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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Seven

Cat slowly opened her eyes, she was still leaning over the sofa, Eric laid draped over her back, his head nestled in between her head and shoulder, nose pressed against her neck. Arms resting on each side of her own on the couch supporting some of his own weight because Eric was a big muscular man,there was no way she would have held his weight up by herself. Cat took stock of her predicament, she had sex for the first time tonight, on her first date with him! She couldn’t believe how easy she had been for him. Was he going to be smug how quickly they had gotten into bed together!…. Snorting silently to herself, they didn’t even make it to a bed. Her first time had been on her knees leaning over a couch with him behind her. He was still inside her, semi erect with his member twitching every so often from his release, causing her channel muscles to clamp down reminding her howstretched and sore she felt, having never been used before. He had hurt her on his first penetration, really not his fault, she had chosen not to tell him of her virginity. Why had she done that? Because if she had to be honest with herself, she truly believed her virginity would have been a turn off for someone like Eric. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t said anything.Subconsciously she had wanted him more than she was willing to admit to herself just yet. Coward! she chided inside her head. He had lost control in the end after he had asked her why and she hadn’t been able to answer, too lost in the moment and what she had been feeling, it had been rough and intense, Ericwas demanding and dominant, it had turned her on more than she would have thought possible.     In that moment before she could think if anything else, three things happened almost simultaneously , Cat wasn’t really sure on what to focus her attention on. One, Eric lifted a hand from the sofa placing it around her body and rub circles with two fingers on her clit, at the same time moving his hipsforward which pushed his growing penis into her hungry channel, then saying in her ear “ have you thought it all through yet?” guessing she had been laying there working out her situation. The stimulation of his hand and penis caused Cat to moan and arched her back into him, craving more. Eric pulled out until only the tip of his penis was still inside her, Cat thought for a moment he was leaving her body, causing her to whimper until Eric started to move with shallow penetrations into her core, moving his fingers around her nuband down, around his penis caressing her stretched skin on both sides of his growing member. Heat pooled at her core and through her whole body. Eric used his other arm to snake under her middle and lifted her upper body up with his, laying her back against his front, he then used that hand to pull her dress over her shoulders, pushed it to bunch up at her waist, then felt for and found the front fastening of her bra before removing it out of his way, his legs on either side of hers still kneeing on the floor, Eric ran his hand over her torso, up her stomach, over her right breast pulling and twisting the nipple, goosebumps appeared over her skin but she was not cold just very turned on, causing her butt to push back in an involuntary movement, Cat panted, trying to get closer to his hand at her breast, Cat curved her spine and pushed her breast into his hand crying out “Eric…” he was still only giving her shallow thrusts of his penis and it was driving her wild. He slid his hand from her breast, moving it up her neck to her jaw, turning her head to receive his kiss, Cat moaned into his mouth, Eric used this opening to slip his tongue into her mouth introducing her to his intimate kiss, savouring her taste and making love to her mouth. Hand no longer needed to hold her face, it returned to her breast, where he renewed his attention on her nipple, Cat was moving in his arms uncontrollably, reaching back with one hand she tried to pull him more fully into her body, by placing her hand on his butt and trying without success to push him forward, her other hand covered his hand on her breast making his hand totighten on her nipple causing Cat to moan. “Your so responsive, so sensitive to the slightest touch…”he whispered at her mouth moving his lips to her neck pressing open mouth kisses and bites under her ear “ your going to come for me, your going to scream” he started scissoring fingers around his penis that was stretching her core, then back to her clit rubbing, then back to where he joined his body to hers, Cat’s clit was hard and pushing out in full arousal, moisture leakeddown her legs from both his and her release, she was to far gone to care or be embarrassed. She just wanted him inside her deeper, harder, faster anything but this slow torture. Eric seemed to know more about her body than she did and knew how to intensify her response. “ Last time was too fast and this time we are going to take it slow. I had intended to move this into the bedroom, but with your tight little walls clampingdown on me like they are, I’m afraid we will be staying here for now.” Cat moaned throwing her head back onto his shoulder, how can he be talking, she was losing her mind here and he was talking. Cat tried following his fingers as they stimulated her core, again making her clamp down on his penis as he slid into her half way again. He groaned at her throat, so he wasn’t unaffected. But while she was facing away from him there wasn’t a lot she could do to help speed him up, she had no control and she didn’t have any leverage to pull him into her. Cat whimpered again, frustrated she cried out “Eric, please…. Oh god!” Cat panted. Eric moved his hand from one breast to the other to make sure her neglected nipple received some attention. Who knew that her breasts could be so sensitive and able to give so much pleasure. Cat push back against him again, “Eric! please do something.” “What? Sweetheart What do you need?” He said torturing her She tried to move her upper body away from him, thinking if she could just get her hands on the floor or the sofa, she could use the leverage to push back, making him penetrate her fully,giving her what she needed. But Eric held fast, saying in her ear “ oh no! you are not going anywhere.” Pulling at an offending nipple. The pleasure pain was unbelievable and caused Cat to clamp her internal muscles again. Eric swift intake of breath behind her, made Cat pause. The only noisesin the room was their heavy breathing. Eric wasn’t immune to her and she may not be able to pull him into her but she could use her internal muscles, maybe just enough to make him lose control like their last coupling. The fact he had lost control had really surprised Cat, because having seen him around the office and in meetings, Eric was the epiphany of control. So Cat focused on her muscles and squeezed, just as Eric pumped into her with another shallow penetration, Eric gasped and involuntarily moved in more, Cat released her muscles and clamped them onto him again “Holy Fuck!” Eric rushed out before slamming into her to the root, making her whimper with the pleasure pain. It was delicious and oh so arousing, pushing her closer to the finish line, As Eric started to withdrawal, Cat was desperate that he didn’t start the shallow thrusts again, so she clamped down on his penis. Causing Eric to curse and slam straight back into her, she felt his balls slap the underside of her legs. “Fuck Cat!” Eric breathed out “I wanted to take this slow, but you learn way too fast.” With that he moved his hand from her breast to her shoulder pushing her upper body back down on the sofa, then grabbing her hair he twisted it around his fist, pulling her head back, before moving his hand from her clit to the curve of her back and held her to the couch. Eric came almost all the way out of her, before driving home into her wet channel making her cry out, he did this twice more before leaning over her body to say in her ear, “Is this what you wanted? You’re a naughty girl! pushing me this far.” Cat whimpered at his words, who knew she would find dirty talk such a turn on. She was a wanton hussy and she didn’t care.  Eric could feel her reaction to his words, pulling her hair tighter and pressing down on her back more, so she couldn’t move, slammed into her harder, causing his balls to slap her legs, “oh god! Eric please.” She was so close, so close, she just needed him to keep going, not to pause in between every few strokes. “Your pussy is so tight around my dick, sweetheart, you are so wet, your like velvet wrapped around me, you smell so good.”with that he licked the side of her neck while pushing into her at the same time, while slamming into her over and over again, she was so close just one more…..”fucking come for me now!” He demanded, it was the last thing Cat needed to send her flying into pieces and she screamed his name, he then lifted his upper body off her own, Eric curced again, grabbing her hair and hip tighter, before heproceeded to thrust mercenary Into her body, one, two and on and on until he shouted her name.    Hours later, after a much needed shower to clean their release and virgin blood off them both, Eric and Cat lay in her bed, Eric on his side facing her. “We didn’t use anything, is it save for you?” Eric asked out of the blue, Cat tensed for a second before realising she was safe, how could she be so stupid, she couldn’t blame Eric, protection was both their responsibility. “I’m good, my period finished two days ago.” A little shy about talking with someone about this. “Good, a child isn’t what I want or need.”leaning forward he moved the hair from her face and said “ why, up until tonight had you been a virgin? Your twenty two right?” Cat looked away her family history wasn’t any of his business and not something she wanted to get into right now, so she simply said “I lived in a very conservative household before moving to Sydney and since I have been here there just hasn’t been the time to start seeing anyone.” Cat didn’t look him in the eye. Eric leaned down to kiss her lips saying. “If I had known you were a virgin before taking you tonight, I would have walked away, but now I have had you, you are mine, do you understand.”  Cat shivered, Eric could be so demanding and arrogant……….     Beep.. Beep.. Beep..   The alarm going off brought Cat back to the present, lifting her arm she hit the alarm to turn it off, she hadn’t slept and her pillow was wet again from crying… getting up, Cat headedinto the bathroom for a shower, she could call in sick but that was being cowardly she needed to face Eric sooner or later. Standing under the shower she washed her hair and body quickly, then found the first thing in her wardrobe to wear, really not interested, she dressed and pulled her wet red hair back in a ponytail low on her head. Applying much needed make up, to hide the lack of sleep and the puffiness around her eyes. Adding more makeup than she would normally wore. Today she was glad no one at the office knew about Eric and her, because she couldn’t handle any snide remarks or comments. Jo was her friend and she would sympathise notcriticise what Cat was going through. The same couldn’t be said about some of Eric’s employees, one in particular seemedto hate Cat and would take great pleasure in upsetting her. Eric’s Executive assistant Cynthia, was a nasty piece of work. She looked down on other women and could be really nasty and cutting behind Eric’s back. Cat had been in the room when Cynthia had tried to intimidate Jo and I do mean tried because no one bully Joanna around. Jo had simply waited until Cynthia had finished had boll-age of words before turning her back on Cynthia, walking out the room saying over her shoulder “Go fuck yourself Cynthia.” Jo didn’t really need her job, she worked because she enjoyed working, it gave her something to do. Her family and husband had enough money that if Jo wanted to she could spend the rest of her days in charity meetings or at the country club. The rest of us weren’t so lucky. Picking up her handbag and keys, Cat left the apartment and headed for the bus stop.   She arrived to work 45 mins later running a few minutes late due to a traffic jam on the way. Rushing into her office she dropped her handbag on her desk and walked into Allison’s office saying “Hi Allison, sorry I’m late, the traffic was murder this morning…” “That’s alright Cat, I only just sat down myself….. my god! You look like hell.” Cat gave a soft laugh, her makeup job obviously hadn’t been good enough. Before adding dryly “Thanks I needed that.” “I’m sorry dear, did you sleep at all last night?” She asked concerned  “Sort of…but honestly I’m ok, now what about a cup….” Cat was interrupted by the phone on Allison’s desk, reaching forward Cat picked up the receiver and said into the hand piece clearly “Good Morning, Mrs Logan’s Office, Katherine speaking, how may I help you?” “Cat! get yourself to my office right now!”

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