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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Twenty One

Cat stirred blinking her eyes open, she was laying on her side with Eric curled around her back, his heavy arm resting around her middle and hand cupping her breast. Early morning light streamed through the window across the room bathing them in its glow. Cat thought about yesterday and their trip home, she had tried again to explain her concerns about Claudia, how she would say nasty things to people and have unrealistic demands. Without mentioning the things she had said and done to Cat personally, if she talked about them it would just sound like jealousy on her part because of Eric dating Claudia. When Eric still didn’t take her worries seriously, Cat told him out of frustration, she even thought the woman was acting like a stalker. At this point Eric had laughed at her. He had an answer for everything, including Claudia turning up at their apartment. Saying Claudia had explained that, she had wanted to make sure it had been done in a timely manner due to how time sensitive the document had been. Cat called bullshit at this point saying Claudia should have made sure they had been signed before he left the office if she was that worried. For the rest of the trip home it had been a stony silence. Eric just thought she didn’t like Claudia, saying in the end that “You don’t have to like someone to work with them Cat, if they are good at their job, that’s all that should matter.” Cat snorted at this crossing her arms over her chest and keeping her mouth shut for the rest of the journey home. Eric hadn’t allowed her to sulk long, after their had gotten home. Frowning now, God! she was easy, she had let him completely sex her out of her pout. He had been his normal demanding self and she had loved every second of it. Cat looked at the bedside clock to check the time. Seeing the alarm wasn’t going to go off for another 25 minutes. She smiled, maybe she could wake him up in more ways than one. Thinking about sliding down his body and enjoying herself on his morning erection was a good start, heat pooled in her womb.  Before she could put her thoughts into actions, Eric moved lifting her leg and sliding his growing erection straight into her core, Cat gasped and then groaned. Eric moved his mouth to her ear, placing a kiss there before saying “Morning baby.” pulling out almost all the way before thrusting into her in three quick movements, then pausing. Cat reached to grab the hand now teasing her nipple, gasping out at Eric “Your evil, I could have been asleep.” Eric laughed huskily “But I knew you weren’t, I know when your thoughts turn dirty as well wife.” Pulling at her nipple followed by a few more thrusts of his hips, making Cat cry out. Eric explained “you got flushed all over and your breathing accelerated, I do believe this pregnancy has made you quite horny. I like how sensitive your breasts are and that I can make you come just by sucking them.” Cat groaned he didn’t need to suck her breasts at the moment just his husky words, his hand at her nipple and his penis not moving inside her was enough. Cat was so hot and burning up but the peak was just out of reach. Planting a hand on the bed, she used the leverage to push back needing more. “Stop talking and take me.” Cat cried, then whimpered as he thrusted into her again three more times before pausing. Oh my god he was killing her. Crying out “Eric please. Stop teasing me.” “I thought women hated quickies Cat, I’m just taking my time.” “Oh god!” Laying facing away from Eric, she had nothing she could touch to make him move faster, his balls out of her reach due to the arm pinning her down. So she used the only thing she could, her internal muscles, Cat tightened her muscles around his penis making him groan “Fuck!” Cat grinned and did it again and again. “You play dirty.” Eric growled out. Rolling her onto her stomach without leaving her body, both his legs in between hers. He lifted her up on her knees then spanked her ass then said “Maybe you need another lesson about who is in charge here.”  Smiling Cat squeezed her muscles again because things had started to move along now, so just maybe this time she had the power. Squeezing him again to prove her point. “Holy fuck! I curse the day I told you about that little trick.” Before rolling his hips and thrusting into her hard and fast “I’m sorry baby, play time is over.” Before grabbing her hip and slamming into her non stop. He was hitting her just where she needed it, the angle was just right. “Oh god, yes faster.” She cried out as Eric pushed himself into her harder hitting her G spot, Cat shattered and cried out in release, her muscles clamping down on him by themselves now, making Eric groan holding her hips even tighter and moving an a frenzied rhythm to find his own release, one…. two.. three, shouting out her name before collapsing onto her back, both of them breathing hard. After a few seconds Cat groaned out “Don’t know if I have the energy for work now.” Laughing Eric pulled himself up and out of her, getting up from the bed he turned Cat and lifted her into his arms. “Come on let’s shower together, we can make sure we both stay standing.” Grumpily Cat agreed “ Fine but keep your lecherous hands to yourself. I think the CEO of Logan’s holdings inc will have a problem with his staff turning up late because of having sex.” Cat giggled Eric put her down outside the shower stall, leaning in to turn it on. Grinning wickedly back at her “oh I don’t know. I think he would be ok about it.” “Really? Maybe I should send out a memo.” “Only if the memo is to me, you red headed witch.” Spanking her bottom gently, then pulling her into the shower with him, crowding her against the tile wall. Planting his mouth hard and fast on her lips. After a few heated moments he pulled away. Kissing her forehead. Eric Groaned “We really don’t have time today, I have meetings lined up all day.” Cat whispered “Sucks to be you.” Pushing him away from her playfully, turning her back on him and started washing her body. The movement coursed her hip to rub against his growing erection. Cat honestly hadn’t done it on purpose. Smiling to herself 2 hours later sitting at her desk. They had arrived together this morning to the office and they had arrived late because Eric hadn’t controlled himself in the shower this morning.  Allison stepped from her office “Katherine do you know if we put the file for last years annual charity ball in the storage room or did we keep it here. I need to contact a few people from the entertainment we had that night. I was thinking we might use them again. What do you think?” Cat got up from her chair “They did a really great job. I think most people don’t care if it’s the same entertainment, providing it’s enjoyable.” Thinking for a minute Cat added. “I’ll check the filing cabinet but I’m sure I filed it in the storage room. I’ll get it and bring it to your office.” Allison smiled in gratitude adding “No rush, I have to leave anyway. I’m going to check out that woman’s refuge we are thinking about donating to. Don’t forget the storage room door is broken, maintenance has arranged someone to come fix it tomorrow.” “I won’t.” Cat looked in their filing cabinet, not finding the file she headed down the hall to this floors shared storage room. As she neared the door which was already propped open with a box of files. She spied Claudia coming towards her the other way.  Cat mumbled under her breath “Here we go again.” Claudia had a sour expression on her face a she stopped in front of Cat, stopping her from entering the storage room. “It wasn’t very professional of you to delay Eric this morning Cat. I have never known him to think bedding a woman was more important than running his business.” Ever since Eric had asked her to marry him Claudia’s clothes had become very daring at work, Cat would say almost inappropriate. Today’s outfit was a tight fitting black number, sleeveless, low cut and mid thigh. Smugly Cat said “I’m sorry you have never satisfied a man enough to make him want to stay in your bed Claudia.” “Why you little slut.” Claudia hissed “Please remember I’m now your bosses wife and I will not tolerate this behaviour towards me any longer.” Moving forward Cat got into Claudia’s personal space “Now if you don’t mind, I have work to do. So get out of my fucking way.” Pushing right passed Claudia knocking her shoulder, with head held high Cat walked into the storage room. Cat’s heart was pounding, she never like confrontation but she was damned if she would take Claudia’s bullshit anymore. Cat opened the filing cabinet that kept Allison’s files, as she opened the drawer she heard a scraping noise, as she turned her head she saw the box that had been keeping the door open, pushed inside the room and the door. Closing … knowing it was broken and would lock her in, Cat rushed across the room but she missed catching the door as it closed. Cat hit the door with her fist, yelling out “You fucking bitch.” Knowing full well who had locked her in the room. Dead silence! The storage rooms are sound proof with extra fire protection. No one could hear her, her phone was on her desk and Allison had left for the day. “I’m going to kill you when I get out of here, you crazy stalker.” Hitting the door one last time before sinking to the ground her back against the door.

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