Read books online » Fantasy » Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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"Well I don't Know ill go see if I can find him. He's probably in his room. Ill go see what he's Up to then. The rest of you go back to playing. I'm sher I can get him to come back out and play."
They all left when Ford stepped up. "Brother Max I was hiding Up in a tree with two other's
I saw him passed by and he was heading farther in to the wood's Maybe the others are right and he came back. but i think he still out there. and considering. His last headache he had might be hurt or lost." concern crossed his face being eight and the oldest kids of he group and drakes beast friend he Knew him better the even Max did. "Now Ford I Know you and Drake Are like Brothers but I'm sure he's fine.I'll go see if he in his room. you ask around town see if any one has seen him if he not up there we'll go and look for him" at this Ford took of asking every one if they had seen him. but know one seemed to know where he was. Max walked to the tower base and near his own room. The entered the tower stares well that lead up to the top. Dread came flooding in to him as he reached the top. Some how knowing he was not there. he pushed the door open the room was just as he had left it a mess. 'I'll just have him clean it up some when he comes back.'Max thought to him self and crinkled his nose.
and went back down. Another hour had passed and the kids had come back. now done from playing in the woods. Yet Drake had not come with them.
he and Ford looked around town again. more people had joined the search. The all garbed torches and headed for the forest. more the half the town came with. To help look for him.
After the sun was now just below the horizon. they finely called out the hound. given that name fro being the beast tracker around. Besides the elves that is. when he arrived there every on seemed to have lost there voice is by shouting. he walked up to Max tacking his hood off. to show his face witch had a big scare down one side of his face. story say it was from a time he got in a big fight with a bear. one eye was green the other was whitened.
a slit bread was creeping on to his face. "Max get all but five back to town. There only confusing my dogs." he looked at Ford with his scarred gaze."And you show me where you last saw him. then
get yea gone ur self lad. this for me and me dog not the likes of you." He moved with a limp in one leg. when they had reached the spot. ford left as quick as a wipe.You guys rune every thing. there piking up every one's sent. and the foot paths are criss crossing. why didn't you get me sooner."Max was caught off guard at this. "oh well do you have some thing o his my dogs can pike up his sent with." "The shirt he was wherein be for he left to play."said max in an undertone. He called his dogs over lend down and let them smell it for a while. "Hey boy you know this sent it your friend you know the one with the golden eyes." there head looked at hi with interest as if they under stood. what he was saying. Then they picked up his sent after a few moments. The sun had set as they fallowed the trail. Finely they made it to a small stream.and drakes tail seemed to have vanished. "Well it seem Drake went down stream. we will fallow the current. For a way and if we don't find his trail
soon. We will set camp for the night. a few minutes latter they found his tracks. witch lead in to a clearing. "Hey Max are we looking for two or one missing child." piped in one of the men fallowing them. Well lat i checked no one was gone but him why?" this part The Hound joined in look at the ground Dear Max there is another set of foot prints and there children's to. and from the pattern there. the kept falling down. One of them feet where litter then then the others barely visible. from the angle and that rock brook the leg. this other sticks and pieces of cloth drake tried to fix it. He even left his hat here. Buy the looks of it he helped his companion. leaning on Drake. And favoring the right leg. they went that way deeper in to the woods.and heading for the border in to the elves land.And if we don't reach them befriend then well lose the sent. The elves ki-re
is strong indeed. the put all sorts of enchantments a round there land.My doges cant fallow there sent and rarely do elves leave tracks not to mention the smell like the very forest around them so it hard to track the any way. But sense Drake is not an elf and the other is wounded. we might be able to find them if the spell around the land hasn't wiped there tracks yet as it dose after a good half an hour. And because one wounded they can't swing over on them vines witch them elves is so found of. So we should head for the nearest bridge they will have to use one of them.

"Well now what Amaruth we can't very well cross here now can we?" they had reached a river.That wasn't not to deep. But the current was fast and strong. "Well there are vines that I use to get across but with my leg I just don't know." they sat for a bit while Drake checked her leg. "how far till the nearest Bridge." well there is a secret one made bye my people Not far from here. Other then that it would be a good walk that way." she node her head to the left. "but if we use the other one we go the other direction. but If we do use that one then you must sewer never to tell a soul a bout it. And when we reach the spot you'll swing over and activate it." after moment of resting the where under way again.on the way there she explained how to activate the bridge. "Ok this is the spot. Gabe the vine there and swing once your out far enough grab the other one it will carry you across the rest of the way." He took hold of the vine and swung out the vine doing most of the work. but being in experienced with such this missed the other vine and let go. flying across most of the river. He then splashed. In to the water manging to land in the mud with the water above his head. struggling to free him self. Herring Amaruth shouting his name at the top of her lungs. His heart seemed to stop. He went though some exercise to calm down. he began to hear his own pules his head started to ace. 'Great why now of all time for this to happen.' Then one nose came to him above all other even the gurgling water, the pounding head, his hart beating. the one thing he heard was crying she was crying. Suddenly his hole body felt like it was one fire. He saw clearly in the dark under the water.the suddenly a rush of energy witch he new must be the ki-re Amaruth was talking about when she told him how to activate the bridge. With one good kick of his leg's he was free of the mud. He burst through the water's surface. He instantly swam for the shore. letting the river drag him some distance as he did so. he garbed a branch that was sticking out above the water. Using it to pull him self up on the river bank. He sat there socked and cold. finally musting the strength to stand. He got up stumbled over to a near by tree. Just to catch his breath when he realized that he luckily didn't breath in any water.
The strength soon returned to his wobbly legs a minuet latter. He pulled off hi shirt to ring it out. It was torn at the elbows and the shoulder's but the put it on again. Doing the same with his pant's and seeing the to had been tore in the knee's. just to check he looked at his under pant's no holes in them. he put his pant's back on. shaking his head hair flying and water come free of that to. he started walking back up the river. 'Ok she said it was a tree with a big scare on it' he looked around.'Oh duh i'm in the woods there going to be lots of trees. how dose she expect me to find the tree in an place a thats filled with nothing but trees.' He kept walking looking for the one with a scare on it. When he looked across the river and saw her siting there still looking in to the river. he smiled to him self with an evil little grin on his face. What was it that Hound had taught him. Some thing about moving your voice around to another location where your not at. 'oh yes she going to get it good for getting me lost and looking for a tree.'

She sat there quietly staring at the watter where he went under but to no avile.
she cried for ten minutes. And was about to nod off. when she herd his voice from behind her. she looked up and saw nothing. She had lost it and was hearing things. "Amaruth" his voice came from behind the tree in front of her. she looked up "oh drake your alive" hope fled from here a moment later when no one responded. she got up with the help of her walking stick.
and went to find him. When she got there she found nothing. "you killed me Ama you had me drowned" the voice came from where she was just siting her face went pale. He was dead at her doing and now hunting her. She began to cry all over again. "Oh Drake I didn't mean to I sewer I didn't" she sobbed "you killed me!" she could barely think now he was not going to drop the issue now. "Look at me look at what you have done" she look around tears streaming down her face. She looked for him but could not find him. His voice came from a cross the river now.
"You did this to me you did this to me Ama"
she looked once more to she him floating just of the ground on the other side suspend there as the specter he was. She froze in fear at the site of him and passed out.

he watched her pass out still hanging there a good ten feet of the ground. looking Over to see some one move in the tree he was tide to. "now thats a nifty trick to have there boy. The shadowy person said in a cold tone. "And that was not a nice trick to play on Amaruth." not only
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