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Book online «The Adventures of June Wonder by Jeanne Esterhuizen (carter reed TXT) 📖». Author Jeanne Esterhuizen

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in tears of happiness June sat on her knees in front of it. “Yes, yes! Tel him yes” she said putting her hand in the image. She closed the disk and put it in her bag with all her sentimental stuff. Saying goodbye to Dragon, she walked out of the room. She walked into the main hall where Trench was standing, talking to someone. “I’m leaving today” she said in a flat tone. “What’s this? Oh no you’re not! You are going to scrub this hall until it I can see myself in it” he said. June went red and hit him in the face. “Its easy for a good girl to go bad” she said. Some nearby guards grabbed her and zapped her with an electrically charged iron bar. As she collapsed to the ground, Trench addressed her: “You can live or die, the choice is yours” he was looking down on her and the atmosphere was quite frightening. “I would rather die than be your slave a second longer.” She was glaring at him. As he was preparing his pistol to shoot, the guards tied June to a pillar and stepped away, leaving the room. It all seemed to happen in slow-motion. The bullet left gun but at the same time the middle of the wall exploded. Cole shot through it on his bike and closely behind him followed the serpent. As the bullet almost hit June, Cole got in-between the bullet and June. The bike sped and swerved. It fell a distance behind Trench; Cole’s body rolling off the bike and landing him on is back. “You bastard!” June screamed at Trench, and broke her chains. She stood up and she ran towards Cole and knelt down over his body. As she straitened up, she was nothing but a big bole of anger. “You just made the wrong move.” she said, trying to stay calm “Welcome to hell!!!” she exploded, the collar dropping to the floor.


The car stopped in a cloud of dust. Sven got out and as the dust cleared, he wondered aloud: “I wonder what’s going on in there” they were just outside Trench’s castle and there a few booms and so coming from inside. As they went through the big oak doors, they saw a manifest of current events: Cole, almost dead, on the floor. Next they saw June and Trench in a fight so hard, they only know of each other and no-one else. Guards trying to budge in either a bullet in the head, a blast of energy from June, a stab in the ribs or a bite from a huge snake slithering around in the hall. It was a ruthless battle. Sven and Mary ran over to Cole, avoiding stray blows. As they ripped open his shirt they gasped deeply. The bullet had cut him deeply from the shoulder down to under his ribs, on the other side! Sven and Mary looked at each other, doubting that Cole would live.

Chapter 19: A sad ending

As June hit the floor, she grabbed her shoulder where a bullet hit her. Looking at the wound, the bullet slid out and the skin closed up over the hole in her shoulder. Her pretty face had several cuts and was dripping with blood. An idea came into her head ‘No, I can’t do it, but I’ll have to!’ She argued with herself. Finally she made her decision. She would do anything to get rid of Trench, even if it meant killing herself in the process. She put her hands in a circle form, sweeping all of her energy together. A green vortex was forming between her cupped hands. As she took her hands further and further from each other, the vortex expanded, until it was as big as a Great Dane. She looked up at Trench, who was staring with a slight hint of horrification. June Wonder aimed a huge green vortex at Trench Futurele and sniggered. As the vortex hit Trench he screamed and June collapsed and was shaking and sweating cold blood. As she crawled towards Cole (she even went through Trench’s blood without shivering) tears streamed down her face. As she saw Cole’s wound she gasped and grabbed her mouth, crying through her attempted scream. She lay over Cole’s bloody body and cried some more. She put her shaking hands over the spot where his still heart laid. “Espelios Heylios” she whispered. Her hands glowed for some two seconds then nothing. “Espelios Heylios” she said forcefully, a tear dropping on his body. “Espelios Heylios” she screamed and a nearby object zoomed into her hitting her through the face. Her and Cole’s body glowed bright and kept on glowing. Cole’s eyes shot open and he gasped for breath. June fell to the ground, to weak to stay sitting. Cole pushed himself up, bended over June and looked her in the eyes. She reached out and touched his cheek. He took her hand and held it tight. Tears were streaming down Cole’s face like never before. June opened her mouth and said weakly “Cole, I love you.” She forced a breath in, she was near to death. She knew she was going to die when she made that vortex, but she didn’t. But she made Cole alive, and that was what was killing her. It took all of her remaining power. As she pressed out a tear, she said “Always search for me” and she blew out her last breath.

Chapter 20: The Season of Love

The sun burnt down fiercely onto the earth. The golden autumn leaves scattered between the mourning people, all dressed in black and waiting, waiting for the body to arrive. A car stopped a few yards away. Cole, Sven, Anime, Mary, Hennaed and Daisy climbed out, their faces solemn and speak of a desperate sadness. Hennaed, Sven, Cole and Anime took the coffin out of the back of the vehicle. Daisy and Mary followed in their wake, hugging al the way. As the priest prayed for her over the open coffin, people cried in the form of half screams. Throughout the service earlier that day Cole had stared into space. Not blinking, the only movement was his breathing. He said nothing to no-one and everyone understood. He was in denial, and just couldn’t accept that she was gone. ‘She killed herself to save me! And now I’ll never se her again! Its all my fault!!!’ he kept shouting inside his head. As he looked at her body now he almost shouted. He stole a rose from some unknown woman next to him and put it under her hands, which were over her hart, now silent and no longer beating with that familiar rhythm. The priests closed the lid and slowly the coffin sank into the earth. After the hole was filled with dirt there was no evidence that someone was buried in the abandoned meadow except the plate with June’s death’s details. As people left, only Sven, Mary and Cole stood looking at the plate. Long they stood there in silence. Then Cole spoke: “Her love too me only lasted a season long” he said looking up at the sky, and reached out towards it, his hand wide open. “It was the Season of Love” and a single tear rolled down his cheek.


Text: All text is original and copyrighted to J.Esterhuizen
Publication Date: 01-21-2012

All Rights Reserved

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