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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Nine

2 months later Cat hurried across the foyer at Logan holdings inc Sydney office, Cat was running late for work, how she missed having her own car, public transport sucked. Stepping into the waiting lift, letting out a sigh of relief, only to silently groan, when she realised who she was sharing the elevator with, I think everyone has a work nemesis, Claudia was hers. Cat had first thought the other woman hadn’t known about Eric and Cat’s affair, during the last two months Claudia’s snide remarks, also comments had indicated that she had known, it wasn’t a secret to everyone, whether she had figured it out on her own or Eric had told her, Cat wasn’t sure, honestly didn’t care, the woman was a class “A” bitch, Cat should have told Eric what she thought of Claudia, also the things she had witnessed when he wasn’t around, now if she told him or anyone she would seem like she was jealous or trying to cause trouble. Claudia had never liked her, but then she  treated most women under thirty with distain, Cat had hoped that after the first few run in’s, Claudia would say a few nasty things then just leave her in peace, even though she let most of what Claudia said not effect her, it was nonstop the woman couldn’t let anything go. Cat tried to ignore Claudia not even acknowledging that she shared the lift with the other woman.  “You have no hope now!” Cat turned to look at the other woman at her statement, raising an eyebrow in question not having the faintest idea what the stupid woman was going on about now. “Sorry….” Cat said confused  “Have you seen today’s paper? I would say your chances are pretty slim now, so why don’t you just leave the company.” Claudia snapped. “The old woman only hired you to set you up with her son, do you really think you would have got the job any other way.” Cat was to understand the old woman that Claudia was talking about was Allison! How dare this horrible woman speak about her this way. Claudia laughed before adding”Eric really doesn’t want you around, he only kept you working here, because his mother wouldn’t let it go.” The doors opened, then Claudia pushed past Cat, turning as she exited the elevator, Claudia threw what looked like her newspaper at Cat “enjoy reading.”Before storming away, Cat caught the paper, one did instinctive react, when someone threw something at them, she really wasn’t interested in the woman’s mind games.   Cat couldn’t believe she hadn’t said anything, what could she say, she had decided not to encourage the topic with anyone including Allison or Jo. Sighing Cat stepped off the lift before the doors could close, and headed to Allison’s office, stopping at her desk, Cat put her handbag away first, then she unfolded the newspaper knowing before she did, she instinctively wouldn’t like what she would see, but she did it anyway, Claudia had left the paper folded on the page of most importants, nice of her, Cat snorted that woman didn’t have a nice bone in her body. The paper was the events page, the who’s who of Sydney, there in full colour was Eric with his arm around a very beautiful Claudia, her blonde hair set perfectly In a updo, flawless make up, her dress was scarlet red, if it was cut any lower or any tighter she would have fallen out of it. The picture caption was: “Eric Logan, has been seen out on the town with  different women over the last few months, it was suspected that Eric had a mystery Lady hidden away, after Eric was missing from the public scene for eight months prior. But our wonder boy is back and playing the field or set his sights on the very beautiful Miss Claudia Robertson, they have been seen out and about four times in the last two weeks, Maybe Claudia has been the one keeping Eric busy the last eight months! Will we be hearing other news soon! We will be keeping our ears opened” God! that woman was a bitch, she just couldn’t let it go, Cat dropped the offending Newspaper in her trash can and sat down to start work, Allison had a string of meetings across town today and wouldn’t be back to the office until 1pm,  Coming back to work after quitting had been easier than Cat had thought, she honestly didn’t think she would stay after the trial, Eric had gone away to his London office almost straight away, with Claudia following him a few days later, when they had returned Eric had then been called away, for an emergency in his New York branch, Claudia hadn’t gone on that trip unfortunately, the whole office breathed a sigh of relief when that woman wasn’t around. She had only seen Eric a handful of times since the breakup, those times had been hard for Cat, knowing how she still felt for him, he had treated her with total indifference, hardly even acknowledging her presents. Painful but what she had requested, Eric was doing exactly what she had asked of him. Allison and Cat had had a long talk about everything, it seemed Eric’s mother had even known about them, so much for secrets, she had really hoped that things had been more serious, Allison really wanted grandchildren, Eric was her only child. When Cat had asked why Allison hadn’t let on she had known, Allison had simply shrugged and said “you would have told me when you were ready, dear.” After that talk they had an understanding that Eric was a no go topic unless it was work related. Allison really was a nice woman and didn’t want to upset Cat in anyway. Cat had noticed the changes in Logan holdings over the last few months, she may not be directly involved with most parts of the business, due to working for Allison, she heard people talk, and listened to conversations in the lift and hallways, Eric had started to shift workloads onto his executive staff, delegating and allowing everyone to do their job. It made Cat wonder with a sick feeling if now he had someone he wanted to spend time with, Lessing in his load to free up time? After the hints from Claudia and the blurb in the papers was it true, thinking about it would she want an ex lover working with Eric if she was in Claudia’s position, if they are truly an item. Tears welled in Cat’s eyes, she had so wanted to be Eric’s one, even though he had never promised forever, she had fallen in love with him almost before they had started. Maybe she should move on, or go home and find a job in Cowra, could she go on working here, seeing Eric with someone else. Cat’s heart ached at the thought.  At lunch Cat wasn’t hungry, which wasn’t anything new, in the last two months Cat had lost five kilos, which being slim anyway she could ill afford, the weight loss came off everywhere but her bust, being a D cup that was one place she would have been happy to lose some weight, even when she eat, she still lost weight, her eyes were hollow and her hair was limp, keeping it pulled away from her face in a knot for work, Cat used more makeup than she had ever used and she couldn’t seem to shake this flu, it had lingered for three weeks, part of the reason she didn’t eat, everything tasted and smelled horrible. The other side effect of the flu was the headaches, Cat had one now it was really bad today, maybe she should take something, mostly Cat tried to work through them, thinking about a glass of water. Cat stood up only to feel dizzy, trying to grab the desk for support, missing it as blackness overtook her mind, just as she lost consciousness, Cat realised she wasn’t going to fall, as a pair of familiar strong arms saved her from hitting the floor.     “Katherine? Katherine, come on dear, wake up?” Allison voice was insistent Cat lifted a hand to her head “oh.. my head.”she moaned almost to herself, opening her eyes to find Mrs Logan sitting next to her on the sofa, in Allison’s office, looking confused Cat asked “What happened?”  “You passed out.” Allison replied gently, placing a damp cloth across Cat’s forehead “did you hit your head?” Cat took a moment to try and remember what had happened, no she hadn’t hit her head, she was sure of that, only her head ached because of the headaches and  today’s had been a real bitch. “ ah no! It’s just a headache, I don’t know what happened I must just be tired.” She tried to sit up only to have another dizzy spell hit, moaning she laid back down, closing her eyes.  “Katherine” Allison sounded worried “ Katherine, I’m going to get someone to take you home.” Cat didn’t respond, just laid there, it might have looked like she passed out again, Cat heard people talking not really paying to much attention, focused more on herself than what was going on around her, then one of the voices penetrated her consciousness, and she shifted focus on the conversation.  “……But Eric, is there any chance?” “No.” Came a firm reply  Eric was here, oh god!Eric was the one who had stop her from falling.  “Well, whatever is wrong she looks like hell, it can’t just be the flu like she said.” Allison stated which was the truth she did look like hell. Allison wasn’t being unkind.  Shit! This was all she needed, Eric would think she wasn’t coping without him, and she wasn’t but that didn’t mean she wanted him to know that.  “Mother it wasn’t my idea to end the relationship, I thought we had something good together.” Why would Eric sound angry about this, was it because his mother was questioning him? She have tried not to share to much with Allison for their one talk, Eric was her son and she wouldn’t say anything to hurt that relationship. “I was under the impression that we were both happy.” Eric finished frustrated. “Eric, your problem is that you have never let anyone get close since Rachel.”  Wait! What! who the hell was Rachel, Cat thought on hearing this  “Who was only after your money and the social standing being with you gave her, hasn’t Katherine shown you different, she wouldn’t use your money, the only thing she has taken from you was that car, which my understanding is she sent back when things ended and I have yet to see her in the papers or giving interviews! Now that being said I want you to take Katherine home.” In the next instance, Cat was lifted up from the sofa, luckily she didn’t cry out, Eric scent surrounded her, making her feel safe, Cat didn’t let on that she was awake, trying to see if Rachel came up again and was she the reason Eric never committed?  “Eric are you sure Katherine isn’t pregnant?” God…! Cat thought at Allison’s words  “No! Mum, Cat is on the pill.” Cat went cold all over, not that last time after their breakup.. she couldn’t be pregnant, could she? Cat tried to work out her dates, she was sure it was ok. “Alright, give Katherine my best and tell her, she better look human the next time I see her.”  Cat didn’t open her eyes, she could feel Eric moving through the hallway to the lift, hear the doors open, Eric moving to step on, when Cat heard another voice that made her cringe Internally, the wicked witch of the west herself “ Eric what? My god Eric what happened?” Obviously seeing Eric carrying Cat was a shock for Claudia. “It’s alright Claudia, Cat’s got the flu and past out.” Eric just stated the facts “Are you taking her home.” Claudia sounded a little irritated to Cat Eric breathed in heavily “That’s what it looks like.” Tired beyond belief Cat just couldn’t stay awake and fell asleep safe in Eric’s arms before the doors closed on the lift.

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