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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Eight

With Eric demand still ringing in her ear, Cat heart started to beat faster, flicking her eyes to Allison to see if she heard Eric on the other end, Thank god! Allison at this moment was going over a document in relation to yet another charity organisation wanting money from Eric’s deep pockets, it was Allison’s job to weed out the best way Logan holdings inc could help. She had to be careful what she said out loud she didn’t want Allison to know she was talking to Eric. Should she just hang up? No! Allison would think that weird behaviour and ask questions and Cat wasn’t a good liar.  So into the phone Cat said in her best impersonal phone voice “ I’m sorry Sir, today would just be to inconvenient.” Then adding without giving Eric time to answer “I have your number why don’t I call you at a better time.” Then just hung up the hand set. “Who was that.” Allison asked not really paying any attention, mind still on the paperwork in front of her. “Oh! Just another charity, that wants your time, this week you really are to busy, your in tray is overflowing.” Cat tried to act nonchalant. “That’s fine then.” Lifting the paperwork in her hands Allison said “Can you get Mr Wilson on the phone, I’m not happy about a couple of conditions in this contract and I want to talk to him before I sit down with our lawyers.” “Ok and I’ll get you a herbal tea you…..”again the phone rang, Cat tensed knowing who was on the other end. Maybe she should have dealt with him last night then she wouldn’t be worrying about everything coming out at the office. Reaching forward cat grabbed the handset again placing it against her ear saying “ Good morning, Mrs Logan’s office……” Eric cut her off before she had a chance to finish saying arrogantly “ I know who’s office I’m fucking calling Kitty, now make some excuse to my mother and get up here on the double or I’ll come down there and drag you up here myself!” “Sorry, sir but no!...” “Cat!. May I remind you who pays your wages?” Eric grounded out, she thought she could hear his teeth grinding together, Eric didn’t like anyone saying no to him. But for Cat it was the last straw,  she really did have a temper that went with her red hair, now she really didn’t care if Allison was here or not.” Well Mr Logan!” At Cat’s angry tone Allison’s head shot up to look at her in surprise. “I have no intention of coming to your office, just because you pay my wages doesn’t mean that I have to, because what you want to talk about isn’t work related, so how dare you threaten my job like that, I’m not going to give you a chance the do it again, so you know what you can do with your job and your wages Mr Logan! Shove them both where the sun doesn’t shine! You selfish bastard, Because I quit!” She slammed the phone back in the cradle, Cat’s heart was racing, but she was clear eyed being this mad, crying was the last thing she wanted to do, she wanted to yell and scream and kick someone… granted a particular someone. Cat looked at Allison finally, who sat in her chair eyes wide, staring at Cat “Well it was nice working for you Allison, I can’t stay here and work with your son in the same building” adding as an after thought “ Sorry!” Cat was out the door before Allison could respond, running to her des she grabbed her handbag, bolted into the hallway, hitting the elevator button until it turn up, saying over and over again come on, come on. When it finally arrived Cat rushed passed the doors before they had fully opened and hit the close button, then ground floor. Once on the ground floor Cat walked swiftly out the front doors and rounded the corner, once there she leant against the building taking stock, and tried slowing her breathing and her temper, after I few minutes Cat could start to think again. What the hell had she just done? Oh my god! I’m without a job again Cat thought before groaning. Closing her eyes Cat counted to ten then twenty. Still not carm she tried to thirty. She just needed to get home and think and work out her next move, because she had just burnt her bridges here, laughing Cat thought she had more than burnt them she had taken a flame torch to the bridge and danced on the ashes. Well Shit!  Cat couldn’t deal with the bus, she wasn’t sure on the timetable at this time of the day so she flagged down a passing taxi and jumped in. It only took 20 minutes to get to her townhouse outside of peak hour traffic, walking fast up the short drive, she turned the corner to her in closed entryway and stopped dead. Eric was leaning against her door, arms folded against his chest, glaring at her. How had he gotten here so fast? Moving forward Cat moved in front of him, lifting her head defiantly, sighing Cat said “Look Eric, everything that needed saying was said in the letter I left you.” Eric straightened away from the door looking grim, he grabbed the keys she was holding and opened her door, he then turned hooking his hand on her elbow and dragged her into the townhouse, Cat spun away from him rubbing her elbow “was that really necessary“ she snipped, Eric pocketed her keys and slammed the front door closed, making Cat jump “You said all you wanted to say! What about what I want to say?” Eric ground out, he step towards her, angry in every line of his body and word he spoke, Cat took a step back away from him, never taking her eyes from his face, Cat really didn’t think Eric would hurt her, unfortunately her childhood had taught her to be weary of men with tempers, he stalked her step for step until she came against the wall in the living room, Cat gasped as her back hit the wall, her heart rate accelerated, nervous now, Cat lifted her hands up in front of her trying to ward him off, Eric pushed into her hands like they were nothing, stopping inches from her body, quickly placing his arms on either side of her head as she tried to move away, affectively trapping her between him and the wall, adding a leg in between her softer ones and leaning his lower body against hers, making Cat gasp in shock because he was turned on. How could he be turned on? Angry she yelled in his face “ you had your chance, you had months to talk and fix things. You just never took me seriously. No! you never took us seriously, did you?” Cat tried to break free by placing her hands against his chest and pushing, Eric grabbed each of her hands in his and pinned them to the wall above her head, this caused Eric’s erection to press harder against her belly, not meaning to feel this way but Cat started to feel warm and wet, Cat started to struggled even more. “what you have an itch that needs scratching Is that why you’re here.”She couldn’t help herself adding that last bit, he was angry and Cat was worried having never seen him this mad before, She was sure Eric wouldn’t hurt her at least physically, she really didn’t want him to know how turned on she was, by his closeness and his arousal could always spark hers with little effort. At Cat’s last comment Eric’s eyes flared wide, causing him to swear under his breath, before lowering his head to capture her mouth in a brutal kiss, gathering her hands together in one of his, Eric used his free hand to keep her head still, bruising her lips. Abruptly Eric dragged his mouth away from hers, thinking for a moment he was going to let her go, Cat let out a sigh of relief, she couldn’t let him have make….. have sex with her again, she thought. Her relief was short lived, Eric wasn’t retreating, his mouth moved to her throat, travelling along with little biting kisses, Cat tried to stop a moan that started deep in her throat, but her neck had always been her weak spot, she gasped at the first touch of his hand to her breast, they were already tight with sexual anticipation. Eric played with her breast through the fabric of her button up shirt, soon giving a growl of frustration, he moved to the buttons of her shirt trying to undo the first button at her breast, not easy with just one hand, he was still holding her hands above her head with his other hand, swearing Eric grabbed the collar of her shirt a ripped it open sending buttons everywhere, pushing the offending shirt out of his way, Eric was able to open the front clasp of her bra, feasting his open mouth over one breast, while using his free hand on the other over the hard nipple, flicking it back and forward. Cat moaned, straining against him. All to urgent with need, Eric moved the hand at her breast down her side over her pencil skirt to it’s edge, making quick work of dragging it up, none to gently over her hips, lifting her leg over his hip, so his member sat right at her core. “Eric, please….” Cat begged, not sure what she was asking him for  “Please what…” Did she really want to stop him? Or was this exactly what she needed and wanted, Eric let her hands go, which she dropped to his shoulders trying half heartily to push, He didn’t hesitate moving to his belt buckle undoing it in a frenzied state, he made quick work of the button and zipper of his work pants, pushing them off his hip and down only enough to free himself, lifting her leg higher on his hip, he just pulled her underwear away from her centre and slammed into her violently, making Cat cry out…..   Minutes later Cat lifted her head from Eric’s shoulder looking him straight in the eyes saying “please put me down.” A little hysterical after what had just happened. Pushing at Eric’s shoulders harder, trying to break free, when he made no move just looked at her “ for god sake Eric! Put me down.” She demanded more forcefully, her fists beating against his chest, one of her feet hit the floor, she pushed again harder, caught by surprise Eric stepped back to balance himself, which gave Cat enough time to move away, shaking from head to toe, looking anywhere but at him, Cat moved her skirt back over her hips and tried to pull her shirt over her breasts, she couldn’t do it up, no buttons happened to be left on it. She could hear Eric dressing. “Please leave” she said at last  “Cat, don’t be silly, things got a little carried away….” Eric tried reasoning with her Cat started to laugh before he finished” a little carried away? A little, you just…. Just. My god! That wasn’t a little carried away that was ugly, and angry, that was sex, not making love or even romantic, no caring involved. Just Eric had an itch that needed scratching!. Get. Out.” Cat turned and looked at him so angry now. Eric reached out to touch her shoulder, she flinched away from him, which made him swear “God damn it Cat! Sometimes you know the right buttons to push.” Fury raced inside her, spinning around she faced him “ So you push yourself on me and it’s my fault because I know the right buttons to push….” “I didn’t push myself on you, you make it sound like…” “ Yes you did Eric, my body might have been willing but you know my mind wasn’t, yet you still took me.” She accused, at last turning away from him, Cat sat on the nearest couch, not looking his way…. I will not cry, Cat said silently adding out aloud “ Eric leave unless you want me screaming blue bloody murder.”  “I see I’m not going to get through to you, so I will leave on one condition, that you come back to work” Cat looked up startled, holding up one hand Eric said “ My mother has been ringing my mobile phone since the minute you walked out, wanting to know what I had done to you and breathing down my neck about getting you back.” Taking a deep breath he added “ you won’t have to worry about any contact from me on a personal level, if that’s the way you want it, you have made yourself more than clear.” Could she do that, she had loved working for Allison and was quite embarrassed about the way she had acted earlier today, it wouldn’t look good the fact that she had left another job so soon, she could get temp work for awhile until something came up…. It would be hard for her to work in the same building as this man feeling the way she did, she had just left Allison in the lurch, saying “I’ll give it a months trial, if it doesn’t work out, then I’ll hand in my notice giving Allison time to find a replacement. The condition being, you leave me alone Eric.”  Eric only nodded, headed to the door and walked out closing it behind him, he was gone. 

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