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Book online «Star Wars v.s. Classic Battlestar Galactica. by John Damocles Smith (best life changing books .txt) 📖». Author John Damocles Smith

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work of every enemy fighter within his sights.
The remaining Star Destroyers dealing with the space stations mercilessly converged upon the final one remaining, but not before another of their capital ships got destroyed by the only remaining Mega-Pulsar Cannon. That weapon being their primary target.
Lasers fired from capital ship turrets. Payloads dropped from TIE Bombers. Hefty armour plating tore from it's top surface. Explosions erupting from much of the exposed inner areas. Battle Droids positioned throughout the space station rendered all too vulnerable from The Empire's overwhelming firepower. Soon the entire top saucer section tore apart and the exposed core exploded leaving only their droid star fighters as opposition. The lower saucer section floating lifelessly down into space.
The bombs from the enemy fighters have long since been exhausted. This gave them the head start needed to render many of The Empire's Star Destroyers half-dead. Their greater numbers still posing a great threat to both capital ship and TIE Fighter alike. The only support for the Imperial Pilots being from half the fleet before elimination for the four opposing battle stations. The usual tactic by the battle droids for the many victories they gained being from their overwhelming numbers. These same measures enabled them to eliminate another five Star destroyers-the very same ships Captain Kilvain had earlier noted upon his battle computer. Even Lord Vader, with all his unmatchable piloting skills, was unable to help even the odds fast enough for more than their remaining 320 TIE Fighters of all classes to survive the victory.
Had the fifth battle station launched their fighters and all their turrets operated, the cost of their struggling victory would have, all too clearly, been worse.

As planned, the fifth battle station was about to be boarded. Darth Vader had joined Devastator

beforehand and organized a raiding party. Being a base 1,800 metres in diameter-a mere 200 longer than an Imperial Star Destroyer-a small boarding party against something the size of a Corellian Corvette would be suicidal, even against their apparent skeleton staff.
Since Devastator's

shields were still up and remained stronger than any other ships thanks to Captain Tur Kilvain's tactical thinking, Lord Vader chose it to approach the remaining battle station and absorb the few turret blasts available to oppose them. The dark lord wanted the base intact.
After meeting with Lord Vader before the airlock, Kilvain received his last minute instructions from the Sith Lord.
"Captain, as soon as each division has entered the base, move the ship away for maximum protection. No-one is to damage the droid starfighters within, we shall look for a way to modify those to replenish our numbers." Then immediately signaled his Stormtroopers to follow.
Heavier explosives were set-up to blast through the airlock than was used for the Tantive IV during their last raid. A Corellian Corvette being nothing in comparison to this mighty battle station larger than an Imperial Star Destroyer.
After destroying the initial opposition of chrome-and black coloured battle droids-again being of a culture totally dissimilar from anything The Empire was familiar with, Darth Vader lead his division using The Force as his guide and follow the presence of the being who also possessed the same power. The only thing so far resembling anything he was familiar with. The Sith Lord was determined not to lose it.

The Imperious Leader saw he had no choice other than to meet Darth Banes' demands and help him escape. The humanoid droid ordered a transport through a comlink but with no Centurions to escort them.
"Centurions." Thought Bane. He had heard of a few cultures using that term but none like the droids within, what they called, a "Basestar."
The platform from the high dais lowered from it's column, taking Bane and his hostage to the floor level and floating through the transparent double doors after the humanoid droid joined them. The opening and closing giving a strange "crystallized" scraping noise.
The floating dais-top took the right branch of the corridor. Within minutes, the humanoid command droid had been informed of the destruction of the first of their Basestars and eventually the total defeat of their forces soon after. Bane then sensed the presence of a force-sensitive being. He felt as if it came from the opposite side of the Basestar the "throne room" faced. Perhaps a little farther. They were moving away from them only to be informed of human troops penetrating through the Basestar from another quadrant. This next division of boarders being too near the area where The Imperious Leader's Shuttle was located. Not being able to reach it in time, the floating dais-top changed direction and headed toward the nearest launching bay.
Did that fleet know about him and that's why they attacked the Basestar so that they could send a Jedi to lead Republic forces to capture him? Due to the unique circumstances Darth Bane had found himself in it might not be the Republic at all. The humanoid droid in command of those Centurions had never even heard of The Republic. The again, if it wasn't The Republic, why was there a Jedi leading those forces? The great Sith Lord sensed about 500 now within The Basestar. Escape seemed impossible.
Darth Bane cursed the circumstances he found himself in when the humanoid droid commander received a report of another division of humans storming through the Basestar, this time from the point opposite to the first breach. There was definitely no way to escape from anywhere else with another 250 blocking them. Darth Bane felt the presence of The Force getting closer, the being he sensed seemed different. The Force surrounding him seemed to be darker!

Could it be that he and his apprentice had not been the last of The Sith remaining? That would explain the unknown configuration of the vessels attacking the Basestars. If it indeed was The Sith, that might also finally explain how he had been transported if they were responsible. After the way he had abandoned The Sith during the war against The Republic, they would have no reason to be merciful toward Bane. Yet, somehow, the hostility he sensed was directed toward the Centurions. The only attention he sensed toward himself was from the force-sensitive being, he felt through The Force that the being sought his attention and not a confrontation. It was more to do with curiousity.
"There is no way we could escape. We will surrender to them and hopefully they would spare us." Bane had only the intention to save himself and perhaps use The Imperious Leader and the Centurion's command droid as bargaining chips for his freedom. He barked against their disagreement, threatening to kill them and their leader moved the dais-top in any direction Bane would order. His plan to meet this other dark-sider payed off. He ordered the dais-top to stop in the middle of a widened section of one of the countless dark corridors. Control panels lining the walls at both sides. It seemed to be a monitoring station of some sort.
Darth Bane saw a red glow come from the curved corridor ahead of the three, watching for whatever would show itself. The glow came from the blade of the lightsabre the being held. It was clad head-to-toe in black armour. An intimidating hissing sound came from the distorted-skull-like helmet, reminiscent of a Sith Battle Droid. Like Bane it was two-metres in height and threatening in appearance.
The subtle movements of it's helmet indicated that it noted the Imperious Leader and the Centurions' command droid before returning it's gaze back toward Bane. The three could not help but notice the measured hissing coming from the helmet.
"Who are you?" Came an electronically distorted voice.
"First, tell me who you

are? And what do you want with me?" Bane answered defiantly. He sensed the troopers previously following the dark-sider standing in front of him in an area much farther behind and holding their positions.
"I want only answers. How did we get here and how is it you possess the power of The Dark side?"
The Imperious Leader replied in Bane's place.
"We had nothing to do with your sudden appearance. You and your fleet had appeared in much the same way as Darth Bane, here, had within this Basestar."
"IMMMpossible." Vader replied as he held up a left fist. "Darth Bane lived 1,000 years ago and the only Sith Lords in existence are myself and my master." Avoiding to mention that The Emperor was a Sith Lord.
"I am

Darth Bane and whoever died 1,000 years ago was obviously another Sith Lord named Bane." Then initiated a strike with his now-ignited lightsabre, Vader blocking it with both hands at chest level. They pushed each other away and surprisingly, the armoured Sith hadn't returned with any other strikes.
"There was only one

Darth Bane and he could not possibly be alive today."
A few more strikes by Bane, each one of them blocked. It was evident that the Sith Lord before him wanted something else from him other than his death.
"We have a policy that there must only be two Sith at a time, you must be eliminated." Bane stated, threateningly. Vader defended himself against the strikes from the great Sith Lord, surprised at the mention of the rule of two. Only the real Darth Bane would have known as he had established that rule himself. He did not preach that rule among the Sith he once allied himself with. By the time their blades locked together, Vader deliberately mentioned his name and title.
"I am Darth Vader lord of The Sith. If you are

the Darth Bane you claim to be, then who is your apprentice?"
"That I'll not tell you." Bane hissed as he considered it no-one else's business except for his. Sabres still locked, the two pushing at each other. Bane found it strange that this Sith referred to himself as "Darth." During his era, the Sith had long forsaken the "Darth" title until he himself adopted it.
"Was it... Zannah? Darth Bane established the rule of two which lead up to my master and myself for 1,000 years."
Bane moved back. Sabre off as soon as he stepped farther back. Only Bane knew of Zannah. None

of The Sith before him lived to see the day he first met his apprentice.
"How is it you know about my apprentice?" Bane was already convinced but he wanted the answer nevertheless.
"Through the knowledge I and my master gained from your holochron."
The next thing Darth Bane did was stretch his right arm behind him and lifted The Imperious Leader with telekinesis. Darth Vader did the same with his left against the Centurion's droid commander. Both the great Sith Lords destroyed the commanders of the Basestar.
Vader then said:- "You are too important to the future of The Sith Order. Because of you, the Jedi and The Republic are now gone. Find a place to remain hidden while I lead my troops to take over this battle station for our own use. Afterwards, I'll endeavor to find a way to send us back to our proper places." Then left to rejoin his Stormtroopers.
Darth Bane was pleased, realizing that this strange Sith Lord named Darth Vader came from a different time, he felt assured that the Sith will indeed continue and destroy The Jedi as planned.

"Part #9 -Battlestar Galactica."

Eric Johnson as Darth Bane.

Lieutenant Boomer lead the patrol to investigate the phenomenon detected by the Colonial Battlestar Galactica.

Core Command was unable to match it to anything similar from within their records. His three wing men flew in a triangle formation behind him. Flight Sergeants, Jolly and Greenbean at each corner of the base and Flight Sergeant Ortega at the apex. Their fellow Warriors, Captain Apollo and his best friend Lieutenant Starbuck were playing a game of pyramids back at the Bachelor Officer's Quarters. The place Jolly preferred to be at

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