherd speaks! He, who wants to be with Me, should deny himself; he should deny himself even during the time of his prayer, as this is what I said: «I do not do My will, but My Father’s will, the will of the One, Who sent Me». Oh, let the man deny himself and then take up his cross and follow Me, as if he does not deny himself, he cannot follow Me. What does it mean, son, that the man should deny himself to have his way with Christ? Behold, I took up My cross and I follow My Father, after My Father’s will, not after My will. This is what it means for the man to deny himself. This is what I said: «I do not do My will, but the will of the One Who sent Me». He, who wants to follow Me, let him deny himself, and if he does not deny himself, he does not want to follow Me; he cannot be My will if he does not deny himself. Solomon spoke the word of the wisdom but he did not deny himself. He did not listen to God. He listened to himself, and he did not take up his cross to follow Me. This is with every man who worships himself, the idol, his carved image, his own self, sons. If Solomon had loved Me, He would have followed Me, he would have taken up his cross and would have loved Me if he followed Me, but he loved himself; he listened to his own self, and prayed to God to give him wisdom to judge his people.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1996  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



The sower seeds the word. Sons from the garden keep your little fists open for Me to pour out and to seed over the earth, sons, sowers. Sow over Romania the word of God. Go as peace messengers into the midst of the multitudes and sow God among into the people. The people have their grace. Sow My grace in the people, so that they may understand the work of My word and that the people may eat bread from heaven, to eat My word so that I may be sown in the people with My grace, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God. The people worship idols. The people are idols for themselves. The people make from themselves a carved image and worship themselves; they worship their own wills, their own conscience, as they do not love God with their mind and with their heart and with their virtue. Give them My grace to the people, sons, sowers. Give them My word, to make the man again, as I came to be with the man, to be word, as all are made by the word, by Me, the Word of the Father. I want to take the spirit of the world from the earth and to replace it with My Spirit; to put God’s Spirit on the earth, as behold, the world does not know to love you, My messengers into the world. Oh, if you were from the world, the world would love you, as everyone loves what belongs to him, but I love you because you are Mine, for everyone loves what belongs to him, and you love Me, as I am your love. The time comes for the people with human and earthly wisdom to follow you seven times seven, and they will sell out their possessions to buy My name from you and to bear it, so that they may have a name, as it is written in the Scripture which says: «Fall on us mountains and hide us from the Lord’s wrath!». But then you will not be able to witness that someone is Mine, but only the one that you will know that does My will into My name.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Martyr Mina[5], from 24-11-1996  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)




Oh, world without a way; oh, godless man, I come to judge you and to tell you to repent before Me, as the one, who repents by healing his sight, that one knows Me by this word that I come with to judge the living and the dead and to bring the man to life and for Me to appear in a great glory on the earth, as it is written into the Scriptures. (See the selection topic: „The Judgment[6]”, r.n.) But first, I want to come to wake the man up and to have him stand on watch, so that I may not come unknowingly with the glory of My coming, as the King of the heaven and the earth and of all that are seen and unseen by the man. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)


Oh, world, My crown of thorns, oh, world crucifying of God! Your deeds always crucify Me in you. Oh, when do you also crucify your own deeds, which you crucify Me with, the Son and the Word of God? World, world, when are going to deny your will? The man, who does his own will, cannot do God’s will. Oh, world, which pronounces prayers in the churches and say: „Our Father in heaven, may Your name be hallowed; may your kingdom come and may your will be done, as in heaven, so on earth; and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors, and deliver us from the temptations of the evil one”. Oh, world, world, how shall I protect you when you do the will of the evil one, when you always lie to God saying that you do His will, and in fact you do only your own will? And behold, I will take you for a debtor, you man, who says and does not do My will, and you ask Me to protect and help you without giving Me anything of you.


Oh, world, which say that you keep the Passover fasting and you go to church full of the adornments of your pride! What kind of fasting do you keep, world that does not do My will? (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving[7]”, r.n.) You rouge and make yourself up and then walk that way only to entice the one like you. You put a carved idol on you and worship it, and you look into the mirror to see your carved image that you worship, and then you go to church and sing: „Our Father in heaven, may Your will be done, on the earth, as in heaven”. Oh, world, world, you should know that I will do My will on the earth. You should know that I will clean you of your gods and I will shout in your ear that I am God, and you will seek to put ember on your face and on your head and you will shout to die, but you will not die, for I will take the death from upon you, and you will be taken to be whitened and refined, so that you may perceive My will, My law from heaven on the earth. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire[8]”, r.n.)

Oh, world, world, God is calling you! Leave your will and take My will on you! Oh, world, My crown of thorns! Word, My sorrow and My venom!           You should know that I will renew you, as this is written. You should know, man without a path, that I will come into your way and I will call you out: «I am the way, the truth and the life!», and I will take you out of your wills and I will tell you: „Here is the way! Walk on it, you man without a way!”


Man, My lost work! I come from heaven as word and call you out, as I called Adam: «Man, where are you?» Oh, you cannot hide. Your nakedness gives you away and you cannot blame anyone.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 16-03-1997



What can the man do? He can do nothing good. He also made a body, but the body is of no good, as the Spirit is the One Who gives life. I created the first man; I created him out of the dust and I gave him a living soul, and then I also gave him a spirit of life; for it is one thing to say soul, and it is another thing to say spirit of life. The man also made a body; he made it of iron, of stone, of dust, of gold, of bronze, of wood, but he could not give him a living spirit. The man also created a body, and called it god, and worshipped him. There have been some many rows of people who made a body without a soul and have dedicated it to the devils, as that which comes out of the body is body, and God is the Spirit Who gives life. The man could not give any living soul to the body, which was made by the hand of the man, but I gave a living soul to the body that I made and I called him man; I made him into My image and after My likeness, and after I created him, I called him man, but the man made by the hand of the man is called devil.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the forty saint martyrs from Sevasta, from 22-03-1997





The selection from the Word of God about the carved image since 1997 until today will be published immediately after the ending of translation, r.n.




                                                2 – About the sign of the cross



... Any work, which the Lord, Jesus Christ made, was made by the way of the holy cross. The devil does not stay in front of the cross, but rather he flees from it. Daniel, when God made every work on the earth, He started with the cross. Son, when God created His servant, that is Adam, the cross was hidden. Who made it? God, as nothing could have been done without the cross. He made it to be prophesied through the prophets. Daniel, My friends from creation and until the times that are ahead of you have also been created by way of the cross. God has been making His work until He comes into view with it.


… In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Sons, make the cross well, as the devil takes many crosses away from you, as you do not make them, as We make them. Make the cross: of the Father, is the forehead; of the Son, is the belly; of the Holy Spirit is the right shoulder, and amen, is the left shoulder.

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