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Book online «The Adventures of June Wonder by Jeanne Esterhuizen (carter reed TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Jeanne Esterhuizen

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was chained and led to the winery ‘Gosh I miss Cole’


The wind was howling loudly in the driver’s ears as the motorbike sped on. The black bike with a silver wolf on, the driver’s pride. It’s been going smoothly so far. ‘I hope it stays that way’. Suddenly it hit a big rock in the road and the motorbike went flying to the side. There was a cliff with a fifty foot drop on the side. “Shit!!” Cole swore as his body hit the tar and his bike crashed into the metal railing next to the cliff. One car honked, swerved and stopped in front of him. “Cole? Funny running into you! I haven’t seen you in quite a while, hey?!” Anime Ceburg said. Cole squinted up at the woman with short spiky hair. Purple spiky hair. Her eyes were blue but almost transparent. She was wearing a cameo-green sports T-shirt and baggy cameo pants. Inside her Italian sports motor was a big bazooka. Anime held out her hand and pulled Cole up. After dusting himself, he grabbed Anime and hugged her tight. After he pulled back he looked her in the eyes for a long while then said; “oh Anime! All these years! I thought you were dead! You have no idea how much I missed you! Oh Anime!” he said hugging her again. Anime took care of Cole when he was young and his parents were killed. I shall not tell you what happened to them because Cole is sensitive in that specific area. “So, where are you so hasty to go to?” she asked him as he picked up his bike. A look of pure anger flashed over his face before he answered. “To kill Trench” Anime looked at him a while then said “I understand” as Cole started his engine, Anime did the same. “I’m going with you, don’t ask why, just accept it.” she said. Cole only looked at her “I never said you mustn’t come” he said, got on his bike and rode away into the sunset.

Chapter 14: An evil party

June hit the floor hard as the guards threw her into the huge area where Trench sat. She staggered upwards only to be pushed back to the ground. “You must bow to the mighty
Trench” the guard said. From her knees she looked up only to see Trench’s robe swishing towards her. He knelt down in front of her and took her chin. She followed him upwards and he put his arm around her middle. “Tonight we celebrate!” he said as they walked towards a door on the far side of the ‘hall’ you can say. “Celebrating what?” June asked carefully. “Why, the capture of you of course!” Trench laughed. As they entered trough the door June saw a long hall with tables on the side, a wide dancing area in the middle and a table with food, the wine she made, plates and glasses. There was a stage way in front with curtains drawn and a podium to the side. “Looks great hey? Now be a good girl and let the electricians quickly replace your collar.” He said and as he turned around he whispered to the electricians: “We better work quickly, if she gets loose, we’re screwed” and the workers nodded. As they turned at June they smiled, but as they got nearer the smiles disappeared and they tackled her hard. Two held her arms; two held her legs and two went to work on her collar. They worked a bit then ripped the collar off. As soon as it was off June screamed a sonic blast that sent them flying. But she was too out of practise to keep them down. As they were jumping up she did the same and sprinted to a nearby window that was wide open. As she jumped out and thought she was finally free, a whole lot of hands shot out and grabbed her. “Ag fu...ngis” she mumbled to herself. The people clipped the new collar on and let her go. They looked angrily at her and dismissed her, where Trench was waiting outside the door. “Well, you made quite a commotion in there” he said as he straitened up. “Take the rest of the day off. I’ll see you tonight for the party. And, put on your battle clothes, you know, the skirt with leggings etc.” He said casually as he strode away


She was she about to go out to the party when Trench came in, looking very snazzy in a white tux. “Oh, I see you’re on your way out. Come, I’ll take you to your place.” There was a strange glint in his eyes, which made June wonder. Trench led her down a narrow passageway and to a small curtain door. Two guards stood next to it. one grabbed her and the other took something out of his pocket. “Terribly sorry June, but every party needs its entertainment” Trench said smiling. Just when she was beginning to say ‘what?’ the guard pushed the needle into her arm and injected her with liquid that would first make her so dizzy she won’t know what is going on then make her go into a murderous mood. She’ll go crazy and attack anything she sees. So the guard opened the curtain and pushed June in. Turns out the curtains were drawn because there was a huge steel cage behind it. Through the dizziness, June heard Trench’s voice, but couldn’t understand what he was saying: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have successfully captured
 June Wonder!!” then there was a lot of oohs and aahs. Trench cleared his voice and continued; “and as you all probably know, every party needs good entertainment, so I bring you the savaged slave that is
 June Wonder!!” and suddenly bright lights shone into her eyes. She felt how her dizziness disappeared and she was suddenly very angry at Trench for tricking her so badly. As she looked up she had shadows under her eyes and her hair was oily, long and tangled. She looked at Trench and screamed her eyes red again. The crowd gasped. Then she lunged forward but instead of hitting human flesh, she hit steel bars. She held her hands in a circle, looked through them and a red beam shot out. Not. She screamed another sonic blast. It failed. She turned into a wolf. The crowd’s women screamed in terror. Never had they seen such a huge wolf. June growled and bit the steel. And the night continued.

Chapter 15: The snake

“Hit me again” Cole told the barman as he finished his shot of clean whisky. “Sir, are you sure you want another one?” the barman (Steve) asked. “You’ve already had five”. Cole whipped out his gun and pointed it strait at his face. “I asked you, HIT ME AGAIN!!” he shouted. He was completely pissed (drunk). Anime tapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t you think you’ve had quite enough to drink?” she gave her one of her ‘looks’. “Yeah, guess your right” he said, but an idea was forming in his head without him knowing it. Just as he was standing up, he suddenly started singing ‘You are my sunshine’. Some people cheered, others just looked at him strangely. Suddenly a huge Corn-Snake slithered through the wall. People yelled and jumped onto tables. The red-brown snake with orange markings took no notice of them and kept slithering towards Cole. As she arched up and looked him in the eyes, he heard a smooth and emotionless voice inside his head. ‘Do not panic, I have come to help you. My name is Sleo, and I know where June is’. Cole threw his glass down and grabbed the snake around the throat. “Lead me too her”

Chapter 16: Trench’s evil plan

It was dark. June was snuggled into her blankets, past-out into a heavy unwakeable slumber. Thus, she was quietly carried into another room, a different bed. She usually slept in a light nightdress that ended very short. A feather stroked her cheek. She pressed her eyelids tighter then opened them reluctantly. As her eyes got used to the dark, she saw one thing: Trench and his almost nude body. Somewhere classical music played. “Halo dearest June” he said stroking her chin ‘Dearest June???’ she wondered confused. He was so very close, it scared her. “How did I get here?” she asked him moving back a bit. His arm shot out and grabbed her, pulling her closer. “I sent some guards to fetch you” he was staring in her eyes. His arm was still around her. She dared to move a bit but he only tightened his grip. He started talking about who knows what, when June interrupted him: “Shut up and let me go” she commanded. He slapped her and when her head returned to look at him he kissed her forcefully. “Do that again and I’ll bite your tong off” she hissed at him. His hand was slipping onto her shoulder, pulling down her strap, while his other hand pressed a button. Guards came in, took June and strapped her to a table where she was useless. Trench stood in front of her, smiling evil. “June
 you’re ganna make me a daddy” and somewhere far away Cole woke up sweating on a giant snake’s body.

The rest you can think
 bad. I hate that chapter!! On to the next!

Chapter 17: Following Dragon

Anime was startled as an owl pecked at her window. As it hooted, it sounded as if he was saying: “open up, I bring ne-ews.” As Anime opened her car’s window the owl flew in and sat on the dashboard. It pruned its feathers a bit then looked at her. It had a silver star on its forehead. “Cole Hartman” the owl hooted “is my owner’s boyfriend. He sent me to tell you that a big snake is leading him to Trench’s hideout. You need to follow me” Anime looked at it. “I believe you, lead the way” she said.
Behind nearby bushes Sven and Mary sat. They weren’t following Anime or anything; they were simply having a picnic. Wait! Maybe that’s what they want me to think! Well anyway, they over heard the owl and when Sven looked over the bushes he saw that it was in fact Dragon (the owl’s name). “Sacrù bloody bleu!!” Sven said speaking French mixed with a bit of English. “We might have found June and Cole” Mary sighed. “Sven, do we have to go look for June?” she said touching his arm. He said nothing just packed the stuff in the car and waited for her to get in. Mary had a crush on him but he liked June but June liked Cole and he liked her back. What a screw up. As Mary got in the car they rode off after Anime, but Mary was sad and almost to tears.

Chapter 18: Be with me forever

June opened her eyes. She was in her own room. ‘Was it all a dream then?’ she wondered. She threw the covers off and looked at her stomach. It looked different. She couldn’t tell why it looked different, it just did. Sighing she stood up and dressed in her day clothes. (Red with mini and polo neck with no sleeves) ‘Today is the day I get away’ she packed her bags and put them on the floor next to the bed. As she straitened up an owl burst through the window “Dragon!” June exclaimed, hugging him softly. “Hi June, I bring a holography message from Cole” he hooted as he dropped the disk on the carpet. A blue light shone and Cole appeared. Kneeling down he opened a little box. In it was a ring. “June,” the holographic Cole said “I want you marry me” almost
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