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It has a great symbol. If you have not made the cross like that, it is not Mine; I do not recognize it.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 13-06-1973



… Daniel, have a little more patience, as My man comes, the man of My country, (King Michael, r.n.), who left My country in great pain. So, I am going to lift him up, for he was humbled. Sons, when this man was on his chair, the little icon was everywhere; the cross was everywhere. But since he has no longer been, the cross has been abolished from everywhere. There are still some, here and there. You should know that in the time of the end, the cross will appear in the sky. Israel, do not be a people without the cross.


… Israel, son, in the war, which has been waged, only those escape, who have the cross at their window, or only the Christian, who has the cross on his neck. Many Christians have the cross on their neck, but they also have their loved girl into their pockets, in the picture, or they smoke.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 30-08-1973


... There will come good times, sons. The one, who came to you, is also coming, and will put a padlock to drinking and he will punish the woman, who has a husband and loves another man. He is coming, son, he is coming, as it will flow honey and milk on the drinking fountain. He is coming when no one will work on Sunday in his fallow ground. He is coming and the cross will lie on the table and he will bow down before it. All the kings that are today will no longer be kings, and there will be one king, and he will give food and will take care of all the countries from margin to margin.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 20-09-1973



… Everything is sanctified with the cross. The cross will be the sign of the judgment. When the cross will appear in the sky, you should know that you are in the end, and it is a great sign. It was shown to the kings Constantine and Helena. It has appeared many times in the sky, but no one has seen it, and now, it will appear in the sky as a sign that there will be a great heat with foams in the world. Let the Christians on the Romanian land raise the cross, the heavenly sign. Amen. Christians, where you see a fallen cross, be with a holy urge and raise the cross! The Christians on the earth are the people of the holy cross, and they should always hold on to their people. If one Christian sees a fallen cross, he should cry, as it is an offence between heaven and earth. Every Christian has the cross into his hand. My little children, keep away from the evil people by way of the cross. The evil people carry a knife with them, a dagger, a little bottle and cigarettes. The good people carry the cross with them and the praying book.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-12-1973



… Holy cross, blessed, and holy image! Honor the cross! Where the cross is fallen you should raise it, as the crosses disappear from the earth, for it is an earthly peace, but it is a spiritual war. The Book of Revelation has been coming true, and you should know that if the cross has perished, this is the cross of the infants, as that of the fathers has been damaged by the infants.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 29-03-1974



… Be careful with the cross, as the world distorts the cross. You should make the cross right: on the forehead, on the navel, on the right shoulder and on the left shoulder, as it is an outrageous sin to distort the sign of the cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 24-05-1974



… Israel, take good care that a filthy image has replaced the cross and all the breath worships and welcomes it. (The coat - emblem - of the communism, to which the world cries: „Long live it”, r.n.).

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 26-07-1974



… Keep the secret, as he, who makes a holy cross or a holy prayer, for him it is a thing of great value, and it is a death danger before the enemies. You should be careful, as the time will come for you to be punished, both for the cross and for the prayer. (During the time of the communist dictatorship, r.n.).

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 27-11-1974


My children, make the holy cross not only when you pray. You will overcome with the cross. Make the cross where you go to sleep; make the cross on the walls, on the vessels, on the table, at the springs of water, on the paths, and call for the blessing, as where the cross is, the devils flees. Make the cross. Do not be people without the cross. The cross sanctifies the things; it sanctifies the bodies; it sanctifies your eyes. The cross is the staff, which destroys satan. The cross brings healing. You should make thousands and hundreds of holy crosses while praying, but not superficially. If you cannot do it with your hand on the way because you fear the people, I say that you should not be afraid of the people. Do not put the light under the bushel. Take care of your candles. Put the oil into the food. The oil brings health and many other good things.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 06-02-1975



In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Yes, this is the cross, the bridge where you will be walking on. He, who does not make this cross, has no way to Me, between Me and him. This sign will soon appear in its glory. Amen.


I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have crossed the whole earth up and down, with everything that is clean, and I have cursed what is filthy. I am the Lord with a clean image. I walk on the earth and I meet the man and he does not see Me. I do not appear to him because he does not believe. I am the Alpha and the Omega, with the name of Jesus. I am the One, Who was crucified on the cross for you. I am, and I will soon appear in all My glory. Come, My little sheep, come a little bit early to My right side! This is how I will also call you when I appear. Come, as no one comes after Me to call you.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 19-02-1975


I was sent to those of Mine, and I was crucified by them. I was sold for a small price. Did you hear, son? May the thrill from Me enter you; may the Spirit from Me enter you! Did you hear? I have not forsaken you, but you have forsaken Me. I did not deny and I received all for you. No one loves you as I loved you. I carried a heavy cross, but your cross is not as heavy as Mine, as your wrongdoing was on Mine, and My wrongdoing was not on yours. Yours is not heavy, but you are ashamed with it.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 17-04-1975



… You know that I have been with you, that for thousands of times I have said that I am with you. When I spoke I put a beginning with a holy sign, and when I ended, I also ended with a holy sign, and I blessed you and I sealed you with the sign of the holy cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-05-1975


… We still have another step to make and the cross will be put on your head. If you have the sign, nothing will touch you, but pray to God to have the sign on your head. Do not yield to your members; do not let the lusts overcome you!

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 01-06-1975



Oh, sons, I do no longer have any trust to make friends on the earth, because today one is a Christian and in a little while he is a pagan. He makes Me a liar and a robber. My little sheep, I came to you and not to turn you into unbelievers, but I came with a heavenly message, and I did not say: „You are obliged to follow Me”, but rather I said: „Take your cross and follow Me”. The cross is a clean life, without sins.


... I have always said: do not make prayers without incense, and I said: make cross.


... My little child, My little sheep, why are the crosses fallen and the name of the Lord is wiped out on them? Is there really not even a painter, not even a carpenter? My loved brother, this is the sign, which you will overcome with, and which you will win with. And the time is coming to hide from a dog and you will find shelter at the cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-06-1975



… This holy cross is the seal of the Holy Spirit. This seal, on the one sealed with it, will never be removed from his face, and on the judgment day it will appear on his face and you will not be able to hide this sign, because it is the sign which does miracles.


… My people, this word is God’s. Come back from your pleasures, as everything you do on the earth, you do only by pleasures. Write down this prophecy, as all the angels write it as a testimony. Did you forget that the man takes after God and that he is sealed by the Holy Spirit, and since the man has been created, there has not been the pleasure of today. This is written in the Revelation: a fierce beast with many heads, which touches and throws down all the stars in the sky, (The Christians, r.n.), and all will fall down. The pleasure does this. Keep in mind that the pleasure of today brings the judgment instantaneously.


… Fast. The Lord Jesus Christ obliged His people to fast, because in the time to come the fasting will save you. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday you should eat only for fasting, but dry fasting. (Without oil, r.n.).

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09-10-1975



... Soon, the cross will be set in the sky. Every eye that will see it will shed bitter tears. The cross, like Me, is despised by the world.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 13-11-1975



… When the Lord, Jesus Christ, went down into the hell, He stayed with His feet on the cross. That is why it is said that: the cross is the bridge. He took out from the hell, those that fell, through the cross. My little children, many of you are ashamed of the world to make this sign of the cross. If you are ashamed of the cross, you are ashamed of Me. My little children, this sign had not been made before the holy cross. This is the sign between the earth and the heaven, between the Old and the New. There has not been this sign in the old man, and many, when they saw it believed and passed from the old into the new.

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