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Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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scene started to blur once more. they where in the air speeding a way from Zalmera. As fast as he had come going back to the out post.

when he got back he stumbled leaning on Blades shoulder. To gain back his balance as best he could. Blade let out a laughed at this "well Roger you look like I did my first time." every one froze there concern fading in to total confusion. not having seen any of that.
"so what was that master did we just see a vision of your son. Joe finely catching on to all this laughed as well. "Wow that was the first time. You went with him on his trance trip inst it!" every one else who was confused. now where even more confused then before. Katlin shook her head. letting some of her wind swept hair down. "Joe what in the world are you talking about?"Joe looked at her then she blushed as she did every time Joe looked her way. Well every once in a while guy's Master. goes in to a trance witch is more like seeing a vision of sorts most usually. when this happens he use his vision to check on Drake."Now Zachery shook his head at Joe. for as all way's the way he answerers any question Katilen asked but never caching on. to her crush on him never ceased to amaze him. "Sorry every one but seeing visions is the skill I thought Joe. So when I go in to the trance he could keep you guys from disturbing me. but I guess! he forgot to do that. And when Roger touched me it pulled him in to the same trance and or vision if you will."now every one nod there head at this figuring out what he was talking about. Kade shook his head being the only one to not get it.

He ran up the stares flung open his door and ran in to his room. over to his bed and garbed his his little cap and hat. he was as happy as could be Brother Max had said he could go play out side. It had been weeks sense he was grounded. 'Man where the guys going to be shocked to see me.' he put on his boots then raped his eyes with a piece of cloth. his golden eye still a little visible. He would be one of the Robers for suer this time. He rushed out of his room. Down the stairs of the tower. the out the bottom of tower. He ran for the big oak door. trying to mack it before. Max stopped him to have the Talk! With him again as he all ways did before he went to play.Right as he made it Max shout come here Drake let see how you look. 'Crape! he caught me.' Drake wander over to Max and looked up at him. "why aren't you the best little bandit." "yep!" said drake as he all way's did the chat was all way's the same. He didn't even have to here what was said but he knew what to say every time Max stopped in his speech. "Yes father, got it Father ok father, shall do,i wont be late father," man his foster father could talk. "Okay can I go now?" "Yes you may drake." and if you get any of your little head aces. you come strait back you hear me." To latte Drake had all ready vanished out the door.
he head down the main street. every one waved as he passed buy for every one in town knew who he was the only child with eyes of gold. some even said Hi to him. But he ran on with all his speed free at last. no longer held back in that boring church witch held nothing of intrset to him. He saw his friends smiling and shouting up ahead. 'yes it was a going to be a fun evening. Finley he made it to the end of the street. and his friends where on the run. To late he was the watch man this round. Off he went to chase jack by far the slowest of the group. and easy to find being the only one of the with blond hair. soon the were all out in the fields again heeding for the woods. when he finely caught him Drack shouted at the top of his lunges. "new watch!!!" and ran on to get a way. in to the trees he ran jumping over the fallen log. stooping behind the a big tree witch by the look of it. had at least three of them the all ready in it. once he caught his breath he was on the run again. The fresh air on his face soon he couldn't even here his friends calling out to find the hidden ones.
He finally stopped hearing some one sing in the distance and the sound of water not to far a way. the voice was beautiful. he stopped again to find witch direction it came from. he spotted some glow bug down the stream witch he just now realized was soaking his new boots. he climbed out of it. only to trip. when he looked up he found a girl staring at him while holding. A flower she was beautiful. he hoped up to wipe the dirt off. she looked at him with her bright green eyes her solder length hair. "Who are you?" she asked in a sweet musical voice witch he amused was be cues she was a girl. He stood there dume founded thinking he had stumbled upon an angle. She blushed and her hair fell in her face. "I'm Amaruth means beautiful star" she said. "oh im Drake nice to meat you Amaruth"
"where are you from" this confused Drake for the only place to be from was Zalmera unless you where an elf from this woods. then it hit him full in face. the girl be for him was an elf. "your an elf" he gasped at her. "well of course I am are you not an elf ?"" no im not an elf. Im from Zakmera" oh so your human then. curiosity now showing as she looked at him. why do you where the cloth a round your eyes?"now he was confused
"oh" he said nothing me and some friends where playing a game." "well then tack it off let me see your eyes then." "no thanks im must keep it on im a bandit. in the game it marks me as a bandit." she removed some hair from her face witch let him see the slitly point in her ears. "oh rally is that it then " she leaned foreword and snatched it off his face. The sun now just below the mountains in the distance. And barley
visible Thur the trees. His golden eyes nearly glowing in the dark. She jumped back in surprise. with an expression of amazement.
"Whats the matter?" feeling a little bit confused. and wondering why she looked about to faint he put the cloth over his eyes again rolling them as he did so. 'Girls'he thought and said "I must get going my friends probably wonder where I am by now" as he turned to leave her hand garbed his suddenly be pulled back. he fell over again. glaring up at her for making him fall. she shrieked back at the site.
some thing wild and furious seemed to be stamped on he face. eyes suddenly seemed to glow. From beneath the cloth. "What was that for!" he shouted angrily up at her. she stumbled back words. and tripped over nothing overparticular. He stood up all stat and proud as could be. wiping the dust of his clothes for the second time that day.He looked at her laying in the dust her self. he suddenly felt very ashamed of his shouting. he held out his hand face softening. as he looked t her he saw fear the likes of never be for stamped on her face.he looked at her leg witch must have been broken in her fall. he knelt down next to her. and as gently as he could. lifted her leg then put a rock and his hat on top of it. she was even more shocked at his kindness, Then his anger witch had now disappeared all together. He got up and left looking at the ground for some thing.He disappeared in to the trees only to come back moments latter with Three short and sturdy stick and one long branch witch he broke in half.Raping some cloth around one end.
then he took the tree others and placed them around her leg. Drake looked at her."this is going to heart quit A bit Amaruth. she nodded her head and the squished her eyes shut And his hand. "I'm going to need that." He said with a grunt and pulled his hand a way.
He took some more cloth from a small pouch at his side. wrapping it around her leg putting put the sticks back using them to straighten it. She let out a deafening scream as he did so then he wrapped more cloth tightly around the leg. tying it of enough so that it would stay put. Till she could get a proper split and bandage. "Where did you learn to do that?" she whimpered still in pain from her leg. I live in the church in town. see Brother Max do stuff like that a lot. figured if he could do it so could I. Well her you go." he said helping her up. As gently as possible she leaned on him for support. Nearly making them fall over again. he handed her the home made crutch. "Now witch way do you live." he asked she pointed in a northernly direction. Ten miles that way or seven not sure witch. They hobbled off to tack her home. not stopping to think that his home was closer. night was failing around them as they walked. "here let me guide i can see better in the dark then you." He looked up at the sky just noticing how late it was. "Shit Im gone be in big deep when I get back. The whole town gonna be lookin for me." he walked on not a bit bothered by the darkness. his eyes where glowing from beneath the cloth. "How can you see in this darkness let alone with your eyes covered?" he shrugged his left shoulder. and paused in there walk.
"I don't know... " it went quite "Never much thought about it. kinda like how we start walking its just some thing I Know how to do. I can no more guess why bird's know how to sing and not talk. then how I can see in the dark." she looked at him "well they can talk you just need to know how to listen to them. And they sing because they like to here there own voices."
he looked at her as if she had lost it "you can't a talk to animals." she laughed at this in that sing song voice of the elves. Making it sound like music to his ears.he looked at her smiling face trying to save it to his memory. "Can you teach me then?"

It had become late in the evening the kid's had come back. From playing there game and asked Max why Drake stopped playing with them. one of the Jack stepped foreword "Was it
Because he got another headache"
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