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Book online «The Word of God about the carved image and the sign of the cross by Lord Jesus (highly illogical behavior TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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And many did not believe and remained with the old ones. And why do the old ones hate the new ones? The Lord Jesus did not get angry with the one, who did not believe in His coming. Son, those from the old believe in the Lord Jesus, but they do not believe in the things that He did and do not love the cross, but rather they consider it as an enemy of the Lord, Jesus, and hate it; they spit on it; they scoff at it; they slander it and this is what the Lord blames. These from the old, consider the Lord’s Mother a common woman and accuse her of fornication. You should distinguish those from among you and honor My Mother.


The cross is the bridge with which you will pass over every precipice. That is why I say to you: do not hate, so that you may not be accused; and do not even become friends with them, but rather distinguish yourselves as the darkness is distinguished from the light, as many passed and they even saw the Lord Jesus and the holy truth, and they have been deceived by those from the old, and have passed on to them. Some blame the priesthood; some blame the cross; some blame My Mother, others accuse you because you work on Saturday, and others still blame some other holy things.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 23-02-1976


... It is heard from heaven, when the world hates and nicknames and threatens you, and God cries when He sees His people that does not keep silent and raises the sword against the wicked one. It is not the time to raise your sword any more. Your sword is praying, and your bullet is fasting, and your staff is the cross. Moses split the Red Sea in two with his staff and the people crossed it. Now the staff turned into a holy cross, and if you have faith, you are far above then Moses with his staff. Take a good look son, only to see. Take a good look at My word, which is toward you, as a war has been waged between evil people and My people, and I, the Son of God, I will be their commander. But not a war, as in the old times, as it is spoken today, falsifying the truth. It will not happen this way, and there will be a war without weapons and the evil ones will be destroyed by themselves. You should not take after the evil people and become friends with them, for you will perish.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-04-1977



… Israel, you shall not take the name of God in vain, or one of His things. My little children, some say that this cross is not true and it is not sanctified, and they consider it as being cursed. You should keep away from this spoken thing. This holy cross had also been before the Lord Jesus, but it was not blessed, for the dead people were crucified on it by the lawgivers. But by this cross, the Lord, Jesus Christ, forgave any sin, and a tree with sweet fruits for everybody was built by it. This holy cross has power to take the man out of the pit, as it took Daniel out of the pit of lions, as it took out our and your fathers and forefathers.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 09-05-1977



… You should know, children, that the sign of the cross before the Lord, Jesus Christ was a useless piece of wood, that is worthless, as it was prepared for the sinner to be condemned, but it was not sanctified, and it was hated by the world, because the guilt of the one who was going wrong was condemned on it. The piece of wood was cutting and thrown into the fire after the guilty one was condemned on it and after he died, but it was not known that it was prophesied that this piece of wood would be sanctified, and more, the One Who pronounced this prophecy was not believed.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 31-08-1977



… The holy cross will appear before My coming, and it also appeared before wars. The godly signs appear through the cross. Many crosses have appeared during this year, but only one in a thousand has been seen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 20-09-1977



… The holy cross has brought freedom to faith. Since the war of the holy kings Constantine and Helena, the Christians have no longer been persecuted and there has been peace. But when the cross has no longer been honored and since the cross has no longer been saved, behold that the war for faith has started again. Carry the holy cross. Many carry it, but they do not carry the holy cross. The cross has to be sanctified by the deeds.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-09-1977



Before My birth you were a pagan, as you did not have the law, and then the Lord, Jesus Christ came to give light and to strengthen the ancestral law, but there are persons who do not want to come to the new law; they simply do not want and live like in the old days. As if Moses had lived and still prophesied, he would have come and would have been refreshed into My work. Do you believe it? And then it would have been the same. Moses would have not been believed and he would have stayed there in his old time. Sons, the Lord tells you that those of then match one another, that is, they match the man of today, who is without the Spirit of God. They say that they are with Me, but do they not see well that God took them out by the holy cross and also took the sinners out of the hell? But these, from the old time, do not believe into the wood that was sanctified through Me, and consider it as an enemy to God. But do you see how they do not understand? I ask you: Do not be foolish, for God declared sufficiently well by the prophets, to learn to know the times that come. They do not want to know the Revelation. They say that the Lord comes, but they do not see the cross. They say that the Lord comes, but they do not love His Mother, and dishonor her.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 07-01-1978



… Honor the cross. The cross is the Christian life. Not as it is during this time, for you bind the cross to your neck with a thread or a necklace and you say that you are spiritual, but you do no longer have life.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-02-1978



… My loved people, you are to carry an axe instead of a cross; you will carry a hatchet instead of a cross; you will carry a sign on your head instead of a cross. (The sign of the communism, r.n.). And you should know that he, who forsakes his cross, will die; he will die once for all. Woe to the man who will be deprived of this sign!


… Someone said: „I do not believe that my daughter will not succeed. I do not believe that my son will not succeed. They are very intelligent!” It is not the science that lifts you to a degree, but only one single secret cross, and many have used great wealth for one single cross.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14-07-1978



… Happy for thousand and thousand times is that Christian who believes and who listens to these words, as wherever he goes and wherever he travels the Lord is with him. Do not look with the body to see the spirit for the body has no power to see the spirit, but only when it is fulfilled what the Revelations says.


… Come to your senses for all are at the end. Nothing more is added. All have come to an end. Be ready for the Lord, Jesus Christ is knocking at the door. The Lord is speaking spiritually. It is not the beginning but the ending, for many will be worked out for this time being and many will be seen. Happy for thousand times he who did not see and believed, for the time has come for him to be paid for his spiritual faith; the time has come for him to be paid for his spiritual behavior; the time has come for each one to take his work from own things.


… Be careful, because as much as I speak, many holy words escape not getting into your hearts, God’s building. As the Father said to John, the Baptizer: «This is My beloved Son, that I am well pleased with», the same way it is said now: „This is the work of God, that He was pleased to give it to His people so that it may prepare itself for the heavenly kingdom”, as not all the faith is holy and known; not every faith leads you to God. The holy faith is only that which is sanctified by the Holy Spirit and by the holy cross.


… I ask the Christian women to be prude. When you get out of your bed in the morning, wash your eyes and make a canon, an unsettled, pray and sing and only afterwards put your hand on those you need in your courtyard and in the house. Do not value the sleep more than the Lord. Do not value your bodies more than your spirits. Teach your children not to ask you for food before worshiping and washing. Give the babies in diapers wafer and holy water.


… Son, here, they of today have plotted to leave only one church of a hundred; to leave only one monastery of a hundred. And they will take the holy relics and put into a museum and all their life on a cover, but they will not be able to do it. I say: let him who dare do this thing be cursed. It is a little more time and the friendship of the countries will be over. (The Communist countries from „The Socialist International”, r.n.). It is a great bustle, sons, on all earth. Not even ants bustle as this world bustles, and it is not in costumes; rather it is naked.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 26-08-1978  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



… The Lord, Jesus Christ, did not despise the wood of the cross, and it has remained sanctified by the Blood of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And the spirit of Zacchaeus was sanctified by His word when Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11-09-1978



… A wind from west and north brought unclean spirits; it brought them by planes, by trucks, by trains and by all means of transport to destroy you in your country, in your house. Do you see what he did; the one who wanted to be master over Romania and a friend with many people? (Ceauşescu, r.n.). Behold, they will also come into your houses if you are not faithful. Your cross will bring them death and they will not be stuck to your house, and this cross will eat up the evil ones. You are asked: „Put away from your house everything that is being brought to your destruction, as everything will be destroyed”. Did you hear? Keep in mind these words.

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