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Book online «The Adventures of June Wonder by Jeanne Esterhuizen (carter reed TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Jeanne Esterhuizen

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June had paid much attention to, you could say she observed him. His name was Tim, and he was like a father to all the children. June, Tim and Cole were on a roof near the hospital. If they jumped far enough, they’d be in front of all the tents. Cole and Tim were sitting and talking. June was standing, gazing at the moon. Suddenly a screeching sound of cars stopping came from the tents. June’s back was towards the tents. She turned around just as the two boys stood up. “Damn! It’s the gangsters again! They’re trying to get us out of the orphanage. Will you help me?” Tim said. June crunched her knuckles. “Oh yeah, I’ve been longing for a good, hard fight” she said, ears forward. Maria and the other orphans had come out and was standing in front of the one of the tents, scared. Cole, Tim and June jumped off the roof. They landed in a cloud of dust. June was in front and the two guys behind her. She had her fists balled and an evil grin on her face. “I told you, we’re not leaving!” Tim shouted at them. Suddenly June started screaming a horrible scream, eyes wide and unblinking. Everyone stared. The glow on her chest began again, but kept on getting brighter and they had to look away. She was still screaming, but it went softer and became a long dreadful HOWL. The light died away and there where June stood, a wolf stood. Its teeth were barred but the eyes confused. ‘There is something odd about this wolf, it doesn’t look exactly normal’. Cole thought. The wolf was indeed not normal. It was bigger, stronger, faster, prettier, more graceful, joyful and something you can’t quite point out. And it had that small bit of a human look in it. It was a werewolf. And it was June. The wolf pounced at the head gangster and got hold of his ankle. With her strong jaws, she held on for life, cracking the bones of the man. Cole took this opportunity to take out the other men. This was the first time June saw him fight, and let me tell you, he was GOOD. Dodging in and out of people, he used him agility to jump, spin and kick them. He had moves. He was fast, agile and skilled. His enemy’s worst nightmare. After June bit the man some more and was sure the man wasn’t a threat anymore, she let him go and pounced on the next man near her. She got hold of him in the neck. She couldn’t control herself fully, but at least had a little bit control. It was the wolf who went for the throat. When June saw what was happening she tried pulling back, but the wolf was to strong. She saw how a man was killed by her mouth and she could do nothing to stop herself. It was horrible. She saw all the details. She saw the blood sweeping through the wounds. Tasted it. And she realized she actually liked it. It was weird. Two parts of her liked it and one didn’t. And she remembered something of her past; it even made the wolf stop in its tracks. The man took this chance to master his last strength and throw of the wolf. She jumped up again and saw how a man grabs Cole and holds a short dagger against his neck. June stormed him. She looked so scary, even a liger would have hesitated if it saw her. The man was shocked and let go, trying to make a run for it. The man with the wound in his neck took out a pistol and shot June in the shoulder, laming her left leg. She wobbled around and saw the man had died just after he had shot her. The men grabbed their stuff, stormed into their cars and drove of, tiers screeching. When June saw they were a safe distance away, her bad leg collapsed under her. Cole was panting. He put his Austrin back into its case and knelt next to the panting wolf. Its eyes were open and its mouth too. June tried touching his mind with her. She had some trouble breaking through, but managed it in the end. As soon as she made contact, a shocked expression came over his face. But he called Sven and they carried her inside the bus, where they cleaned and treated her wound. June, with her sharp wolf-eyes, saw that Cole had the roman number thirteen (XIII) on his chest. She has never noticed it before.

After they had cleaned everyone’s wounds, they all took a nap. The battle was exhausting. While June was asleep, the wound healed, and the roman number thirteen formed on her left paw and shoulder. After they had rested and ate, the sweepers set off on their journey again. There was a small town not very far from them, and they put their goal there.
That small green car of Sven’s can’t take a massif wolf like June, so she had to run along the side. Poor June. Anyway, she thought she needed the exercise.
Cole was upset and shocked that June was a werewolf. He thought she would’ve told him something like this. His eyes were the whole time on June. Suddenly he saw she stumbled and stopped. It looked if she was choking. Sven saw it too and stopped the car. Leaning out of the window, he asked her; “Are you ok? June?” the only reply he got is her zooming past. His cigarette sagged and the other two started giggling. As they got into town, Sven stopped at a pet shop. June was very obedient; she didn’t bite any one important. Cole decided he would go in. Sven and Mary had some trouble keeping June in the car. She wanted to run after him! Anyways, Cole went into the pet shop and bought a lead and collar for June. Most places have a leash law. And they need control over her.

Chapter 8: Thievery brings us together

It was a bright sunny day in Japan. June, Sven, Mary and Cole were sitting in the park, eating ice-cream cones. ‘On a warm day like today nothing hits the spot like a nice cold ice-cream’; that’s what Cole thought. Same for Sven and Mary. Not so much for June. The wolf didn’t like ice-cream and had trouble eating it. No hands!
Sven had found a nice cheap hotel for them to stay in. Being lead on a leash, June entered the hotel with a bound; almost crashing into the register and man behind it. “Uh, sir, pets aren’t aloud” the man stammered at Sven, eyeing the large wolf. June jumped up onto the desk and growled at the man. He quickly came to his senses. “Would that be two rooms, one for two and one for one?” he asked, starting to type on his computer. ‘Man, this man is ugly!’ That was June thinking. He had greasy brown hair, flopping down over his simple grey eyes. His body didn’t have a shape; it was just flesh stuffed into skin. Not at all like Cole and Sven, who both had nice hair, eyes and six-packs. And the man stank up the whole lobby. “No thank you, we would like one room with two beds, a couch and a carpet.” Sven answered. Turning to Cole, he said “I will sleep on the couch; you and Mary can have the beds” Cole waved his hand, as if to wave away the thought “No, no. I am used to sleeping on all sort of stuff but beds. Beds are uncomfortable to me” once up in their room, everyone had a shower and went to bed. Even though it was about eight in the morning, they were exhausted. They slept about four hours. Sven and Mary on beds, the linen twisted around them, Cole on the small couch. His one hand over the side and his mouth open, letting out a small streak of spit and the occasional snore. June was lying on the mat in front of him. She was awake, resting her head on her front paws. Her mind was racing. It was the first time that she started thinking since becoming a werewolf. ‘How is it that I became a werewolf? I didn’t get bitten or anything! Maybe it’s the whole Moondweller and that thing from my past that caused it. Or maybe the necklace I’m wearing’. This was only a few of the questions she asked herself. She also stayed awake to keep watch. She knew what happened each time they’re in a hotel or motel. Her ears were backwards but quickly went forward. She sat up and gave a soft growl. She made herself small, blending in perfectly with the dark room. The door opened and a man dressed in black came into their room, holding a small useless gun. ‘A simple burglar’ June thought. ‘Maybe even a light snack!’ June slowly stacked towards the man. He didn’t see her so she started a slow crouching run and when she was near enough, she broke into a full fast run. The man’s eyes grew wide. He spun around and made a run for it. The wolf caught him around the wrist and pulled him down. She attacked and the man died. She bounded out into the hallway and saw two other men holding an old lady hostage against a wall. They were threatening her. She crept up on them. The lady saw her but somehow knew she was only there to help. She signalled the wolf to stop. She was confused, but placed her bum on the beige carpet and sat. The lady swung around and hit the man with her handbag. She may look old, but she’s a spring calf! June saw this was the moment to jump in. She ran forward and hit the man’s legs out under him with her head. The lady looked if nobody was looking and put her polls together, hands open towards the man. A beam of red light shot out of her hands and hit the man full in the chest. It knocked his breath out and stunned him. He passed out. The old lady straitened up and decreased her green dress. “Hello there June, how are you?”

Chapter 9: A woman out of the past and a cup of noodles

Daisy Green. That was the woman’s name. Everyone was sitting at the table, hands folded and brows furrowed. June was thinking hard. Even though she was a wolf, it looked as if she was frowning too. She sat on a chair at the table. The air was full of anxiety. The woman was making a pot of tea for them. She came in, put the pot on the table and put a plate in front of June. She poured some tea in for her and June. “Don’t worry, I still remember how you like your tea” she told June. The lines on June’s head became deeper. The woman laughed. Somewhere deep inside June she remembered that laugh. “Your wondering who I am? Ah, I see, you don’t remember me anymore. Does Daisy Green ring a bell?”
June looked up, eyes bright.
“Do you want me to transform you back to human?”
June wined and nodded her head vigorously.
The woman stood up and put her hand on June’s head. They both glowed a bit and after a while June became June again. She jumped up and embraced the woman. The others just stared. “Uh, hate to brake the moment, but who are you?” Sven asked. June pulled away, tears gleaming in her eyes. “I can’t believe it’s you!” she told Daisy. “Oi! Hallo? We're talking here!” Sven said loudly, but funny.
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