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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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the two of them. Ari'eshna had probably transported with him because the two were in each other's arms. It occurred to him that he had not noticed due to his momentary anger.
He knelt to Ari'eshna-who still lay upon her side after the teleportation-and explained the time travel the two of them went through. Because of this, she believed his truthful claim and explained that he had no idea where they were.
Ari'eshna lightly held each side of his face and kissed him once and said "But don't you see? There's no way those disgusting Hutts would ever find me again, I don't ever want to go back." The feeling of humiliation from the experience evident. "To any of them."
For the Sith Lord it wasn't that simple, it appeared that he would never find his apprentice again and consequently never be able to wipe out the hated Jedi. He refrained from explaining this as sith matters are ultra secret.
"I'm free, I always thought that I'd die an old lady there or be fed to the Rancor if Jabba got bored of me. I've seen it happen to others, some of them good friends of mine."
Though pleased that Ari'eshna got exactly what she wanted, he held her, still with the disappointing thoughts of the loss of his apprentice.
When about to mention that they'd better look for materials to build a shelter and a fire, Lord Bruticus felt Ari'eshna kissing him, that and her embrace evidently being from her gratefulness of her new found freedom.

BOOK TWO "Warriors Of The Twelve Colonies."

Part #8 "The Cylon Empire v.s. The Galactic Empire."

Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.

Joe Mignano as Imperial Captain Tur Kilvain.

The unfamiliar type of battle droids dropped their blasters to the floor upon command from their threatened Imperious Leader. Darth Bane's lightsabre never moved whilst being held in front of their supreme ruler's throat.
"Why have you brought me here?" Darth Bane demanded of the Imperious Leader.
"We have not brought you here. You're an intruder."
Irritated at not receiving a clear answer the great Sith Lord demanded in a wilder tone. "How could that be possible? I didn't bring myself here. And if you didn't then who or what did?"
"The answer is unknown. All we have ascertained is that a localized intensity of tachyons formed in the section of this Basestar we first detected you." Darth Bane's force abilities helped him to determine that the droid's supreme ruler spoke the truth.
The voice of their leader sounded very clear at all times and with a slight echo. Strangely, the being never moved. Bane detected none, even while it spoke.
The mystery deepened for Darth Bane since becoming aware of the fact that even those unfamiliar beings and droids had nothing to do with his experience. He demanded their leader to order all the battle droids out of the chamber except for the new type of droid which seemed to serve as the second-in-command.
"If you use this base to take me back to the nearest border of Republic space I'll spare your life." Bane planned to betray them thus taking the base for himself.
"We have never heard of this Republic you speak of." Replied the more humanoid droid.
Enraged at feeling as if his demands were going nowhere he demanded that either they show him where in the galaxy he was or to find a way to send him back. The humanoid droid agreed to show him his location since there was no way of sending him back by the same means which brought him into the space station.
"You may bring the data here in this room, I will not give-up my hostage."
Alarms ululated, a voice of one of the conventional battle droids announced through the comlink attached to the Imperious Leader's throne.
"Imperious Leader, our Basestars are being approached by 15 capital ships of unknown design. Scans indicate the presence of human life forms."
"Fire Mega-Pulsar Cannons when they come within range."
Bane's force senses indicated that the attack was not a deception against him to save the droid's supreme commander. That was all too clear even before the first blasts of returned fire hit the battle station he was in. The Sith Lord saw no choice other than to forsake the Basestar and demand they help him escape.

Lord Vader noted the five battle stations his fleet found at the location of the phenomena similar to the one they experienced. Their double-saucer configuration matching nothing similar in the Super Star Destroyer's database. Sensors indicated to the crew of each Star Destroyer energy signatures indicating over 100 defensive turrets and even more powerful weapon fire coming from the front of the top saucer-sections. Those concentrating their fire upon Vader's new dreadnaught.
"Lord Vader, shields have been lost already and scattered damage has been reported at the bow and starboard sections." A tactical officer announced.
"Concentrate fire upon their strongest weapons." Vader ordered.
To add to the fleet's difficulty, 300 fighters launched from four of the strange battle stations each. Their own Star Destroyers carried six squadrons of TIE fighters totaling 72 each in addition to the command ship's 144.
1,200 of, what turned out to be, some sort of droid star fighters charged to engage 1,152 Imperial TIE Fighters of various types.
The Mega-Pulsar Cannons from the battle stations charged and fired again. The Super Star Destroyer Prototype shook. Even Darth Vader's sense of balance had almost given way. The dark lord saw that a shot from even one of those powerful weapons was capable of eliminating a capital ship like their Star Destroyers with only a few shots. He stood straight again, looking out the bridge's front window. While he believed that the command ship could withstand the next four shots there was no time to organize a proper resistance.
"All hands, abandoned ship!" His electronically distorted voice commanded.
It was a situation where everyone aboard had to save themselves, as Vader found his prototype TIE advanced x1 the next four Mega-Pulsar Cannon blasts caused greater explosions at their impact areas than the ones before. The durable armour of the mighty ship almost completely giving way by then. The dark lord suddenly found that he had to bank significantly to the right as the hangar wall nearly hit his personal fighter. It was only a slight tilt but significant enough to challenge even the greatest pilots the Empire had to offer.
"Move away from the command ship." Captain Tur Kilvain of Devastator

warned the fleet.
Darth Vader flew in a path well above the Super Star Destroyer, then took a look at the damaged vessel the unknown enemy was about to destroy. Even in it's bombarded state it seemed invincible-not actually so during that exceptional battle with those unforseen types of weapons used against it. A whole section of the starboard side near the corner was missing, the engines behind them somehow still functioned despite the blast area immediately in front of it. Much of the deck plating before the bow section gone as was the port side between the bridge and corner. The tail-like stern section had so much of it's starboard edge blown out that one could see the inside.
The remaining weapons kept firing under automatic control until the dreadnaught exploded from the finishing shots of the enemy space stations. The tragic blasts and shock waves taking any craft within it's radius friend or foe.
Vader attempted to help his fighters even up the odds with the aid of his tough TIE x1 and piloting skills aided by the dark side of The Force. The droid star fighters never stood a chance. At one time, the dark lord got a clear glimpse of the enemy's insignia at the lowest ends of the curved wings. A green double pentagon, that is, a smaller one within another. It still told him nothing, the enemy could not be identified. For all Vader knew, the fleet could be outside their own galaxy.
The five space stations came into his view. There was something about the station on the far left, the very one which didn't launch it's fighters. The Force told Vader that there was a powerful force-sensitive being within it. In light of this discovery, he then formulated a plan.
"This is Darth Vader, concentrate fire only upon the battle stations which launched their fighter craft. We will attempt to board and capture the one which didn't after eliminating the others."
Vader got a closer look at the one which interested him. Indeed very few of the turrets fired. He chose to waste no time on the active ones and made the Mega-Pulsar Cannons his priority. Despite the obvious skeleton staff at their stations there were obviously enough personnel to operate their most powerful weapon. Speeding over the edge of the top saucer section to look for where to fire, he then saw one of the Star Destroyers launching missiles from close range at the enemy battle station nearest to the one the dark lord scouted. It appeared as if the constant hits may have succeeded in taking out one of those threatening weapons while taking moderately heavy damage itself.

Aboard Devastator,

Captain Tur Kilvain carried out a plan with four other Star Destroyers to launch a flank attack at the enemy station on the far right. The Slayer

being in the lead at 40 degrees from Devastator

and already taking much damage as the enemy station kept turning it's rotation to track it for subsequent shots. The Steel Rancor

following Slayer's

course. The two others 330 degrees of Kilvain's ship providing them cover from the other enemy bases with The Flamedriver

directly above The Ravenclaw.

All other ships behind the five aiding their TIE Fighters against the Droid Star Fighters.
With the other four in position, Captain Kilvain ordered the pilot to climb steeply. When Devastator

arrived directly above the battle station at the right flank, he ordered the bow to dip until it faced the surface of the top saucer section. The pilot hoped that his Captain wasn't going to issue orders for ramming speed since it appeared as if the next manoeuvre would be to plunge down at it like a dagger.
Kilvain magnified the view of his scanner and took a brief look at the target.
"Remain stationary. Aim for the central structure, that might be their command centre."
The Captain's orders came a mere 30 seconds after The Slayer

had been blasted beyond recognition. The Steel Rancor

taking it's place as it fired upon the section of the Mega-Pulsar Cannon. The enemy battle stations proved to be more hardy than even The Empire's own Star Destroyers.

missiles and turrets fired simultaneously, Captain Kilvain then ordering the shots to run continuously. The barrage penetrating past the outer hull and blasting it's way through to the pylon-like core section beneath it thus eliminating the first of the five enemy battle stations.
A trio of Star Destroyers traveling in a triangle formation five kilometres below the middle base, fired continuously with all of their turrets pointing 90 degrees, their multiple shots bringing The Empire a second victory.
Captain Kilvain checked the battle computer and noted the loss of three of their own Star Destroyers other than the command ship. Those being lost from the same weapons which managed to destroy the prototype Super Star Destroyer. The displays upon the screen indicating about five more sustaining moderate to heavy damage from the enemy fighters alone.
Virtually all the TIE Bombers available made a run over the middle-left space station as two other Star Destroyers cruised over it to provide cover against the still-numerous unidentified droid star fighters. Darth Vader himself and his four wing men were free to provide additional defense for the bombers since they destroyed the Mega-Pulsar Cannon belonging to the virtually empty base. The dark lord's godly piloting skills made short

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