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Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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had the man seen him do it but knew who she was to.
"I'm sorry sir" he manged to squeal. "Oh not yet you arn't" said the man in the tree and knife gleming in his hand. he reached forwarded to the spot where the vine was that he was holding him up in the air. "no pleas don't do that!" he noticed him smiling now then a quike jerk of the hand and it was cut. Drake fell with a thud. He manged to groan out some thing.
The person jumped out of the tree. To land right next to him in a crouch. Her body perfectly formed and a face as beautiful as any thing he ever seen. "your a girl" she smiled at him "yes kid im a girl your not the only one who can play with your voice." she smiled at him again. And if you don't want me telling her what you did. then I suggest you listen to me. now whats your name kid?" she asked while standing up. Her tight leather jerkin just barley showing some thing that he was not supposed to look at. According to Max any ways. She shrugged at him as he stared at her. she wherein some tight fitting pants covered with leaves. he closed his eye as he garbed her extend hand. Witch was soft the touch. "My name is Drake" he said finally after manging to tack his eye of her He turned around. thanking the gods that he was still whereing the cloth witch kept her from seeing that he had been looking at her. "Mine's Kashsha" she said in the same sing song voice that he figured all elves must have. "You wouldn't happen to know where I can find this tree with a scare in it would you?" Kashsha let out a laugh that sent his hart racing. "Yeah i know where I you could find this tree." he looked back at her this time making sher not to look below the neck. and try to glare at her but just couldn't find it in him to do so. after looking in to her eye 's the same damed eye's that Amaruth had bright green. "Well you going to tell me where its at or at least show me?" she looked at him as if trying to diced weather or not she should help him smiling. "Maybe whats it to you and what you willing to do for my helping you?" She lend against the tree behind her to witch Drake was tide to not long ago. He looked at her "for get I even asked."
he started to look at every tree near by. She watched him for a good ten minutes or so. While trying not to laugh the one tree he did not look at was the one she as standing next to witch just so happed to have the scare he was looking for. And she was hiding behind her back. Ten minutes latter he sat down on a rock defeated. "Maybe I should have asked her which tree it was be for she passed out." he muttered to him self. Finely he looked up at Kashsha exactly what would you have me do if you did help me. A twinkle lit her eyes at his defeat."oh so now he wants my help dose he" she said aloud as if talking to some one who was still hiding near by. "will you cut that crap out!"
his voice echoed off the tree's. Eye where glowing from beneath the cloth that covered them. Kashsha shrank back at this. in a scared and curios tone she manged to wispier. "What the hell are you?" this only serving to make him angrier at her. He stood up slowly still a kid and yet so scary at the same time. "I need the damned bridge" his voice softened. "So I can help Amaruth get home."
A fierce pride seem to emanate from him. "Yet just a boy" she wisped his hearing being as good as an elf herd this and set him off again. 'Great she's gone nuts.' He shook head and walked off. "Hey Drake" she said before he gone more then ten feet. All I ask is that you come eat dinner with me and Amaruth then stay the night. It's to late to walk back to your town any way's and I bet your hungry to. If you agree i'll tell you where you can find your tree." Of course she had to go know further then free food and he was all in. his belly of course it let out a big growl as if it where a hunting animal and not a child's belly. He stopped to look he was thinking it over idea of thinking but she knew it had worked. He looked up at her. "Kashsha you got a deal." She stepped a way from the tree. And pointed at it with dramatic flare. "There good sir is your tree." then she put in a bow for insult after words. With out missing a beat he said "Why thanks mylady what help. You have been to me." and just to piss her off he kissed her hand like the royal people do in the story's. He walked over to the tree and placed his hand one the scare. 'What a strange boy you are Drake. And what mystery do you hide? even from your self.' When she looked at him the tree shimmered. but nothing els happened.
'Why you seem to have the basic use of your ki-re to' she manged a small smile. Then sat down "Drake come here I want to teach you how to better get a hold
of your ki-re. He went and sat next to her. "you have no problem calling on your ki-re it's holding its that you need to learn." he nodded his head. "I figurer Amaruth tolled you how to do the pulling on and calling on it am I right." he shook his head. "No i kind a figured that out. When I was stuck in the mud under the water. just a while ago" she looked at him quizzically. for even among the elves it was hared to learn that on your own. let alone doing while in an stress full situation like drowning under water. "well if she didn't tell you how then tell me how your doing it."
He thought about it for a bit. Well when I was under there at first I was panicked. so I did some calming mediation I Learned form the church. once my mind was calm then one of my head aces came to me. I did my beast to push it a way. It wouldn't go a way so instead of fighting it I let it come to me. and whosh there it was." at this she listed "wait back up there
kid you say you had this head ace before it came to you?" She throughout over it for a moment and he nodded. "How bout this because you staying the night we'll do this to tomorrow and I'll open the bridge. this way I can see how best to help thous head aces."
A look of disappointed crossed his face. 'Man this suck guess it just elves and there way to say some thing then change there mind latter.' "He got up i'll do it my self. I want to do this. with or with out your help." He crossed over to the tree. took off the cloth and looking at the tree. He raised his hand. Calling on his ki-re he focused it on the tree. He got another ripple. He frowned and tried again and aging. soon his head was hurting from the effort. he saw the broken image of Amaruth right before she had passed out. He razed his hand again then out of no where word's that he did't re-call learning. Lept past his lips with a hiss that like of a reptile. Kashsh more learned then he. Knew this language but not how to speak it. And yet before her this five year old kid was specking it with out effort. As if it was his native language. she walked in front of him and looked him up and down. Then noticed his eyes where glowing again. His pupils where slits that like of a cat and the most stunning was that they where golden to. The tree simmered and the scare opened up. The bridge that was made out of ancient stones. that where carved by her own people long ago. enchantment's cast on them long a go. Kashsh still didn't notice this. He shouted with glee jumping up and down. Her mind was far a way at the moment going over the word's that describe one person famed in many elven story. The most power full assassin this world had ever known. And it seemed to come to life in front of her very eye's. she couldn't breath could barely think all that came to her was the same description over and over.'hair as black as a a crow, Eyes of pure gold . Ki-re that only the grate worms of legend could poses. for trough the same blood run in his veins.' The kid she saw before her was not him but there was know other explication. one word she whispered one name fit this child better then then drake did. What she thought she saw be for her. Was the one and the only "Blade". She wisped the name and it was as if he stood there in that place with her at that moment. when she looked for Drake she saw him coming a cross the river on the stone bridge. witch as he walked. Section by section slide back under the water. She knew who this Child was and who's child he was. It childed her to the core before her stood the child of thee legendary Blade. She had just tried to teach him to do the one thing that seemed to come natural to him. She had tried to teach the son of Blade.

He sat suspend there in the air watching Drake. Swing out over the river and to over shout the next vine and go under the river. His hart aced at the sit of it. his own flesh and blood was going to drown in a river stuck in the mud with only he and two other to witness it. Why din't the bigger elf try to save him. did she not here him splash in to the water. was she so out of it that she didn't here it. The little girl was weeping and so was he. Several moments passed and he surfaced clear down the river. Unnoticed by the little girl Or the other one. who was still weeping. he wanted to tell her he had made it out. Wanted to comfort her and be there for her. As he melted at the sit of her this up set over his son. 'What a soft hart you have blade.' He then lowered him self down to watch what drake would do Next. he was wherein his shirt but ringing out his pant's the checked his under where. for what seemed to be a tear. the when he took not of his son's clothe he saw the shoulders and elbows shredded. And laughed at it all in spit of him self. His son had used his draconian power and didn't understand it. Smiling at this only made him remembered his first time to and realized that his son was exactly like him self. He fallowed
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