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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Twenty Three

The car atmosphere was tense the next morning. But during the ride, Eric reached over to grab one of her hands in his. “Everything will be ok.” Lifting her hand and he kissed her palm, before laying her hand on his thigh. “There are some things we need to talk about and stuff I need to explain, I wished we had talk last night.” But she had locked him out, that was left unsaid. “ I need to sort things out today, stay near the office  Also keep your phone handy.” Holding her hand still on his thigh only lifting his away to change gears.  “Cat, I was really worried yesterday. I don’t want anything like that happening again.” Eric didn’t elaborate anymore as they arrived at the underground parking of Logan holdings inc. as Eric parked the car in his spot he leaned over kissing her sweetly. It soon became heated after a few minutes he pulled away. “I’m stopping now before security walk by and catch us. You know what gossip is like in a office building.” Eric said breathing hard. “We are leaving at 3pm today, it’s the earliest I can leave. We have a lot to talk about and it can’t wait any longer.” Cat knew they had to deal with the Claudia situation, but he sounded like it was much more than that, they had been getting along well, until she slapped him that is. They hadn’t talked about that, her hand still smarted. His face looked clear so she hadn’t done any damage. “Ok, I’ll let Allison know I need to leave early.” Cat whispered. Leaning his forehead against her and grabbing the back of her neck. “I need you to stay safe today, I know your angry but do me a favour stay away from Claudia.” Cat tensed, was he worried that if she approached and confronted Claudia she would get hurt or was he worried about his precious Claudia. “Please.” He stressed feeling her muscles tense up. Cat would leave this for now. He was right they did have a lot to talk about and she wouldn’t put up with Claudia’s behaviour any longer. Eric was going to have to choose. “Alright! Alright! I’ll stay away from Claudia.” Eric released her after a quick kiss. They got out of the car and enter the car park lift. Stopping at her floor Eric squeezed her hand as she exited the elevator. Giving him a small smile she left him as the doors started to close. Walking down the hall she found a well built man in a dark suit stationed outside her and Allison’s offices. “Can I help you.” Cat asked him politely as she drew near.  “No Mrs Logan. I’m from security.” “Oh? Are you waiting for Allison? I’m sorry what was your name?” Surprised he knew who she was. “My name is Peters. No! I’m on duty here today.” He mumbled  He was a man of few words and little explanation. Sighing Cat walked into her office placing her bag on her desk, before knocking on Allison’s opened door. Allison looked up, phone to her ear, she beckoned Cat into the office, mouthing  “just a minute”. Cat nodded, stepping  into the room waiting only a moment before Allison finished her phone call. Cat asked straight away “do you know anything about Peters outside?” Allison nodded then explained “Eric rang me last night, Adam Peters is here for the next few days, it’s for protection Katherine. After yesterday are you really surprised. Eric told me what you told him. I just couldn’t believe she would push things that far. You must have been so worried.”   “You believe me without proof?” Cat asked Allison. Allison lifted a brow at Cat’s surprise“Of course I do. I never liked Claudia, there was always something off. Katherine, you have never lied to me and are the sweetest person, why would you make something like that up. Does Eric have doubts?” She asked. “Honestly Allison I don’t know.” Not sure on how much to share with her mother in law. “We didn’t talk last night and I ended up slapping Eric yesterday, when he let me out of the storage room.”  Allison looked shocked and then laughed “I’m sorry I know it’s not funny, but my boy has never had a woman stand up to him like you do. I would have loved to see his face after that.” Cat covered her mouth and giggled along with Allison  “It’s not something I have done before or I think I would ever do again, my hand still hurts.” “Well this is all a mess of Eric’s own making, so it’s his responsibility to fix it.” Allison reassured her. “Then is Peters here to protect me or make sure the next time I see Claudia I don’t kill her.” Cat asked. “I would say to protect you and your unborn children, Eric was quite rattled last night on the phone did you know he called me” Allison questioned. “No, I had a shower and dinner, then told Eric what had happened, then locked myself in the spare room.” Cat admitted  “Oh dear! Well it will do him good. I know he is my son but he gets things his way a little to often in my book.”  Uncomfortable for sharing so much with Allison, Cat excused herself. Heading to her desk she could see Peters standing outside the door to the hall. She wondered how far this would go. Deciding to put it to the test, Cat exited her office and headed to the storage room, she hadn’t picked up the file Allison wanted from the storage room last night, she might as well get it now. As she walked down the hall Adam Peters fell in behind her. Rolling her eyes, you have got to be kidding me. Did she have a full time shadow now? Cat ignored him stepping into the storage room. The door was propped open again, inside the room two men had tools out fixing the lock. Smiling at them she moved passed and picked up the file on top of Allison’s filing cabinet. Spinning around she found Peters right behind her. “Peters I know you are doing your job but you could have waited outside the room for me.” gesturing towards the room “You can see no crazy bitch here.” Before walking around the huge bodyguard and heading back out the room and towards the offices, with her shadow right behind her. Cat went straight to her desk, picked up her office phone and rang Eric’s office, Jo picked up after two rings “Eric Logan’s office, Joanna speaking how may I help you.” Jo’s sweet voice filled the line. “Hi Jo, it’s Cat is Eric available please?” “Oh Cat! What the hell is going on? Claudia is in her office with HR and Eric is in his with Security?” Surprised “I was ringing to find out why Eric had set a watch dog on me? But it sounds like I might have to wait, unless you can ask Eric if he can talk to me now?.”  “I don’t think so Cat, before he slammed his door, Eric yelled out he didn’t want to be interrupted for any reason.” Jo said uncertainly “Do you know anything at all.”  Cat didn’t want to get Jo involved in this and by telling her what had happened yesterday with Claudia, it was sure to get Jo involved. Being Jo she would storm into Claudia’s office, HR person or not and bitch slap the woman. Then Jo would be without a job. Granted she didn’t need it but she liked working here. “I’m not sure what’s going on, sorry Jo. Can you ask Eric to call me once he is free.” Mournful that Cat didn’t know anything she agreed before adding “Oh I almost forgot, are you ok after yesterday? Eric was so worried.” “I’m fine Jo, I just did some spring cleaning while I was stuck in the storage room.” Cat didn’t explain, how she got stuck in there in the first place. Before she could ask anymore questions Cat said “I better go Allison is waiting on a file.”  “Ok, let’s have lunch next week, say Tuesday?” Jo suggested “That sounds great.” Cat hung up.  She took the file into Allison, not telling her what she had found out by Jo and went back to her own desk and sat down. What did it all mean. Eric was with security! Why was he meeting with them? It suddenly came to her, slapping her hand to her forehead. All hallways had security cameras, why hadn’t she thought of that last night. That made Claudia’s actions even crazier, she knew about the cameras. This just proved how unhinged the woman really was. Oh well, looks like she did have proof after all. The interesting thing was Claudia was currently with HR already. Was that before or after Eric had seen the video?

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