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Book online ยซI Dont Want To Love by Nyree (ereader iphone .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Nyree

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to do,scratch that what i was supose to do which was stay miserable for the rest of my life and i couldn't do that.I'm sick of this doing the right thing.Should i,no i shouldn't i can't put him through i can't belive i'm haveing this right now,that whol person vs. himself or herself.

chapter 8 :I'm Sick Of Puting Me Aside

Hey dude look it's you're ex comeing this way.Oh shnipit i cant deal with this chick right now can one of you guys diveet her awa fro me please.Naa dude we all know how crazy jenny is so you deal with her.Incomeing in 5,4,3,2,1 kaboom.Then the whole group started to laugh and snicker.Shut up you little cave demonds i need ttalk to you Darren,it's about us.

Well Jenny the us thing,well it ended when i broke up with you.Remember you threw a huge hissy fit.Well homey i would like to say im sorry and hope that we would get back together.Oksythats it i can't take hearing and seeing what was happening.Especually Jenny trying to get back with him.

Well i,i love him the first guy i could gain enough courage to actually say how i feel and to admit how i feel now.To say i love you.But i can't make his life a living hell because of my feelings.But the thing is that i'm sick of putting my feeling aside i love this guy with all my heart and i know i shouldn't do this but i don't what do you think i would do in this momment.Yeah i did what i wasn't suppose to do which was..I got up and walked over their.I walked slowly over towards the Darren while he was talking to Jenny.The thing about jenny is that she can't take a hint for jack.But you gota give this chick her props for consistancy.

Hi jenny how are you today?Yeah like you really care Fara don't you see me and my boyfriend talking right shew fly shew.Jenny do't talk to Fara like that and besides were not even together.Now normally i would be putting the hurt on anyone who put there hand in my face with a pinch or rudeness but i'll let it slid becuase in a second she's going to be gone like the wind.So lets see if i can put this chick in check.Well Jenny you're right about the me not careing about you but Darren can i talk to you for a second.

Well first of all Fara me and Darren were talking so you need to b...Before she could finish her sentence,i turn my self faced Darren and gave him a big long passionet kiss.At first i wanted to kiss him and run away.But something just said kept on telling me you're not doing anything wrong.I put my arms around him and then he put his around me.

When i was kissing him it felt like the world revalved around only me and him and there was no one their but me and him.Well until i kept on hearing the jocks yelling whoop whoop whoop over and over again.As we were kissing i could feel everyone's eyes on only me and him.But i could feel a different pair of eyes.And i new who's eyes they were.they were,Jenny's.Her stare felt cold and sharp like a thousands of pins trying to perice in my skins but i didn't care at all.It was just me and Darren,i didn't want to stop kissing him,but it felt like something or someone was trying to pull him away from me.

He grabbed me tighter,he grabed me so tight i could feel his hard chizzeld football playing body right against my body.The feel of him was nice and smoothe.But my wonderfull world was ripped back when we were seperrated.As i was comeing back to reality i saw Darren turningtowars the thing that pulled him away from me.That this was Jenny.I stared at her in anger,but then she tryed to kiss him.She pulled him towards her and he just pulled back.When he did that it felt like a weight was lifted.Jenny.Jenny as you can tell i'm with Fara right now and you need to back off.I broke up with you because of this.You thinking you can get what ever you want,well listen to me i'm not another pawn in these games you're playing.

I love it when he took charge like a reall man but his friends agreed with him.Pritty much everyone agreed with him.Yeah Jenny you need to stop being such a jerk sometime but if you want to go out sometimes then i'm cool wit that said Dereck.Dereck i would'nt date you if you and me were the last two people on the earth.Jenny thats why you no longer have Darren,so to make you're self look alot less like a jerk i would leave out this cafateria.You know what Fara, i hope you to have a long and horrible relation ship togheter and Darren.Yeah,what do you want Jenny.Well you decide to leave that thing i'll be waiting for you.

you wanna know something Darren.Sure what is it Fara?I LOVE YOU,i really really love you.When i said those 3 little words this beatuful smile lit up his face and i steard in him big beautiful brown eyes and gave him a kiss on his cheek.I would have kept on kissing him like i did before but the bell rang and you know what that means.In my head the bell is really saying "get to you're class you lazy bunch of kids.

After lunch was great for me an Darren,well eccept for the both of use really didn't pay attention to our classes like we should have but we didn't care.The teachers probubly would retaught the lesson again probubly.End of the day finally.i get to spend some time with Darren.Hey bobby have you seen Darren?Yeah last i saw he was at his locker talking to Jenny.Wait he was talking to Jenny? Yeah she was crying and he was hugging her.Bobby i gotta go,i don't Trust her as far as i can throw her.Okay but can you guys please start calling me Bob or something please.Sure what ever.

Jenny i know you're sad about our brake up but i'm with Fara and she's waiting for me.Darren i know you miss me i saw you're sad face had when you were with her you can tell me.Jenny i don't love you i love her and only her i gota go.Wait.. i hope you can peice how this conversation whent from talk thi this trick kissing him.But i watchalot of those movies and i'm not going flip out unless he doesn't pull away from her."Jen,Jenn,JENNY STOP IT.I DON'T LOVE YOU WHEN HAVE I EVER SAID THE WORDS I LOVE YOU TO YOU BEFORE".Darren.ooooooohhh i like it when you raise you're voice to me.NO stop it Jenny from now on don't talk to me or Fara.Yeah Jenny i knew that you were still going to try and take my boyfriend away.But this,this is pathetic.You see Jenny i know yo new i saw watching thats why you kissed him and you were also hopeing that by kissing him he would come back to you but no.

Darren can we go now flow just texted me that i need to come home now.Yeah,sure lets go. i didn't know flow could text.Yeah one day she texted me during school and i was amazed.On the way homeDarren just talked about random stuff and i liked it.Then it started to rain.I loved it when i statrted to rain honey.The thing i really couldn't believe was how we already started to call each other these cute couple names.It kinda felt weird to me but i liked it very much.Darren to me is like the man if my dreams he isn't afraid to look like a fool just to make me smile.

He even saw that i was feling a lttle down so he started to sing the song singing in the rain.I couldn't help but laugh especually when he tryed to get me to do it.I never thaught i could have so much fun just by walking inght rain with one other person.We finally got to my appartmet and Flow wasn't happy about us now dateing but she was also happy as well.I could sense a fear and sadness.Well i'm glad that you to are together and to see my Fara happy.Um Fara can i talk to you in the kitchen for a second.sure,honey can you wait hear sor a minute.Yeah okay what ever makes you happy.

Fara what are yo doing,you're putting this mans life in danger for you're own selfish reason.What are yo talking about,i didn't mean for me to fall in love with this guy.Flow don't you dare and say i'm being selfich because i didn't want to put his life in danger but i'm sick of putting my needs or my self second in my life.Eever school i've went to which had cute guy ther i had to be the out cast ing the school and i'm sick of it.Now if you don't like it you can leave right now.No i'm just telling you that you're responsible for his life.I do and like you sad i have enough strenght im my magic.Yes but if you want to unlock all you're powere i need you to be practicing with me then.

okay then i will,but not tonight because me and Darren are going to chill tonight.Okay Fara just for today,tomorrow we practice for you're level ten witches licence.So they give you a licence for going to level ten.Yeah becuse you start brooms and vacums,pritty nuch anything.when you get to level twenty you're going to get another licence.So the level ten licence is like a drivers licence.Yes exactly.Okay so tomorrow i have a busy day then.Yes we do so i would sujest that you hve a good night rest okay.Yeah but flow could you do me a faver and leave us alone for a hours.

Chapter 9 : I'm Sorry To Put You Through This

Fara where is flow going?Well flow is tired tonight so shes going to bed early.But if you're board watching the paint dry on that wall there's a t.v in my room.Oh okay,i love the colors you painted the walls.Why thank you,i tryed to brighten the place up a little bit.Do you want anything while i'm in the kitchen honey? No thank you baby i'm good.Most people would probubly say that were rushing into things by already calling each other these cute names.But i don't think so we been kinda likeing each other for a while so i kinda cout that as dateing.

WWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW,you're t.v is huge.what is you're t.v size Fara? Oh the television size is i think 72 inches.Well i love it and you even more.Wow i love you even more now.Really then i can i get some of that love you're fealing.Sure baby come and give me some of that sugar.So i gave hima little peck on his lips and then pulled away quickly.I went to go sit on the bed but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.Then he said yo know i don't need a jolly rancher i need a a long lasting
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