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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Twenty Two

Cat couldn’t believe the stupid woman had done this to her, granted Cat had no proof. She hadn’t seen Claudia push the box out of the way, due to her back being turned away. Cat knew it had been Claudia, no one else had been in the hallway at the time and the box full of paperwork was way too heavy to be pushed out of the way by the door.  “This is all your fault Eric!” Cat yelled out, because it was. It was his fault that he didn’t see what a crazy bitch Claudia is and now because he hadn’t taken Cat seriously, she was stuck in a storage room for god knows how long. Thank god the light was on. Cat didn’t have a watch on, because she checked the time from her iPhone. Cat worked out the time to be around 10:45am, because of Eric’s busy day planned they hadn’t decided to get lunch together, so he would only figure out she was missing at 5pm and Allison hadn’t told her if she would be back. Honestly would Allison be concerned if Cat wasn’t at her desk if she did arrive back? She might think Eric had taken her somewhere. Being newly married and the bosses wife. Sighing in frustration. She couldn’t do anything until someone found her, all she could do was think of ways she was going to murder that fucking crazy bitch. Placing her arms across her bent knees Cat rested her head against her arms. Sitting on the hard floor was going to start hurting her bum very soon and she really should get up and find something more comfortable to sit on. But she just sat there. How was she going to prove Claudia had done this to her. No witnesses, not even herself. Eric would need proof before he dealt with this. Because now Claudia hadn’t just said nasty things this had gone way to far. She had now endangered Cat and her babies. It wasn’t like Claudia didn’t know there was a problem with the door, everyone on all floors had got the memo to let them know it was broken, just in case. So Claudia had known what she was doing. Cat got up from her position at the door, she might as well go through Allison’s filing cabinet and do a clean out of anything not needed. First up though she pulled out the file that Allison had requested.  Hours later sweaty and hungry Cat had gone through not only Allison’s filing cabinet but also date ordered all other filing boxes in the storage room. During this time she had worked herself up in a good mad, ready to beat the shit out of both Claudia and Eric. It could do with the fact she was hungry and needed something to drink and boy didn’t she need to use the bathroom…..more than anything that was playing on her mind. She wondered what time it was, she couldn’t last much longer, Cat had prepared herself that she just might have to go here. She had found a container to go in, if it really came to that. Cat pulled a face she hoped not. Starting to pace back and forth In the space of the storage room, trying to take her mind off the need to pee. Until it just became to much, Cat walked over to the plastic container, about to pull up her skirt when she heard the door open. Cat hurled around in time to see Eric frame the doorway. “Bloody hell Cat! We have been looking for you everywhere. How could you be so stupid.”Eric growled angrily.  Furious now Cat didn’t say anything, she was just so mad at Claudia….at him. She stormed up to him, pulled her hand back and slapped him across the face before pushing passed him and flying down the hall to the closest ladies toilet. Running into the first stall Cat finally sat down and relieved herself. As she sat there Cat looked at her hand, she had used to hit Eric it was red and hurt like the blue blazers. She had never hit anyone in her life before. Not sure she will again, if she hurt herself as much as she hurt them. Thank god Eric had been alone, after what he had said she would have hit him regardless she had got herself that worked up. But the embarrassment later it would have caused them both had Eric opened the door with company. Rubbing her hand, Cat flinched at the pain. “Just great.” The last thing Cat had seen as she ran from the storage room was Eric’s shocked face after she had slapped him. White mark appearing from her hand print. It would be red now. Groaning Cat knew she couldn’t stay here any longer, Eric would be waiting for her and if she took much longer he would find someone to get her out of the bathroom or come in himself. Finishing up Cat flushed the toilet then washed her hands. Taking a deep breath she exited the ladies toilets. True to form Eric was leaning up against the wall opposite the toilet door, arms folded across his chest, his face had the red print of her hand. She looked away from him and walked with purpose towards her office. Marching up to her desk Cat first picked up her iPhone touching the screen for the time to appear. 5:41pm. 7 hours that crazy bitch had left her in that storage room, until Eric had come along she had been stuck in there for 7 hours.  “Cat!....” Whirling on him, she poked him in the chest after each word shot from her mouth “I’m… angry….hungry….dirty….sweaty…..don’t….mess….with….me.” Turning Cat picked up her bag swinging back to face him to find Eric regarding her like she was unhinged. “You can take me home, so I can shower and you can feed me.” walking out the door in front of him “and then I will tell you what happened and you better believe me or I’ll do something about it myself.” Eric tried to get her to talk to him on the way home. But she refused until she had calmed down, she didn’t want to sound like a mad woman. So would eat and shower after that she would feel normal.  One hour and forty five minutes later Cat was showered and fed thanks to the local Italian restaurant. Eric was currently cleaning their dinner plates and other utensils. Finishing up he turned to her sitting at the breakfast bar. Cat lifted an eyebrow to see what he would say first. Because when he had found her in the storage room, she hadn’t been very impressed by the first words out of his mouth. She was hoping now he would do better. Eric leaned against his side of the breakfast bar, grabbing hold of both her hands in his. “I was worried when I couldn’t find you today. No one had seen you at all. It wasn’t until in the end I called mum and she said that you had headed for the storage room with the broken door. She also pointed out, that had been well before lunch. Care to explain what happened?” At least she wasn’t stupid now! This time he was calmer, then again so was she, mad at Claudia but glad to be out of the storage room. “Was Claudia at the office all day?” Cat asked him first. Eric frowned not sure where this was going “Just answer the damn question Eric, was Claudia at the office all day today? Did you ask her had she seen me? Was she helping in the search?” Breathing in deeply Eric rubbed his chin making the hairs on his chin rasp “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Unfucking believe-able “Then you need to fire her sorry ass.” “Why?” Eric demanded  “Because I had a confrontation with Claudia just before I walked into the storage room, which she called me a slut! by the way, she saw me walk into that room, then do you know what that crazy bitch did. She locked me the fuck in there.” Pulling her hands from his. Maybe she wasn’t as calm as she should be or thought she was. “Now you can believe or don’t, because at this point I don’t care. But I’ll tell you now the next time I see that woman, I’m going to slap her harder than I slapped you. She not only endangered me, she put your unborn children in danger. Now you think about that. I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you. I’m your wife.” Not giving him time to reply, Cat turned and  walked into the spare bedroom and locked the door. Laying down on the bed she started to cry. Today had been a bitch. Eric knocked on the door “Cat! Open the door, let’s talk.” No more talking Cat thought. 

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