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Book online ยซI Dont Want To Love by Nyree (ereader iphone .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Nyree

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was waking up,there it was.A big bright yellowish,orange ball started to rise.I looked around and was wondered where i was.

Calm down,you're on the roof of the house.Wait when did we get up hear.Well i thaught you wanted to see the sun rise in the open air.Well you thaught right.We sat there on the roof for about 2 hours.Watching the sun rise and talking.Darren this is the second most wonderfull thing that happened to me in my whole life.What was you're first thing?Well comeing hear and meeting you.Oh so you're trying to steal my gig are you.I just might be,i think i'm better at it than you.

Well my gig come with perks that.Yeah sure that do Darren.Well i think i should be getting home now.Okay i'll walk you home.I really idn't want to leave but i was sure that Flow was worried sick about me.Wait Darren what are you doing?Well i'm going down stairs,when you feel like moving i'll see you down hear.Yeah he just jumped off the roof.Man i never thaught vampires were such show off's.I moved towards the edge of the house and looked down.Stop showing off please.Sorry i do what i do.So how do you expect me to get down from hear.Well you jump down and i catch you.Yeah thats the thing about me i don't do falling from high heights.Come on don't you trust me,i won't let you fall.Okay hear i come.Normally if a normal person asked me to fall of a tall building into there arms i would say hell to the no.But a vampire that has super speed and incredibale strenght then yeah i can do that.

So i jumped off the roof and it was kinda nice.Especually when i felt Darren caught me in his arms.See i told you i would catcyou didn't i.Yes you did and i thank you for that.Well can i exchange that for a hug or a kiss maybee.Sure,but i think someones watching us.Don't mind them,there just losers.Hey we all stringly disagree with that statement.Well i guess my brothers want to meet you.Eh don't for get us.Oh and my sisters want to meet you to.Is it okay if i take you home later,it will only take about 30 minutes.Yeah sure i want to meet you're family and that includes all of them.Okay come on out every body.

Chapter 12 : Brothers and sisters

This is my first sisters Sarah,she doesn't talk at all except Telapathically when shes not in school.This second sister..Before Darren could finish one of his sisters interupted him.My name is Maddie and i am Psychic.She see what will happen in the future,normally she's alway right.So you know everything thats going to happen before it happens.Well kinda i only see,well i can't explain how it is.I can explain it,she see major events that will happen or occur in the future.Hi my name is Julie,i'm an Elementalist.I controll all the elements in the you controll the weather.Yes thats pritty much the only thing that makes my power awsome.Okay come on out every body.

Chapter 12 : Brothers and sisters

This is my first sisters Sarah,she doesn't talk at all except Telapathically when shes not in school.This second sister..Before Darren could finish one of his sisters interupted him.My name is Maddie and i am Psychic.She see what will happen in the future,normally she's alway right.So you know everything thats going to happen before it happens.Well kinda i only see,well i can't explain how it is.I can explain it,she see major events that will happen or occur in the future.Hi my name is Julie,i'm an Elementalist.I controll all the elements in the you controll the weather.Yes thats pritty much the only thing that makes my power awsome.

Darren's sisters were very cool.Especually Sarah and julie,they treated me just like family.But Maddie,to me it seemed like she hated or disliked for no reason.But i was okay with that.Okay now that you met my sisters it's time for you to meet my idiot brothers.This is Ricky.Hi ricky it's nice to meet you.Well hello there my mi amore.Dude,don't start this again.Sorry,can't help it dude.A pritty girl like that can't be dateing you.Please tell me you're not dateing him.Sorry Rickey but i am.Dammit,well i'm the only one in my family who doesn't have a power.So sorry to disapoint you if i did.No you're okay,i'm kinda glad because now i feel a little normal hear..

And this is Alex.Hey,i can tell you two things about me.1 is that i have to power to shoot or produce fire out of my hands and the 2nd on is that don't get on my bad side.Don't mind him Fara i really think his only power is to be an extreme air head.I am not,watch you're books brother.You light them,i light you.Seeing Darren look so serious like that is kinda funny i couldn't help but laugh a little bit.Hi i'm Daniel but people call me Danny for short.I'm sorry for my brothers bad behavior.Don't worry i've seen worse.Really you have?No not really i was just trying to be modest about this.Oh ookay then,my power is controll.I can control anyone within a 500 mile radious.

Well it was nice to meet all of you and i hope we can all be great frinds.I have to go but i might see you all later.Darren can you walk me home please.Sure lets go,i'll see you all later.Yeah what ever bro don't come back.I'll see all of you later too.By Fara have a good night and if you ever want a shoulder to Cry on when you leave this loser i'm right hear for you.Okay ricky i'll think about that.Come on Fara i'll walk you home.I'm sorry for my brothers and sisters actions towards you,especually Rickey.No problem i liked meeting you're family.Even ricky,h made me laugh a lot but one thing i have to ask is that was he serious about the hole thing ?Yeah thats rickey he has a away with words.Some of us think thats his power,to speak his mind.He pretty much says what ever is on his mind.

Well does he do that all the time?Yeah he does,he just talks and talks.It gets very very annoying.We finally got to my apartment and i was worried about Flow but it turned out she wasn't even there.She left me a note in my bedroom door.It said she was going around th world to find things outabot the witches.I was terrified for her to be by her self but she's indistructable.Darren looked at me with a worried expression on his face.I couldn't comfort him because i had the same expression on mine.I gave him a hug and he hugged me back.It's going to be okay Fara,Flow has suvivethis long.I gave him a smile and sat down on the couch.Do you want anything Darren?No i'm good can i go and watch yo're t.v.Sure i don't care,you know where the t.v is.

He walked in my room and sat on my bed.I walked in short after him and flashed him a smile.I'm going to go and take a shower,you know were everything is,so help you're self.Thanks you make me feel right at home.But i thik you need to move out of hear.I like where i live thank you very much.Okay then i'll be back in about an hour.I takes you an hour to rake a shower.Yeah i make sure i'm clean and it take me a long time to look this good.Trust me it shows!Why thank you kind sir.No problem.It felt kind weird have a guy staying in my room for about an hour.But one thing i know is that he wouldn't go through my things.I got out of the shower and instead of it beeing my normall hour in the bathroom it turned into two.

You smell nice,like honey and lavender.Thank you,it's my new shampoo.Well it smell nice on you.come sit down i'm watching anilam planets most extreme deadliest animals.I love animal planet,it tells me what animals to avoid or what animal i could have as a pet.We both sat on my bed watching what seemed like a marathon of animal planets most extreme for a few hours.Then we watched these wedding movies like "The Wedding Planner" and "Monter inlaw".I only really like the wedding planner the most.Around 7:30 me and Darren went for a walk in the park.I didn't want to take him to the swirly slide because or that incident.We walked and talked for hours.Darren brought me back to his family once again and i was kind of excited to see them all again.

Hi Fara i thaught i woulnd'nt see you agin till tomorrow or something.No Sarah i wanted to see you all again.Well everyones in the living room hanging out.Is ricky down there with the rest of you're family.No Ricky's out getting a bite to eat with his new girlfriend.Good i gusse now i'l feel a little bit better now.Fara are you sure you want to go hang out with my family.Yeah it will be nice to see everyone again.Come on Fara everyone wants to see you again.Hi everyone Fara's back,you remember the family.Why yes i do.

Hi Sarah,Julie,Maddie,Alex and last but not least Danny.How have you all been ever since i left this morning.Good they all said simultaneously.Hey Fara do you watch baseball said a deep voice from the couch and i new it was Alex.Yeah i do i like the Mets.What mets suck butt,the yankees are better.There going at it right now mets v.s yankees.Whats the score?Yankees 15,Mets 17.Ha told you Mets are better.Well the game isn't over yet so the yankees could still win this.yeah like they could.Maddie wich team is going to win.Alex i can't tell you that i only see certain things.

Fara she can do it she just doesn't want to.So everyone else anything interesting going on in you're lives.No not really you and Darren can leave if you want to.You don't have to be hear with us.Yeah come on Fara i want to show you something.Okay,i'll see you guy's later.then the next thing i new was Darren pulling me up the stairs in a rush.then the next thing i new was me in his arms when he jumped out his window.Then climbed a tree and jumped off th tree to the roof.I guess i now know how we got on the roof this morning.Darren,why am i up hear again.Well tonight there is suppose to be shooting star.

Really,awww thats very sweet of you.Why thank you very much.All my life i wanted to see a shooting star and i finally got what i wanted and it was beautiful.It was a small,bright ball flashing through the sky.I closed my eyes and made a wish and i hoped that my wish would come true.Now i wanted to tell Darren what it was but i know the saying.Don't say it or it won't come true blah blah blah.All that crap,me adn Darren just stayed on the roof stareing at the stars.So where is the big and little dipper?I have no clue all i see is stars Fara.Well lets just guess,Isn't the little and big dipper next to oriens star.I don't even know were that is either.Well lets try and get off the subject of stars okay.Sure so what do you want to talk about.I don't know.I just wish my life would be
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