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Book online «Broken Fay-te by Cama seeney (summer beach reads .TXT) 📖». Author Cama seeney

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trying to calm him down, he cocked his head adorably looking confused.


'If they think were willing to give her up, willing to save ourselves we buy time.' I replied - my brain began to throb, it felt like a second heart beat. 'Like a counter strike before the initial strike?' He asked sounding a hundred percent more certain than he was twenty seconds previously.


'So any idea for a counterstrike?' He asked sounding gleeful. 'No, but I think we call a meeting for tomorrow. See what we can bargain for her?' I asked thinking logically, she of course would be nowhere near the site. 'Who will watch her?' He asked sounding uncertain. 'I will.' Liam said walking into the room looking a little embarrassed, Mason wriggled down from his hip and ran over to where Sasha was led on the floor. He quickly curled up in a little ball cuddling her. 'I missed you Sash.' He mock whispered, 'you're my only friend. People at school think I'm a freak. I don't mind, Liam says it's cause I'll grow up to be smarter than them all.' He chuckled the same way Liam would, the sound was off. Higher than the usual culprit who made it, none the less it was adorable. I smiled down at him my heart feeling whole again instantly.

'Why would you do that?' I asked suspisious. 'This is not some game...' He cut me off instantly. 'You don't get it, before you weren't appart of my world. I guess I used you more than I should have, but mostly I just didn't want Mason to see what I had to endure. Plus the kid generally liked spending time with you. You don't understand the amount of times you saved my sorry... Well yea. I just guess I owe you with the mut.' He finished trying to smile. 

I shrugged, true enough I had baby sat often enough but I didn't want to leave him unaware. 'She is of importance and may be sort after.' I warned with a cold stare, I would not put Mason and Sasha in harm. He shrugged 'shes fey?' he asked looking down at her sleeping form. 'Yes though her animal is stronger than her human side.' Hayden warned. 'Like any warrior then, like we were.' Liam told staring at the 'mut' with wonder. 


'What does he mean?' I asked curious, Hayden smiled softly. 'She has the heart of a wolf, much like her mother. Warriors are born in their truest form, the other fey like the scholars and such are born with a human appearence and will not experence fey life until it is exposed to them.' Liam looked at Hayden confused. 


'There is only one woman whos child would be sort after...' He trailed off glancing at me and Hayden in turn looking more understanding than I ever did. I sighed and shook my head, boys and their secrets. 


Chapter Eighteen

We all ended up spralled infront of the fire, Sasha and Mason curled on the couch the rest of us leaning against the trim of the old couch sipping from long gone cold bitter coffee. Cold toast lay hard in my hand and I was seconds from throwing it in the fire. I sighed and closed my eyes, I slowly drew my hand back closer to me in order to flick it into the fire until a solid warm one engulfed mine. 


I knew who it was instantly, my skin buzzed under his touch almost seeming to know and cheris his touch. Rolling my head to the side I opened my eyes and staired into his deep brown eyes. In this light his hair seemed more black than the usual green tinge, I noticed for the first time he wore a necklace. It was a simple really, deep black thread holding a simple hummingbird. My eyes touched where my hands were to scared to... 


I followed the line of this throat to the line of his jaw, which lead to his lips. Blushing I flollowed his cheekbones to his eyes, the dark colour danced with amusement and mischief. His bottom lip twitched, trying against everything to hold back a smile that broke free seconds later. I watched as he pulled my hand closer to his mouth and he took a bite still stairing into my eyes, butter on his lower lip. I alowed myself the small pleasure of wiping it away. 'You have a lipring?' I asked looking at the tiny dot 'yea I take it out if I'm going to get jumped at any second.' He replied rolling his eyes, his grin was fearce and showed off his two slight kainine teeth. He flicked some of the slightly curled black locks from his forehead. 


'Your a total goth you know that.' I told him giggling like a school girl. 'Says you sky, I don't think anyone should cound the pure number of leather coats you have.' Liam called out looking worried from his position on the floor next to me. I moved away from Hayden slowly, throwing the old toast into the fire and watched it burn with a small pleasure.


'Pfft, hush it you black happens to look good on me.' I replied not taking my eyes from the burning flame, it had my utter and total attention. I didn't listen as the two began talking, instead I watched the flames. Suddenly I had a thought. 'What if you ride with me on your back? I carry a bundle of clothes smelling of her. If we split up only half will follow both of us. If we manage to trap one alone we could bargan for his or her life?' I asked turning to Hayden with a little grin. 'It won't work, they care little for their foot soldiers.' He replied looking disgusted, hmmm. 'What if we made them care? What if someone higher comes along to deal with the mess we make?'I asked biting my fingernail. 


'One problem there Sky.' Liam answered with a duh tone, 'we are just foot soldiers me and Hayden. The higher officials are higher because of power, knowledge and experance trapping one of thoes would be dangrous and might I add stupid.' He retorted sounding generally worried. 'So what do we do?' I asked sounding deflated. 


'Take the good with the bad.' Hayden replied. 'Huh?' Both me and Liam asked. 'Well if they believe us stronger, something they do not want to face they will leave us alone, because as lovely as it sounds we can't stay here until she's five and this time they know your scent they will follow you.' He informed me sighing. 


'We need to list their weaknesses, their fears.' I told him. 'Well for one fey are scared of humans.' Josh told me walking into the room. I stood and gazed at him with wonder, he cocked his head gaging my body language. I understood what he had done, I hadn't forgive him but acceptance was all I could do for now. He nodded and walked into the room, Liam had been texting him fearcely for sometime catching him up. 'Why though?' I asked confused they were the natural predators not us.


'Well their diffrent, they've survied without any natural defence and worked their way to the top of the food chain. Thats not naturally possible..' He trailed off grinning with a weird sense of pride about him, he sat by Mason careful not to wake him. 'So we use unnatural weapons?' I asked to which I recieved a shrug. 'What do they want, no need more than they want Sasha?' I asked already knowing the answer. 'What she is stopping, freedom towreck havoc. They have been building in size for far to long, as soon as they are stronger than thoes of the seelie and unsealie clans they will attack.' Hayden answered soudning tired. 'What will stop that?' I asked already thinking of an answer. 


'Something far worse. Something they fear more than the taimed fey, they believe them soft.' Josh retorted sounding worried himself. 'What do they fear?' I whispered, the sombre mood of the conversation was threatining to break everything. 'Pure unimagionable power.' Liam whispered. 


'You say they are stronger durning certain months correct? Well how is that possible?' I asked anyone in general. It supprised me who answered, 'a wind sprite will be stronger in the winter because its windy more. Therefore its easier for them to use their power, it is much eaiser for them.' Mason replied sleepily. 'Is there anything that would amplify power?' I asked, but really I was asking if there was anything that would scare them more than a bunch of people they didn't understand. 


'Are you asking if theres an acient ring we could use to defeate them and then turn evil?' Liam asked with a snort. 'No thats not what I'm...' I trailed off looking at Haydens face, 'what?' I asked. 'There are acient artifacts hidden around the world. Objects that hold power.' He replied sounding awed. 


'So were supposed to go looking for talasmins or amulets?' Liam asked sounding disbelieving. 'Kinda I suppose. I don't mean like horisis eye or Buddah but something like the tree of life...' He responded sounding awed in his own realiseation. 'How are we suppose to find something they fear if they dont know what they fear...?' I asked defeated. 


'So were supposed to grab a bunch of silver, iron, garlic, crusifices.. Hands with eyes in the middle...dream catchers...' I asked closing my eyes in pain. 'It's not about the objects but the power stored inside of them. The tree of life dosen't work because people thinks it does, it works becuase thousands of people put life energy into in every single day. It's powerful because no power is as strong as hope, love and devotion.' He finished the mood of the room was no less somber but a strange sense of hope was hovering in the room. 


We had an idea we just needed to find something, anything that would make it work. 'Are witches real?' I asked thinking deeply again. 'I suppose that some would call you that Sky.' Hayden replied seriously. 'Well there human, if we find a wiccan group and get them to put power into an amulet and make Sasha wear it she could be safe..?' I asked, hope and almost begged for it to be true. 


'Problem is finding them. Another problem is getting them to work for us, another problem is getting them to work togther.' Liam replied with distaste, he spoke as if from experance. 'Do they not live in covens?' I asked confused. 'Do you?' Hayden retorted, 'if I had found out about my 'gift' before now and knew of other people with similar ones then yea maybe.' I replied shrugging, thinking of all I could learn. 


'Do we know any witches?' I asked sounding sure for once. 'Well yea actually Celienes antie is a witch she never talks to her cause shes really excentric 'the black sheep' or something. Shes more of a witch doctor but I think we should go check her out.' Liam replied with a shrug, of course it had to be something with Celiene. 


Liam stood up and left the room his phone to his ear, Oh so I guess that choice is made. I

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