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Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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peac good sir elf." the elf thout it over for some time Max finly spoke up. "Well have you Decide then good sir elf"
"My name I dout you could pronunce it so pleas call me Siver And I will have to tack it up witn my freinds" the elf turned at started talking to his three companions in elvish. His blond hair falling from his sholders as he did so. Max started to get anouide when he listend to there converstion. " Well if I where you id go with purpel grapes when you have dinner. I dont really fancy thee green ones but thats just my opinon." Stated Max the elves turned in surprise at this. "You know how to speak in elven. The you should all so know most elves do not tollerat other listing to there converstion eather." "Oh yes I know that just checking to see how good my elvish is really and who better to practice with then actual elves wouldn't you agree Siver? now if you dont mind I must be going? Max tured and walked off one of siver three frined said he will be back. all turned to see her holding the chiled that Max for got. "Yes I think he will" Ten minutes latter max was back. Silve was lifting Drake in to the air and smiling. Drake giggling with glee his bright golden eyes now cat like while. Silve played with him. Max watched this intrested and wondering what to say to Silve.
Silve looked over at him "You left Drake here Max" Max looked a way a shamed at his forget fullness. "I feel so foolish, that child was intrusted into my care." "OH drake, max is so irresponsible, so ignorant. He just cant stop to pay even the least bit of attention to you can he? No he can't. Your paents didn't pick the best person to take care of you now did they? NO, but maybe they did and he's being a little off today. Yep, that must be it, Max is like this alot. Drake, never forget to make max work extra hard to take care of you. Should I continue to ignore him? pretend like he isnt there? Yeah, I think he needs to be ingored. always seeming to need someone to pay attention to him. Yep, your foster father is a needy little-" "okay, watch it, he doesnt need to hear all that, I dont care if you continue to ignore me but Drake does not need to hear bad things about me even if they are true, " "but-" Silve said a sad look on his face, like he really wanted to verbally bash Max in front of Drake. Drake began giggling as Silve held him higher in the air, his arms becoming lose frome the soft brown blanket. Max shighed heavilly as he gently took the smiling baby from the arms of the elf. "thats not the best idea now is it friend." silve said as he just looked bankly back at Max. "what do you mean by that" asked max right as Drake decided to pee all over him. "Dont say it" max said angrily as he handed Drake back to Silve. Silve smiled devlishly as he took the now sleepy child fron the hands of Max. because of the way that max was holding robe away from his stomatche Silve got the idea that he wouldnt want Drake back any time soon. Slive smiled again, this time he was looking at Drake. "This is by far the smartest kid that I have ever met." Silve said, his voice unnaturlly loud.
They silently agreed upon Silve watching Drake while Max very quickly changed his robes into some of the elvish atire. If it had been up to Max he wouldnt have changed at all. But no, while he had Drake in his care he had to stay clean, even if that meant that he was going to have to wear clothing that he didnt aprove of. Now, Max wore soft golden pants, and a light green shirt that tucked into his pants, his shoes were still his own, being a deep brown in color and delicatly worn in, he was more fond of these shoes than any others. When max went towards Silve, he found himself standing in what couldn't have been anything other than horse manure. "Oh shit, now i'm going to have to change my shoes."
The look on silve's face said that even he was unamussed. "Max! you tell me not to say suchthings to a child, and yet you do? and you are even a monk!" max just stared at Silve, willing his anger to come to a managable state. when it didnt he looked clamly at the elf, and stated, "I need new shoes now too, do you mind, could you kindly go get me some." The look on Silve's face was amusement now, as he carefully handed a now snoreing Drake to the monk. Who to silve's astonishment looked rather like the monk was comfortable in the silk elvish clothing.

Roger and his friends were on their way to the Tankard, awaiting them was a rather worn out Blade. Who's stomach needed to be filled with sweet mead. Blade's black hair began to fall infront of his face, he carefully tucked it behind his head and pulled the hood of his suit up, covering his eyes he began to non-chantly spin a knife on the top of a well polished table. The room was filled with the fogged smell of beer and tabacco, the tables were all round and recently polished. The chairs were all made of simmilar wood, and they too had been polished, their backs were well worn and still sturdy. the floors, weren't floors, just dirt that had been packed down so much that it was almost a rock. The solid oak door creaked as it swung open. Roger and his friends arived just as the sun was setting, the soft pink glow from the sky could only barley be seen as the door opened but only for a moment. As they looked around the small but full bar they noticed one, only one, man sitting by himself, all the other men here were either being entertained by local women, others were gathered around tables gambling, to talking too loudly with their friends. Roger motioned for his friends to follow him as he made his way over to Blade.
As they sat down at the remaing nine chairs at the rather large table. They all looked around as waitress came around. she was wearing an ill fitting gown, that drooped too low and was too short. Blade motioned for her to bring them a picture of mead, and that was all. She walked away, sulking that yet another person hadnt the respect to talk to her.
Roger felt nothing the for the waitress and tried to get Blade to tell the whole story. the room was buzzing with activity, and His friends seemed to look around the room as if expecting somone to jump out of the shadows. Kade looked around nerviously as they sat nerviosly at the polished wood table.
Kade was a tall person, with blonde, wavy hair falling in neat strokes down to his shoulders, brown eyes glancing feerfully at all corners of the room. Joe, who was looking at Blade with utter admireation, had russet hair and dull green eyes, his skin was fair and dirty. Katelin, who was looking longingly at Joe, had soft black hair braided down the center of her back, chocolate brown eyes and freckled skin. Howey, who was now spaced out staring at the empty wall, sat with a straight back, his hair was soft light brown, cut so short that he might as well have been bald. His eyes were a pale blue. Kim, was a short blonde, who had big green eyes. However, was a shallow person, with nothing much to say and thoughts to speak of. Sara looking tired and being the shortest one. hair was died light blue just like here eyes. and constenly spacing out. Sarth's family came frome the desert wat to the sout had dark brown skin showing his heritage. and no hair to speak of he eyes brown seemed to be tacking measure of Blade. And last to sit down was Parker who eyes where shut being tiered from the trip here. And with short black spiked hair. Finally after a couple of nerve racking minutes they all settled down with all eyes looking at the dagger which was still spining on the table, though Blade had stopped spinning it when they sat down. He reached for the picture of mead, not saying a word he poured him self a cup. Wating to see who would speak first. Joe reached for the tankerd to pour him self a glass. But before his hand ever reached it. Blade made his move so fast. Grabed the dagger while it still spun. threw it at Joe's out streched hand only to bury its self an inch into the table between his splade fingers. Joe, to stund to move, sat as he was. As Katelin let out a gasp, he almost hit Joe. She glared at Blade who was now siping from his cup as if nothing had happned. Joe sputterd out a few untagebull words. "You all most stabed my hand" Joe's face went white. "Ah but I didnt. And if you so much as reach for my mead with out asking. I wont perposely miss your hand again. Got it?" they all noded at this agrement, Blade looked up at them his eyes giving away his amusment showing in his eyes. "Roger your friend should learn his maners and quickly to."
He took another sip from his cup. As he looked at each of them in the eye. As if taking measure of them. Joe still not haveing moved from where he sat. Slumed back in his seat. Kim looked at Blade "Sir why are we here I mean if you had us recite the creed. Then have us leave the keep. To come to this place, you can at least tell us, why?"
"Ah so she dose have a tounge dose she?" Blade was quick to respond. All eyes turned on Kim her cheeks now red in embarsement. She looked away. " You all want an answer to that question then do you? Well thats simple enough all my old ears and eyes in that place you now call home, are dead. And my daughter, who was still born, is alive. Some how at least acording to Roger anyway. And the gulid has become crupted in it perposes. So I now need your help. So all nine of you have said the actual oath and put on rings witch are enchanted, almost like the others, like all the ones made before them but arn't tainted in there enchantments like every one elses are. Which holds you now to the creed. That you are now part of and this creed this oath. Which is very old mind you." "How old excatlly?" Joe asked as his voice began to trail off. "dont interupt me again, and old enough for you to not ask questions." Blade said, his eyes stone cold as they focused in on Joe. The room went quiet as they all stared at Blade, for them his out bursts were as rare as if he were
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