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Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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except Kim and Shara. 'there stunned' his head meet his palm once again Blade would win.the where all fighting him and he was smiling as he tierd them down they all backed a way as Kim and Shara came at him from behind with there own swords pressing high then low. he was humming a tune now. Roger rolling his eye at this. Fighting to wounded and sex others and humming all the while some thing was wrong. he took a closer look and noticed that it was just an they where just fighting an illusion soon he could see him or hear him at all but they did and Joe was still failing a way. So it was only five fighting him the other who where hurt pulled a way shaking there head at the stupidy of the others. "Looks like Kade and Kim now know its fake and no one is there. As im sher you noticed by now Roger" blade whispered in his ear. "Yes i have" he manged to respond before he was hit under the arm stunning him. And crushing the smoke pelt in his hand. creating a smoke screen megeling with the smoke from his clone now gone. Blade stood there stuned when the smoke witch non of the other to note of was gone So was Roger. He shouldn't had been able to move at all. the it hit him as rogers foot went between his spine launching him in to the clearing with the others and landing on Joe to ruin the illusion he was seeing. Roger came out of the trees "that clone trike works wonders doesn't it Master." smiling at the expression worn on his Friends faces. and then blade hands move under him not seeing what he was doing Roger tossed a knife penetrating right under the arm to stun him. And more smoke filled the air. with a dead dear in his place. Every one froze "What the hell just happed" Kade said what the all where thinking.

Blade lite the fire in the fire place wile wondering how they where doing with all those shadows of his. he put the pot of water over the fire when it started bolling he tossed in some freshly made noodles. well dinner will be ready when the get back.

the all stood there for a while the and the clone they had been fighting them again .Roger forgetting it wasn't there fought as well. another ten minutes and they began to catch on to it. for it is not the scored a few hit and it was bleeding as it should but yet i berly slowed all of them where great fighters but this was just ridicules it was humming again. they came at it from all side may different way yet he had either move out of the way or parried. There weapons flashed and danced yet he was not slowing and they where. It became clear that this was the same they he watched earlier. " it not real guy is not even there look at it" no one heard him over the clash of steel on steel. The quick movement and fancy blade work was stunning. As they all began to see the truth of the enemy they face or the one the thought they saw. Blade actually rushed them from the side. or was it another clone or shadow Clone the all went on the defensive as three more came at them. was Blade really even here or had he left all to gather. tired and hungry they fought on. Soon they had that blasted toon stuck in there head that all the clones seemed to be humming finely one went down. And he and the others where so humming it them selves and fighting to it as well. like a dance rilly. And the all knew it to. the wher not fighters they had become dancer's. if any one was watching this from a distance the would have thought it all a dance while they where actually fighting for there lives against the best of the best who actually was back at the outpost cooking dinner.with out them knowing it. and using the same deer he had back at the clearing. and yet none had noticed this ether. the continued there training with the clones. all getting tired of it but knowing at the first slip up he would win yet again. Roger growing tired and frustrated finely took off in to the trees to tack a breather and watch carefully. the clones where slowing down and so where the others. Reaching in to a pocket pulling out some goop and putting it on his many cuts and bruise to easy the pain then raping banged's to help stop the bleeding. Tacking a hair from his head he focused on calling his Ki-re making the same hand motion's as Blade did he released the hair. so he stood face to face with him self. Sending it out to Fight some more.
he pulled Kade and Kim out and had them patched up as well and make shadows of them selves as well now there was four of them. three fake and one real one sending one out to help the others. one buy one the where puled aside with out notice. If needed they would be patched up. And do the same with clones. When Joe walked in. Katelin nearly fell over at the site of him his seven foot frame covered from head to foot with cutes. Sara being the most skilled with this stuff went to him and looked him over. Making Katlin glare a worried looked crossed of Sara face. " What Are you ok Sara." looking down he saw no serious wounds. "I'm fine" she manged to whisper. Once all rested the went back out trowing smoke bombs. There to extra Clone came with. now they where on a little more even terms.
and all to soon it was all over tired and worn out they high-fived each other in victory. There clones seeming just as tired as them. Roger took a deep sigh of relief only to notice there where two extra clones of him. looking at every one and counted theres as well again Two more clones of each. with no clues as to the where a Blade was. And the dear was gone. one thing blade had tolled them time and time agin was if you kill an animal you do so for food or out of mercy for a wounded one.
Yet he had killed one and used it in a spell of transportation. Shacking his head he let out a low laugh. "Guy's look like when we are done here we arrive in time for a feast." they looked at him there face giving hint that they where just now think what he had all ready thought. and then all including the clone let out round of rolling laughter. and dismissing there own clones. To face the fake one but witch where real and witch where fake. Joe striking first hinting the nearest thing starting an all out brawl every on hitting every one Katlin hit Joe and every one stopped moving. only for Joe to hit Roger. "every one fight only your self not each other." it stopped again and noded in unison they did as tolled.
and it all stated again.

Amaruth sat near by as Kashasha was telling Drake the basics of Ki-re and laughing every time he got confused it showed on his face making him glare at her and disrupting the lesson it was a beautiful day to be out side the sun was setting sinking in the sky the flowers smelling wonderful Kashasha went in side and came back out with some scrolls. "read them when he gets home to study and practice doing what they say in secrete." never let any one see these or know that they have them ether. leaving them alone again they looked at each other letting out a small smile. she came and gave him a hug one kiss to his cheek meet me tomorrow near the edge of the woods." then she ran a way blushing as he stood dum founded. Kashasha cane back with a white horse and to placing her hand on its neck she grace fully flipped on to it back picking him as setting him in front of her as she did so. they left the garden fallowing the secret paths through the trees that only the elves knew getting them to the same spot they had been the night before. whispering in elvish the horse trotted over to the scared tree. filling at easy with his new found friend. He smiled as she lend over to touch the scare and open the bridge. whispering to it one more time it took of again an hour latter he was all most home for what had taken hours on foot went buy quickly on horse back. when they got out of the trees she pulled the hood of the clock up. filling care free on the fast moving horse he wooped at the sight of the town. a crowd seemed to be gathering as the to riders approached.
they soon recognized Drake and went to fetch Brother Max. she whispered again and it stopped so suddenly that had Kashasha not had an arm around Drake he would have flown off all to gather. Drake looked at her with excitement in his eyes. "Can we do that again" she let out a laugh witch sounded like music to his ears. seeing the beautiful smile on her face. he could not help but smile back. whispering to him. "In three week come back to the secret bridge. And I will teach you more." he looked a way for a minute "Why that long?" because I have the filling the whole town going to be talking ab out this for ever and we don't want any one to know what your up to." looking at her once more a tiny and silent "Oh" came out. Nether wanting to depart but needing to leave before the crowd got any closer. She put him on the ground and turned and set the horse in motion. stooping at the trees she turned to look back her hart filled with joy she waved and he waved back. still smiling she turned and trotted a way think of him all the way back what a strange kid he was. Who named him Drake yes its fitting name but to obvious. smile remand in her thought all night long as well as Amaruth's as well.
and there smiles in his own thought's for who could for get the beautiful smile of two elves.

there was a pounding at his door and shouts out side. 'Why couldn't any on leave him alone he was packing to tack a trip to the elves in encampment. he and the other waited half the day for Drake at the bridge for Drake to come. and there had been no sine of his passing that way returning empty handed but Three Hours ago. He planed to seek the aid to find his son to find Drake. yet here they where knocking at his door bothering him. "Max's we know your in there!" he grumbled a few times continued to pack. come on max he back Drake's back and some one with him. That was all he need to here and he was out the door rushing with the others arriving there just in time to see the Rider vanish in to
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