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Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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the councile about it. For as you have been bragging about all day you been sworn in all ready"
Every one turned at this to see Howey, Joe, Katelin and Kim come in closer to Roger. As the others stood up to to help if it broke out in to a fight. Kairist got up and started to go. Telling his men to fallow. As he stormed out of the room. His henchmen scooted after him. then all eye tured on Roger. Joe spoke up "where have you been you missed dinner." "no where Joe" Roger made a count of his friends. The four that where there before the confrontation with Kairist and now them eight. that would be just enough. 'Blade asked for eight he would have eight plus me' thought Roger. "Actuality can you guys keep a secrete." they all said. "Yes you can count on us." He quickly checked to see if Karirst was gone and not at the door. Then he told them of his encounter with Blade. Of course he left out the miner dilate of what happed to his pants. There was stund silence after words. Joe spoke up "yeah right stop yeanking are chains." Roger said nothing just sat there. finly Kim said "are you shure it was him."he asked in an exited tone of voice. Roger scoffed at this "yeah right down to the golden eyes and all. it was Balde for shuer Kim." And you guy should have seen him. the way went through those deer and he even killed kairist older brother"
More silence fallowed then Roger spoke agin. "So you guys in or what?" After a brief moment of silence he spoke up again. "look guys what could it hurt if we said the original oath comparid to the new one. Smitansly they all said "us!" kim spoke up next. "Look Roger this might be the concil testing us or some thing besides if we say it differently they will probably notice nine people saying the oath wrong." Roger looked at Kim "Kim there are few things you need to consider first. One how many legendary assassins are there with golden eyes. Two it the original oath sound's close to the new one. Three if we spreed out amongst the crowed no on will notice the difference. Four I don't whant to die. Five I don't got five reasons really I just whant to count to five. Sound's good to me piped in Howey. An hour later all of them agreed and had there plans set out for the next days event. They all went there own ways expiate the five that sleep in the room. soon kairist returned to the room and whent to bed. As well as his three lakeys.
The next day they all meet in the mess hall for breakfast. Wich was jamed packed full of people busing about nine dead assassin found out neer the end of the valley. kar kairist older brother among them. they all looked at each other bursting with nervous energy now covinced it was no teast set up on hem by there supriesor. Roumer was spreding thru the crowed. that it was Blade returnd for vengeince. 'Witch indeed it was but unknown to all' thout Roger 'He's all so back for his baby girl.' after eating brefast with his crue of eight frind they whent out in to the court yard. To what for the swaring in to the order. When kairist walked up to them. "well well well he said look who it is the losers have arived to be sworen in."
Katelin looked at kairisted and said i wouldn't worry about us we all herd. What happend to ur brother and we even hered how he pissed in his pants at the sight of Blade. You know the one hwo betrade the order. Hahaha you know ur wole family are cowerds." At this Roger shuffeld his feet thankfully no one noteced. ' true kar's bodey did retrun to the keep with wet pants. my pants witch I trade foe his before I came back man peeing in front of him was inbarising.' but befor any more could be said a man stept out on the balcony dressed all in black the lead counsuler.
every one who was to be soworen in to day. whent to the dots marked on the ground. roger and his frinds split up of coures. the blendin with the rest of the crowed as beast they could. in hope that the wouldnt be noticed or at least the slipe of the toung they made wouldent. Out one door came ten boxes full of nothing but the encanted rings. They passed the boxess down each row. one by one ring disseperd form the boxs. The man was holding that whent down the row. As he maid it to each of his frends he stoped for a brife second.
and said some thing they responde to him. He shuok ther hands brifly and moved one with his box. 'They didnet tack a ring from the box.' The man was know three pepol a way from
him. 'some thing frimiler about this man.' when he finly reached him he extend his hand lifted his head. Just enof to see his eyes under the hood they where gold. he took blades extend hand only to realizes there was a ring in it. The ring he would ues for the sarimony. that would was soon to begin. Then when Blade finshed passing out rings.
The man on the balcony said. you all redy sowr ur selfes in brother and sisters. but now we need you to binde your slelfe to the oath of this order and then we shall trully shal be one.
only then did he realize he hadnt tould his frineds the words to the oath thay need to say. The man on the balcony end his speach. And every one cheered. 'Oh man i missed the last part of his speach.' The every one all started to recit the oath. As he straned to here his frind who lukliy where saying the origanil oath. Blade must have told them it when gave them there rings.

Chapter 1

A few weeks later brother Max was siting at the head of his wagon. And all ready ariveing at the new. shaken by the truth of the man he thought he knew. And wondering if he was all ready dead. He pulled up to the small monistary in his new town. that would be his home for the next few years mabey longer. Abbot Renold chose this town becuse if the need to flee arous they could go in to the forst not far from here. where it is said that the elves still live. some time even come out of it and in to this town. Every few years that is to let the peopl of the world know they still live.
And Renold personly knew one of the elf lords. Liveing there 'who im soppesd to go find and talk to about this childes up bringing. And if he suold discover his powers he was to go train in the arcane arts with them.' For the most part this town seemed quite peace full and Charming. Pulles far enof out of the way that if. Blades Order learnd of his child they would hopefully not look for hime here mostly becues the elves know of the brack down in the orde. Witch as powerfull as it may be the elves with the secretes ki-ra or powers so to speak would not be messed with. Over the next few days. Max un packed and had the boy ceast of mony put in the vault of the monstary. Only to be retirvd when the boy grew of age. And geting to know the town better. the boy was to be put up in the tower room. To give the boy some privacy once he grew older that is.
Now that he had settled in to his new home. It was time to go viste his new frindes in the woods. When the boy was safe and snuge in his arms he set off in to the frost.
pack over his sholder. He walked not to far in and he felt as if he was being watched. witch more the likely he was. The boy moved in his arms "boy can't keep calling you boy. You need a name don't you. And I got just the name. I'll call you Drake yes that fits you perfectly. wouldn't it Drake. Yes that what. I'll call you." Max saied to him self as Drake began to cry.
he pulled a bottel of formula out of the bag. started feeding Drake just as Cassandra showed him. Drake ate hungrily. As all ways he drank the whole bottle. minutes after word he was crying agin. but this time it smelled the oder comeing frome the dipper. He wasn't hungery just emptying his tank. Max knelt on the ground. crinkling his noes in disgust at the smell. man
It stunk to high heaven. He un did the dipper. and removed it frome the child and wiped the bottom. With a rag. He gaged as he did so. There was movemeant from behind. now he must be carful for he knew that there where many bow's traind on him. He quikcly finished his work with Drake. He tuernd to see who was behind him.
There was an elf in a green shirt and pants and nice black bootes. Two swored at his hipes his hands drapied netly over ther handels. A pice of cloth tide arouned his forarm
witch Max new ment that he was set to be married. "Greetings to you and your men. Im brother Max and this is Drake." The elf didnt move just watched him. "Umm ok I dont know much elven. So Im not shuer what to say. " Then the elf said in a loud clear musical voice greetings to you to. You may not be a where good sir but you crossed the boder of the forest just a while back the border witch defines are realm." Max looked at him "oh no I knew
I crossed the border some time a go my good fellow. For how eals am I too find. Your fare city and speek with the lord of the nineth houes if i didnt come pass it. the only problem is frankly im not shere where im going. for this buttifuel frorest got me lost."
three more elves stepted out of the trees the marvilos bow comeing up to aim at him. there leader spoke up agin." what bissness do you have with the lord of the nineth houes. What is it that drives you that you seek my kin in the frist place. This I ask so as to know whether we should kill you for entering are lands. Or let you pass."
" Well I have stumbeld across a uniqe and gifted chiled. So another from my order. Sent me to seek out the lord of the nineth houes. His name name is Abbot Renold he say he once travled with the man I now seek in this fare land of your kin." Max reached in side his robe and pulled out a letter from Renold and held it out." If I can not see him then would you kindly deliver this to him for me and let me leave. Your woods In
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