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Book online ยซI Dont Want To Love by Nyree (ereader iphone .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Nyree

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little sanity i had in my head.But durring the day i had my phone ringging off the scale.I wanted to call and text him back but i inda didn't want to talk or see him right now.The more and more i tryed to gather my thaughts my head started to pound harder and harder.But i can't keep these bad thaughts on my mind but i need to get my head in the game and think about magic.Nothing but magic i need to pass this test.

My phone is an distraction,it rings and rings.But i need to leave it and walk away.It's almost 4:35 i need to go and take this test.How the hell am i going to tell Flow that my boyfriend is a vampire.Well if i do then maybe she could tell me why i didn't know this.She has to know something because vampires because she's been around for almost four of five hundred years now.Hey Flow i'm hear on time to take this test.Yeah i'm right hear,just change into the clothes i set on you're bed and then come in the kitchen.Okay,i started changing into the outfit Flow wanted me to wair and i looked like it was from mid evil times.

But it made me feel like i was a princess.That was good.Flow i'm ready to take this test.Okay Fara weir going to start with level 1 to level 10.So take you're time,concentrate and breath the more air you take in the stronger you're magic will be.Fara what the matter you seem sad.Yeah i'm kina okay,i just found out Darren is a vampire.Yeah you didn't know?NOOO i didn't know,why didn't you tell me? I thaught you new.Thats why you're atracted to him.No it's not i watch t.v i learned how to make me not like of fall in love with people and creatures.Ilearned that wheni skimmed the spell book.Wate when was that?That was when you first gave me the book.So the sweetie you're in love with a vampire,just deal with it.

Yeah yeah what ever lets just do this okay.Level 1 lets do it,levatate the pencil.Okay one things for sure is that if smeone ever gives you a book skim it instead of actually reading it unless you want you.But some books you can't or shouldn't skim beacuse there is a huge chance you will miss a big chunk of information.After the exams with levatation,sheilding and more i passed the test and now a level 10 witch or wicken but i just was happy to go to bed and rest.But i culdn't stop thinking about Darren.I'm not afraid,scared,threatened i just can't get or understand how i didn't know.

For the past week ever since Darren told me about the whole vampire thing,i haven't went to school or to see him.I miss him so much durring the past week.Flow is makeing me go to school on the last week.Plus i need people to sighn my yearbook.Normally i would have left about 4 months ago and moved to some other place in washington i havn't lived before.But i love it hear.Yould get a good amount or sun and no sun aka winter.I kinda want to go to school for the last week and i kinda don't.I kinda do because i want some of the people who hardly know me and don't like me to sighn my yearbook.The reason why i don't want to go is because i don't want to see Darren.Well i really really want to see Darren but how can i talk to him,should i act like it never happened.

I don't know what to do,i wish i had someone to help me but i don't.Well i only have 4 more days of school so i should be happy about that.Plus this was my last year of high school and i am outa hear.College hear comes Faraganda Mackavie and i am excited out of my mind.But first priority geting out of high school.Darren keeps on texting me bt what should i say.what should i do,he trys and talks to me on facebook but i don't answer him.I guess tomorrow i'm gonna to have to talk to him.Unless i can create z cloaking sheld around my self when ever he come near me.Yeah that might actuall work for me.To bad this giant book doesn't have an index in it.It would probubly make looking for this spell alot easier.But i'm to tired to do this now.

Monday morning,and i'm so scarded to talk to him.What am i going to say.I practice saying things to Darren in the mirror.This is what i got so farm"hey Darren hows it going.I still love you" and thats all i got so far.I hope some more words come to my head.Well the ting about it being the last week of school is that pritty much no one comes to school.So far Darren is know where in sight and i like it so far.Hey Fara.AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH,i guess i now know what it feels like to almost have a heart atack.
I'm sorry for scaring you last time Darren!Like i said last time Fara its okay not like i can have one anyway.Fara i understand if you don't want to date me ever again or even see me i ju...I interupted him talking befor he could finish his sentence beacue i did want to keep seeing and dateing him.

Darren what don't you understand about the word i love you? Now is that a retorical or a non retorical question?I love you Darren no matter what or who you are.So i guess that was a retorical question then.Ha ha ha very funny.He hugged me and gave me a kiss on my for head.But i wanted to know more about him,everything about him.He looked around and said " do you want to go to a special place" with a big beautiful smile and then winked at me.I live it when he smiles at me,it makes me melt like chocolate you held in you're hand for at least a minute.

Sure lets go,wait are we going to take the way you did two weeks ago.Yeah unless you want to walk like normal.Naa you're way is alot quicker.All right now or 1st period.How about..He picked me up and put me behind his back and i held on tight to him..He started to runn at a mormall rate but when no one was around,he kicked it into high gear.He ran as fast as or even faster than a car with the peddle pushed all the way down.Faster than a speeding bullet like superman or faster and i loved it.The breeze threw my hair and just to see everything i never seen before in a blink of an eye.Fara close you're eyes i don't want you to see where we are till i say so,okay.Yeah sure what ever i promise.

I'll know when you're eye are open so keep them closed.At first i was okay with him being all secretive but it get very anxious when i don't know whats he's going to do.Were hear you can open you're eyes.Wow this is so beautiful,it smells like a sinfony of flowers and there fragrances.It smelt so beautiful.But the place all together wwas amazing i was speechles.The place ahd to be about 1 acer long and filled with all of my favorite flowers.Darren i love it so much,it has all my favorite flowers and ones i never new existed.Oh they exist,There just in different parts of the world.

So then whay are they doing hear them?Um well,you got me i kinda made this whole place.So you did all of this,the flowers.the dozens and dozens of flowers.Well yeah i made this ater i turned into a vampire.I needed some place to come and just be me.When ever i was stressed or about or was about to go on a feeding frenzy,on the whole town i would come hear and meditate.

This place use to help me and keep me calm.No one knows about this place except you and me.So,i know you have a lot of questions to ask me and i'm ready for them.Okay,i have about five or more,so try an bare with me.My first question is that how can you be in the sun ?Well it's because of our family crest and our venom helps us with that hole sun thing.Well the family crest is suppose to give you the living the perception of us being alive or still human.So the crest has fooling humans that you're still alive even to the touch.Yes it does and the funny thing is that our vemon in use is our crest.So why do i see you always wearing that ring.The reason i were the ring is because all vampires need to were or have some form of a crest.But the we choose to make to be cold or warm.

To pritty much symbloize that you belong to some form of a clan or family.Do you have any other questions for me?Well i had about 7 but you just answered about 5 of them in less that a few minutes.Well i know one question i do know you really really want answered.Which is what?What type of blood do we drink.Yeah so answer the question!I drink animal blood.My family are kinda like vegatarians,the only thing we eat or drink are animals.So you don't have to wory about me wanting to kill you.Yeah i feel a little better about this whole thing now.Afte isad tha he had this sad expresion on his face.

Darren i was kidding,ever since you told me i new what i was gettin into and i stil do.Ilove you and anything that comes with you.Now that i think about it,did you tell Jenny about you being a vampire.Actually she is vampire and her friends.There all part of the spinx clan.So tere all fom egypt then.Yeah prity much,he move around a lot like us.Sowhen did they move?They al movewhen chloe patra died.They ll worshiped her and how popular she was.So how old are you?I'm only 215 year old,i'm the yougest one in my family.Wow,when is you're birthday then ?Well to tell you the truth Fara i don' even know when it is any more.Whe you reach the age of 100 you really stop careing abot a birthday.

Fara when is you're birtday ?It's July 4th,before my parents died they said you wil always have happiness and independence.Till now i didn't really beleave them.He turned around and looked at m with a socked expression on his face.He grabbed me and threw me on is back and ran.I asked him whts happening and he didn't say anything.He sopped sometimes and chnged directios but i was still wondeing what was going.On,by the third or fourth question he asked me to calm down and not to talk at all till we got to his house.

We finally got to his house and it was huge.It was in the middle of the mountain.The house over looked the whole city.You could see evey side of the city like the north,south,east and west sections of the city.When we got inside Darren rushed me to his room and told me to stay hear.He closed the door and ran off.The whole time i was wondering whats going on hear.I was sitting in his room for about 5 minutes.I walked around his room and it was
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