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Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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He woke with a start covered in cold sweat and shiverd. "Theres' some thing just not right to night" he wisperd to him self. Then lay back down crinkling his nose out of habitt, as he lay back down to try and get some rest. 'It cant be much past three so get some sleep you old goon,' his mind a whirl he rolled over in he bed closed his eyes but could not go back to sleep. He got out of bed, walking over to his medtion mat and lit a candle, his brown and gray hair whitch was reaching his shoulders was now in his face, as he used one hand to pull it out of his face. While lighting the other nine candles that surround his meditation mat. As he sat down he crinkeld his nose agin and sat up pefectly straight. He closed his eyes and began to breath in through his nose and out his mouth making sure to ues his diafram to breath in and out, in and out. The smell of the candels was just starting to calm him, when he heard litght and silent feet runing out in the hall. He ignored it of course till it knocked on his door as it ran past his room. He stood up, walked to the door un-bolted it and looked in to the hall, just in time to see a slim figure run a round the corner. "Im geting to old for chasing young pranksters around this time in the mornin," he mubeled as he steped out in to the hall, the same feeling that woke him up came flooding back to him. 'Yes' he thought to him self 'yes there is most definatly some thing not quite right' he didn't even pause for his slippers as he took of down the hall after the culprit who nocked on his door. When he got the end of the hall he rounded the corner, to see who he assumed was the man who knocked on his door.
The man he saw turned to look at him as if in trying to decide something, his golden eyes locking on to his for a moment. Then the man turned and leaped through the window. Finally when he came to his senses. After seeing a man leap out a filth story window, he ran to look out of the same window through witch the man had jumped. What he saw was not a mans dead body on the ground but the man standing on top of a two story house a-cross the way with his hood up over his head. The man took off running not looking back, leaping from roof top to roof top. The old monk just stood there watching him disapear into the night.
Amazed at how easliy the man he saw just leap away as he had, he muttered to him sellf, "never could i have done such a thing even with all my skills." a pang of jeliousy swept over the monk as he looked towards the spot where he last saw this man. There is only one man he knew could. The assassin he meet on his travels when he was twenty five years old, yes the man who saved me those years ago.
When he finally went back to his room he noticed the note hanging on his door. Which read, "in the chapel is my lifes gratest achivment take care old friend." 'I wonder what that means' he mumbled to him self. He crinkled his nose again and set off for the chapel. He went down the winding stairs through the maze of hallways. Then he finally made it to the main hall way. Pilers of marble reaching to the ceiling. He steped in to the center of the grand hallway on the red carpet that lead to the chapel he crinkeld his noes again as he made it to the big oak doors and the grand arch before the chapel. He layed his hand on the smoth wood of the door and held his hand there as if to try and see what was on the other side of the majestic doors. He pushed lightly on them as they swung in silently, and as all ways he marviled at how the dors did that when not once in the twentyfive years of working here had they been oiled.
He steped into the room the un-easiness washed over him again whitch was really strange since it was said that when the Church was builte that a spell was cast in the capel to help you feel at peace. Which troubled him all the more, "must not be true then," he wisperd to him self. But as he walked closer to the grand alter his un-easiness only grew. There was a chest at the bottom step with a basket on top. In side was a moving bundel with a sealed note on it. He stepped forward. A tiny "oh" excaped he lips as he noteced it was a baby in the bundel. "Your gratest achievement indeed my shadowy friend." He said to him self, a sly smile coming to his lips. As he picked up the note and looked at the waxy seal on it, two curved swords crossed with ribbons at the end of each handel, and a brid flying above them. He broke the seal and oppened the note.

Dear Max

You have all ways been my friend but now I must in trust to you my gratest treasure. For the organization has changed, it is has become corrupted by the leaders that control it . It no longer holds to it's true purpose of protecting the world from the shadows, for that is no longer its goal. It has become nothing but a band of cut-throats and theives.
They serve themselves and only themselves. Or who ever pays the most, at least I've been able to warn a few with in the orgzation about the change it has taken. Some have left it, some like me have taken a stand. The others won't listen to my pleas they call me a traitor to the creed they tell the others not to listen to my pleas.thous who did listen to me turned back or are dead. My friends, wife, and even my two sons are dead. I have no where left to turn. This is the last of my children, there he would have been brain washed. What would they tell him about me. Max, for the frist time in a long time, I'm truly scared, but not for me. For my son, I give him to you, please raise him well. Theres money in the chest, a long with a few valuable items for him.
The organization must not find him. If only because he inherited some of my more powerfull skills. You will have to leave the city, my friend go to a small town some where. I would do it myself, but I must stop them if I can. Don't tell my son, any of this. I don't want this life for him.Though this life may find him. Even if i succeed my son reamains in your care. I know the burden and responsbilty I have foreced you to take this night. But if you dont whant too raise him which, I sinserly hope you will then at least find a good family in some small town or village to raise my son. For though I'Il hope to succeed in my task, I fear I won't, in a few days time I'll most likely be dead. So as my last request I ask this of you my friend. Take care of him to the best of your is them who should now fear me. Now I have nothing left to lose.

Your Shadowy Friend

A single tear ran down his face as he read the letter. 'buy my old friend' he thought to himself as he sat down. Clutching the letter to his chest as if he could stop his friend from what was bound to be his last job.

Blade stood there holding his own son for what seemed like hours, his face a mask of nothing but true sadness. Memory's of his wife flashed through his mind but he shoved them aside as he lay his son down in the basket carefully so as not to wake the him. He turned and walked away once he reached the door to leave the chapel. He closed it silently not that it mattered. He could have slammed them shut and not a noise would be heard. He turned away ran swiftly and silently down the great hall. Through the winding monistary halls and up the winding stars to the top floor, he stopped when he noticed dim light comeing from the door. Brother Maxs' room he considerd telling Max him self but when he heared Max talking in the room he decide to stick with his original plan. He stroked his chin where some haire was growing in. he pulled out the small note and needle. Placed it on the door whith out stopping in his run he herd Max say some thing frome the other side of the door but didnt stop to wate. Around the corner he ran down the next hall stopped and opened the window. Wich he 'opened hesitantly once I leave I'll never see my son agin' the thought pained him more then he the death of his wife. he hesitated turned and saw max down the hall candle in hand. There eyes meet briefly. He thout once aging to tell Max in person but then turned and leaped from the window.
to landed three story's below across the street on the houes below landing on his feet and going diveing in to a role mack the impact less pain full he stood up pulling his hood up and low over face. And ran jumped grace fully from one building to the next. a shadow in the the night a shadow with an improbable task. To tack down the most powerful Guiled of assassin the world has ever knowen. Alone in this fight consider a traitor to every one in it. He made it to the city walls in a few minuts. Seeing the city guard coming he doped down in to shadows better. To hold prefrictly still. Knowing it wasint needed he held still any way they wouldn't have seen the shadowy figer in his dark blueish gray suit. wich hides a man in shadow beeter then thr darkest black could. he helled still none the less not whanting to be scene. his parinoa was what made him the beast for one. simple mistake could cost one his life in this job.
He slide quitly as possible and slipped over the roof holding on to its edge with one hand he pulled out his dart gun and shot at the solder on the wall the sleeping posine worked to prefaction. The guards in the street below tacking no notice of the moveing sadow above them walked on. One.... two.... three....four....five they wher far enofe a way he droped down be hind some boxs. They just past with out a sound landing in a coruch. he wated for them to move frerther a way. Six.... seven....eight he sprang and ran a cross the ally. Ran up thirty foot the wall

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