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Book online ยซI Dont Want To Love by Nyree (ereader iphone .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Nyree

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oooh okay i felt so mid evil times right there calling you young master. next question darren.yeah sure okay Fara how about how.

Well how is she speaking? Well she was a normall pet bat and.... wate wate fara can i explain it?sure flow she really enjoys telling this story.Well it was 1763 and i was a normal bat in england flying around from a far i saw this beautiful flash of colorfull light blinking like those strobe lights.So i was curious and i checked it out.i started to move closer and closer to it and it was this tall dark castle with heavy dark clouds surrounding it.

The flashes got louder so i.....before flow could finish the sentence i yelled at the top on my lungs and said " FLOW!!" please get to the end of the story please.I think Darren is about to fall asleep.NO no i'm okay the talking bat is kind of
an attention grabber.OHokay flow please continue but hurry up please.Thank you,Fara don't inturupt me agian please.okay what ev'

As i was saying,I moved closer to the light and snuck through the a crack ia a window.As i was loking around i saw this man standing over a giant pot of this liqued was flashing colorfull lights.But then a huge BBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBB !!!!! Went off.whne flow did that i immediatly woke up.when she saw she had my attention again she continued with the story.the place was blone to pieces.i was laying on the ground 2 feet away from the man and he was paceing backa and forth trying to figure what went wrong with the liqued.At firts i was looking around speaking in a bat tone and then speaking like a human person.The man heard me speaking and started asking me questions.Like how are you speaking and what are you.i explained and answered each question he asked,well for Fara longs story short we became freinds he ran test and i am what i am to this day.happy Fara?

Yes i am happy now.I just can't belive a kind of short story took 2 hours.Any way so Darren are you okay? yeah i kinda am,my heart started to beat a t a normal rate again.Well Fara i can take a talking bat.Anything else you need to tell me?well just one thingand thats that i'm a witch or a trainee witch.Wate you what? Well i can do some trick,with the help of Flow i can do some beginner tricks.but if i keep practicing i can do a lot better were i become a full witch.Okay i can handle that,can i tell you something Fara? yeah sure ask away.Well i always new that there was something special about you and i now know what.The only thing i want to get off my chest is that..... well that.....

As he was struggleing to choke out the words he kept looking at me and flow.Then he continued,well Fara i'm in love with you he said in a jokeative tone but from the expression on his face i knew he wasn't jokeing.I tryed to interupt Darren before he could kept going on but he wouldn't let me.Listen to me Fara i never felt this way about a girl before,you make me want to see another day.You keep me to the ground everytime i see you.You're the only thing in this world i think about.The only thing i'll ever want.I know i have only none for a few months now maybe even less and it feels like i've know you ever since i was born.Befor i met you,my life felt not completed.Till now i need you to tell me you don't feel the same way.Please i know how you feel the same way about me.

He moved closer to me and grabed my hand.Please,Tell me the truth?I started thinking and all these thaughts were running through my head.Like one of the thaughts that kept repeating over and over was saying tell him the rest of you're self and tell him you like him like that.the other thaughts were like you have to make him laeve and nere talk to hima agian.But what should i do,i don't want to see him die right infront of me.

Darren i cant,i can't do this with you.My voice started to quiver and i started to fear and regret.I told you i wasn't looking for anything,no friends and no love whats so ever and hear you come with this.Darren i can't do this if you would please leave,please.Okay Fara i'll leave and i'll kep you're secret about all of this.But i promise you that i won't stop loving you till the day i die maybe even after death.Please Darren,just go.He walked towards the door with a sad expresion on his face and as he wa leaving he said "See you at school" and then just left.All night i stayed up thinking about what he said and how my feelings are for him.

Chapter 7 :Schools Got Complacations

Tomorrow is Monday once again and i'm kinda scared to go.I know i can't miss 30 days of school well i think it's 30 days.Well i already missed almost 25 days already so i have to go.All night and all morning i kept on hearing darren say " I'm in love with you" replaying over and over again in my head. You know Fara this is you're fault.Waste how is this my fault,Flow.I told you no tho talk or mae friends with anyone and you go and do the opposit by makeing friends and now one of them is in love with you.

Flow i have bigger things to deal with than you acuseing me of creating this whole problem.Oh yeah like what?Well for one,how am i going to stay away from him.I have every single class with him and it's so far it the quarter to change.Well i know you will get through this Fara just go to school and try to divert away from him.By fara and good luck today and stay away from that boy.yeah yeah what ever flow i'll try.

Some times i think Flow can be a little to protective but i still love her like a mother.When i think about my family i get mad at my self but it feels like there still hear with me.Just hear at a distance.

I just got to school and no Darren in sight.I still can't believe he sad the words i love you.I never thaught i was the type who kinda had comitment issues.But technically i don't have those issues because i just don't want to see him die."HEY FARA,WATE UP"At first i thaught that vioce calling my name was Darren.But when i turned around it was Bobby.Hey bobby whats going on?Well Darren was looking for you but he wanted me to check to see if you were hear and if you were talking to him? I have you hear,but are you talking to him?

Bobby did he tell you whats going on between us? No he just told me to do these to simple tasks.Well bobby can you do me a favor?sure what is it and any favor i do come with a price.okay i'll pay you 20 bucks.Okay thats more than Darren,so whats the tsk you want me to proform.Okay listen to me it's very simple and you can't screw it up.I want you to forget i was ever hea and that you never talked to darren at all today okay.yeah sure what ever now weres my 20 bucks.I'll pay you when i see the job get done.Okay you're smarter than Darren is because he already paid me and the one thing i don't do is give money back.

Yeah sure what ever Bobby remember you get paid when i see results.Well i gata go i see my lady friend.Bobby you know she took karate right?Oh yeah,well then i can at least try!Well don't come crying when she judo kicks you're but to next year.Well the Bob man don't stike out at any time.Yeah good luck with that i will give you 5 more bucks if you talk to her for more that one minute.Okay i want it up front.Don't worry i got you're money right hear.And the time starts NOW!!!.Wtching bobby walk over there like he has some form of swagger was kinda funny.But i felt bad for him because 30 seconds into a conversation with that girl he liked,she kicked him all the way back hear.

Don't say a word!! i new you wern't going to last more than a minute with her.SHUT UP,why does it seem like you're always right.oh it's because i'm a g like that okay.Heythers Darren,Fara i don't know what happened between you two but you two need to talk.I gata go stay breezy.Yeah ight,as Bobby was walking away i was wondering about that random exit stratagies i could use but my brain was drawling blanks.

Hey Fara we need to talk about what happened last night.Umm well i gata go Ms.Blotch wanted to talk to me about the final sooo by.When i said buy all i could think was should we talk about this subject or should we just let bigons be bigons.Before Darren go to any of the class we had together tryed to ask each teacher if i could move by seat closer to the door and far away form Darren.There are two reasons why i did that one is that i wanted to get to each of my classes a lot quicker.the second reason is that i was scared that he might try and start a conversation about the thing i don't want to talk about.

Lunch time came and i was worried about how Darren might come and sit with me.I sat at my normal table and waited to see if they would sit with me and guess what? They did so i did the resonalbe thing and moved to the guys use to be table.As i was walkng away i coul hear the guys talking about me and him.Some of the guys were saying " damn dude what did you do,i thaught i was th only guy who could make girls leave like that.but you." then another voice said " yeah man were all dieing to know."Okay guys i was wonder when some body would come and talk to me about why sh doesn't want to be around me.But i think i told her news that she wasn't ready for."Like what"a v another voice said.

Did you tell her about you're dad wanting you to move to Ohio with him.No i thaught i was going to tell her later but she won't talk to me.SSSSSSSSOOOOOO then what did you tell her then braa.Well i know you guys told me not to tell her until whe became more thean friends but....."NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" All the guys said at once.Them saying no wa so lod that the entire cafateria turned there heads and stared.Then in about 6 seconds the cafateria turned back to normal only people payed attention to the people in there click.The guys just kept on hitting him and gerking him around while saying whats the matter with you.

I couldn't take it any more.him saying i love you and thinking about him saveing my life from a sycho person.i tryed to keep fighting it.I did what i had
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