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Read books online » Romance » What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «What a Rich Man Wants by Billie Summer (top novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Billie Summer

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Chapter Six

Cat wasn’t sleeping and hadn’t slept since Eric had left. She turned her head enough to see the bedside clock on the night stand, the green lights showed 3:42am, great!. She was still curled into a ball staring at the wall, clutching his pillow to her chest. Her tears had stopped some time ago but her cheeks and pillow still held the evidence of her weakness. Had she done the right thing ending things with Eric? She had always promised herself that she wouldn’t do this! She wouldn’t let a man wreck havoc over her life. She knew in her heart she wasn’t her mother but still didn’t she value herself more? Then why was she questioning her decisions.  She had to face facts Eric didn’t love her, it just wasn’t the norm for women to walk away from him, that was the only reason he was so angry. Because if he had truly cared about her he wouldn’t have hidden her away from the rest of his life. She had never been introduced to any of his friends and no one at the office excluding Joanna knew about them. Not even his mother! No, to be fair, the reason his mother didn’t know was her own choice. She had explain to Eric that if their affair was just that, she didn’t want her working relationship with Allison to be effected. Jo had only found out by pure chance. Joanna had left for the day before Cat had entered Eric’s office on his request. Things had got a little heated and she had ended up on top of Eric’s desk with him standing between her parted thighs, Eric was running kisses down her neck and started to unbutton her blouse one slow button at a time. Cat’s hands had been in Eric’s hair pulling him to her… when his office door had opened startling them both. They had jumped apart like rabbits caught in a set of car headlights. “Oh! Oh my god I’m so sorry….I didn’t mean… that is.. shit sorry.” Joanna just didn’t know what to say. Cat face had turned red, Eric had tensed then frowned at Jo. Joanna had just turned and left leaving them there. Cat had pushed at Eric’s shoulders for him to move away, but he seemed to be frozen “ Eric move now, I need to go speak to her” Cat gave a nervous whisper. Eric ran his hands through his hair and stepped back looking from the spot Jo had been standing, to her. Lifting a black eyebrow he asked “and what exactly are you going to say? I think it’s pretty obvious what was going on.” Cat jumped off his desk and straightened her clothing as she started to follow Jo. “Cat leave it, Jo isn’t a gossip and she will be embarrassed enough without bringing up what she saw now.” Eric demanded of her before she reached the office door, making her swing around and she was upset “I’ll talk to her tomorrow, I promise and make sure she is ok” he added knowing cat was worried about this getting around the office. Cat’s put her face in her hands taking several deep breaths. Then all off a sudden her shoulders started to shake and Eric took a step towards her thinking she was crying, but just as suddenly laughter filled the room and Cat lifted her head as a another burst of laughter left her, saying “I’m sorry, I know it’s not a laughing matter but did you see her face, I don’t think she could have been anymore shocked had you been standing there butt naked.” Smiling Eric pulled her into his arms “Trust you not to react the way I think you will, I thought you were crying“ Eric admitted shaking his head at her.  Jo really hadn’t told anyone and being Eric’s secretary She did have to keep a lot to herself but normally that related to work information, not that Eric was undressing Cat on his desk. After that afternoon getting caught, Eric had made it a point to always close and locking his office door. The last thing they needed was Eric’s mother walking in on them. Now there was a scene cat never wanted to experience.  They had not eaten out a lot and even if they had it had been at a small restaurant or café that no one knew Eric. It horrified Cat that at the thought of them ending up in the papers and her affair with Eric becoming public knowledge. She would feel totally different if they had been dating but that wasn’t what they shared, even in the beginning he had warned her even on their first date…..thinking back to that night   When he had picked her up at her townhouse after she had let him in, left him standing at the front door saying. “ Just give me a second to grad my handbag and shoes and we can leave.” Eric’s eyes travelled over her body making her feel very hot. She was wearing a simple emerald jersey dress in a shift design that skimmed her figure and didn’t hug. Racing into the bedroom away from Eric who looked hot in his soft jeans and cotton button up shirt. Totally different to his work attire. Hot as hell, in the bedroom she leaned her head against her bedroom wall taking a minute to slow her racing heart. What had she agreed to here? After a minute she knew she couldn’t stay here any longer and picked up her bag and slipped on her heels and walked out to find Eric still by the front door waiting. Walking up to him she said “ Ready to go.” Eric reached down and lifted her hands to his lips and kissed the centre of her palm, this shot heat to her core and Cat pressed her legs together, looking at his face she saw his smouldering look he was giving her like he wanted nothing more than to take her here and now.   Using one hand he ran a finger over her full lips, Cat gasped, she had never felt this way about any man before and it was very unsettling. Eric dropped his hand back to her hands and gave them a small squeeze before looking her straight in the eye and saying. “Cat, I know I have pushed for this date for weeks but before we leave here, I need to be up front with you, even if that means that you ask me to leave.” Eric looked down at their hands and said in an even tone “ I don’t do marriage and this isn’t where this is heading, I’m not ready for commitment yet and not sure if I ever will, all I can promise is that if we do get together it will be exclusive. In saying all this I do understand if you say no.” Cat looked down as well thinking before saying anything, she had never been so overwhelmed by anyone before and taking this further would go against everything she wanted for herself. But could she truly just walk away without experiencing how this would feel? Was she so naïve expecting more, wanting more. He was giving her a chance to walk away. What did she really want? Saying before she could stop herself “It’s a dinner date Eric not marriage, I don’t expect you to have a ring in your pocket.” Eric exhaled slowly saying “I just believe in being honest and upfront in the beginning helps…well sometimes.” “Yes, well let’s go, I really don’t want to hear about the women that have chased you, a little to much info don’t you think.” Eric laughed saying “ you could be right.” Putting his arm around her shoulders and leading her out the townhouse.   When the night came to an end Cat was surprised that she had really enjoyed herself and the night had been fun, a little disappointed it had to end. Eric pulled up outside her townhouse, she said before she could stop herself “would you like to come in for coffee…. Only coffee Eric.” Not sure if she was trying to convince him or herself more. Of course Eric didn’t say no and soon they entered her townhouse.  Once inside Eric looked around while she fetched them the promised drink. As she came back into the sitting room, Eric was lying on the couch fast asleep. Cat smiled to herself not at all angry. He looked so cute lying there, almost boyish. Setting down their coffees on the table by the sofa, Cat walked over to stand beside Eric, where he was stretched out, he had looked tired tonight. Reaching out Cat used her fingers tips to push back the black hair that had fallen over his forehead. In a instant Cat was flat on her back on the couch with Eric laying on top of her, Cat blinked at Eric’s smiling face inches from her own, angered slightly at his action she tried to sit up but Eric held fast. “I have wondered since knowing you how you would feel if I ever got you in this position.”Eric then silenced any protest she might have by kissing her. The heat of his kiss transformed her anger rapidly into passion, Cat threw herself into the kiss, she had been kissed before but nothing had ever felt like this. Cat moved her hands into his hair and unconsciously pushed her lower body against his growing penis. Eric seemed surprised at her willingness, taking full advantage of her cooperation and eagerness, sliding his hand over her left breast then pulling the dress down to expose the white lace bra underneath, “please” she whispered against his lips. Not really sure what she needed but Eric seemed to understand. Moving his head down he captured her nipple through the lace of the bra, Cat cried out, heat flooding her whole body, not needing any more encouragement than that Eric used his other hand to slide up her leg taken the skirt of her dress with him. Cat arched her back pressing her tight nipples against his chest, running her hand down his back pulling his shirt out of his jeans then running them up his back under the shirt, Eric groaned and his breathing was heavy, cursing out loud he said “I don’t think, I can go slow this first time.” Eric looked at Cat before pressing his forehead against her own, taking in some much needed air. “Then don’t” Cat whispered back not really knowing what she was inviting.  Eric groaned again pulling back from her, Cat didn’t have time to say anything before he had her on her knee facing the couch, surprised she turned her head to look over her shoulder, as he pulled the belt from his jeans then unbuttoning and pulled the zip down of his jeans, pushing his jeans and underwear down his legs exposing his huge penis, Cats eyes widen how was that going to fit she thought, and was about to ask when Eric took himself in hand and slide his hand up his sex, that was hot and Cat whimpered. Eric leaned forward to captured her lips in a deep kiss before saying to her “Lean forward and brace yourself against the sofa” before lifting her skirt and just ripping her white cotton underwear from her body. Cat gasped when he slid a warm hand around her body and ran his finger over her sex, she then pushed backed against him when two alien fingers invaded her body where no man had been before. Eric ran his other hand around her front to pull at her nipple. “Eric please” she cried out. “What? Tell me what you need.” “Eric” she cried again “No Cat, tell me. Use words” “I need you.” “Where?” “Aah.. inside…me” Moisture was seeping out her core where Eric still had his fingers and Cat closed her eyes laying her top half against the sofa, trapping Eric’s hand still pulling at her nipple. The dual simulation against her body was to much and she was chasing something she didn’t understand, lifting her hips she pushed back into Eric penis making him swear, pulling his hand away from her breast he grabbed her hip and then removed his fingers from her body making her cry out in disappointment, in the next instant Cat felt the head of his penis at her gate, stilling her for a second before pushing back as he slammed forward making him break her maiden head more forcefully than needed, causing her to tense up and cry out. Cat leaned her head on her arm laying on the couch, shit that hurt.. she hadn’t known it was going to hurt that much, but even as she thought about it the sensation of having him inside her started to make itself known and this sent new and exciting waves of heat through her body again, it was then she realised Eric wasn’t moving. Her turned her head to look at him over her should to see him frowning at her, simply asking “Why?” With the heat moving through her body she couldn’t deal with this right now and she really couldn’t think clearly, so she dropped her head back down arched her back and pushed into him, making his penis hit a spot inside her that made her cry out loud and tense her inner muscles around his large penis. This was more than Eric could take he didn’t wait for her answer grabbing both her hips with his hands, groaning he slammed his hips forward, riding her hard as if she hadn’t been just moments before a virgin, making Cat’s universe centre on herself and how she was feeling. Her breath was rushing out in small gasps as he pounded into her from behind “ please …” she wasn’t even sure what she was asking for.  “Come. For. Me.” he demanded  “I can’t, it’s to much” Cat cried out “ let go.... Come. For. Me. Now”he said more forcefully playing his hand over her nub at the top of her gate and pushing into it.  Cat screamed and she came hard, Eric pushed into her one last time before spilling his seed inside her and collapsing on her back, both of them fighting to breathe.

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