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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Nineteen

Cat opened her eyes the next morning, light was shining through the window. She was curled up against Eric’s side, her head resting on his chest, Eric had his arm wrapped around her and his legs intertwined with hers. She breathed in his manly scent. She couldn’t believe they had gotten married so quickly. She was now his wife. Laying a hand on her stomach. Their family already growing in her belly. They had decided to have a honeymoon, just not yet. It was short notice for Eric to get away so suddenly and he had meetings scheduled over the coming weeks. Jo was working on clearing two weeks in his calendar so they could escape. Unfortunately Cat still had to deal with Claudia at work. One could only hope she would get a transfer or just decide to leave. Cat didn’t wish the woman harm she just wanted her away from her and Eric. It made her uncomfortable that Eric still worked closely with the other woman. Just because he had broken things off with Claudia didn’t mean his feelings went away. Like her feelings had still been strong for Eric even though she had ended things. She never stopped loving him. Cat frowned, really Cat had left Eric because of his distance and his inability to commit. Yes, they had married but he was still emotionally distant. She hoped one day he would grow to love her as she loved him. It happened all the time with arranged marriages. Arranged marriages had a better chance of lasting, more so than passionate head over heels in love marriages. Maybe that’s how she had to look at their marriage. Yes he was marrying her because she was pregnant but like an arranged marriage they would work on the rest over time. She hoped and prayed.  “Figured it all out yet?”Eric’s husky sleepy voice asked her. Looking up Cat hadn’t realised he was awake, lost in her own thoughts. “What?” Eric moved the red hair off her face “You would often spend your first waking moments solving the worlds problems…. Well at least yours.” Leaning forward he kissed her on the lips. “Anything I can help with?” Keeping her glaze fixed on his, Cat shook her head “No.” “Are you upset about not being able to get away straight away?” He asked concerned “No, I understand. You have a lot on your plate right now and we did get married in a hurry.” Running his hand up her side to play with her hair. “Jo should have it cleared soon. If I haven’t had so many appointments booked. I have already off loaded some meetings that I’m not really needed for. It was just bad timing. I just didn’t want to delay the wedding.” Cat smiled “I’m just glad we have today off. How bad would it be if we turned up for work today.”  “It wouldn’t do my reputation any good that’s for sure.” Eric smirked Laughing Cat slid out of bed grabbing her silk wrap. “Hey… who said it was time to get up. What if I wanted to seduce my sexy wife this morning.” Smiling at him “Well, this sexy wife is hungry.” Pulling her wrap on and knotting the belt she winked at him tapping her belly “I’m going to feed your children.” Turning Cat went into the bathroom before leaving Eric in the bedroom.  Walking into the kitchen Cat opened the fridge thinking about what they could eat this morning. They didn’t have to rush into work. That would come tomorrow. Just two days then they would have the weekend. Studying the contents of the fridge. She could make crepes with bacon and eggs, hearing Eric walk into the room she asked without looking “how do you feel about crepes or I could make omelettes” turning to look at him. He had his phone to his ear. “Claudia! I’m sure this can wait until tomorrow…. Be that as it may…….then why didn’t you make sure I signed the documents on Monday……… yes I understand…….” Cat closed the fridge door losing her appetite at hearing Eric side of the conversation. If he leaves her today to head into work, she will not be responsible for her actions. She wasn’t going to stand here and listen to that woman manipulate Eric into the office. Walking away from him straight into the bedroom again crossing to the bathroom. She was going to take a shower, setting the water Cat dropped her wrap and stepped into the shower under the spray. She really hoped this isn’t how their life was going to be. Claudia calling and Eric jumped. Because she knew Claudia would do anything and everything to come between them. Quickly washing Cat stepped from the shower and towel dried off, walking out into the bedroom she moved into the walk-in wardrobe grabbing jeans and a navy t-shirt and underwear. Standing in her underwear Cat ran a brush through her hair then dressed. Leaving her feet and face bare. Headed for the kitchen again hoping Eric was off the phone, she had only been gone 5 to 8 minutes tops. As Cat reentered the kitchen she saw Eric off the phone. Eric was standing at the kitchen island frying bacon and mushrooms. Beside him was a bowl of eggs ready to put onto the stove for the scrambled eggs. Smiling at her, Eric placed a cup of tea in front of one chair facing him at the island. Sitting down picking up her tea she waited. Because she was damned if she was going to ask. “Someone is going to be coming around for me to sign some paperwork.” Eric said at last Surprised Cat looked up from her cup.  Leaning forward Eric pulled a wet strand of her hair running it through his fingers before dropping it. Turning instead to pour the eggs into a frying pan. “Baby, it’s the day after we got married. I’m not going into the office unless it’s  a major disaster. It’s bad enough we are going in tomorrow. Someone can come here. I pay their wages. If I want someone to come to me, then they will.” Cat’s heart swelled, Claudia hadn’t gotten him to do her bidding. Score one Cat, zero Claudia. It will be interesting over the coming months how she will try and manipulate Eric. She no longer felt sorry for the woman. She was a cold heartless bitch and Eric had had a lucky escape.  Eric added “It just means if you want to go out it will have to wait until after they turn up. I told Claudia, I wanted them here within the hour. Before this popped up I was going to suggest we go out for breakfast.” Smiling at her as he dished up “instead I’m cooking for you.” Smiling at him for being  so sweet. They could make this work if he kept this up.  “I didn’t have any plans today. What did you have in mind” taking a bit of the scrambled eggs. God the man could cook. “Hmm, I might just keep you around for your ability to cook alone.” Laughing Eric leaned forward kissing her. “I feel so used.” Eric pouted  Cat laughed then gave a unladylike snort “Just remember it’s not just me your feeding.” Tapping her stomach. Grinning “If we stay here today, you won’t get out of bed for most of the day. Only enough time to eat.” Eric gave her a lecherous grin. “I would like to go out today. How about we find a nice place to have lunch by the beach. We could even drive down to Wollongong. They have some beautiful beaches down there and then find a nice seafood place by the ocean. We can make a real day of it.” “Ok sounds good. But you must be feeling better if your thinking of lunch when you are eating your breakfast. Which I can tell you is a real relief. I have been worried about you not eating enough. No everyone was worried.” Eric pointed out. Touching the side of his face “I’m not feeling sick.” Looking at her almost empty plate “and I was hungry. The doctor did say this would happen.”  “It’s just good to see.” picking up her plate he added “go finish getting ready I’ll do the dishes.”  “No” grabbing the plates from him “ you cooked, plus I have showered already. You go shower while I clean up, hopefully by the time you are finished the person from the office will be here. I only have to put on shoes.” “Ok Baby.” Kissing her one last time before he headed off. Cat got to work cleaning the kitchen. As she finished up the doorbell rang. Cat called out to Eric “I’ll get it” as she crossed the floor to open the front door. Almost wanting to slam it again on Claudia’s face once she saw who was standing there. You have got to be fucking kidding me! Cat thought Sighing Cat said “wait here please I’ll get Eric.” not giving the woman a chance to speak or inviting her in. Before walking away. Claudia was dressed in a low cut body hugging red dress that showed off all her assets and matching red four inch heels, her hair was perfectly styled and makeup flawless. Mindful of her clean face, jeans and t shirt she felt almost homely next to her.  “Eric”  she said walking into the bedroom. “Claudia is here with the paperwork.” Frowning he looked up “Claudia?” Walking into the bathroom Cat said over her shoulder “that’s what I said.” Closing the door after her.

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