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Book online «The Adventures of June Wonder by Jeanne Esterhuizen (carter reed TXT) 📖». Author Jeanne Esterhuizen

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happen’! Cole thought and put his arms around her. After Sven and Mary had paid the bill, they climbed into the car. “We’re going after a man named Blair Shaman. He’s worth fifty thousand Yen.” Mary said “Cole, you can tell June when she wakes up” when Cole looked at the clock he saw it was only 07:15 am. “Is it still that early?!” Cole asked, surprising everyone so much, he almost gave Sven a heart attack, and that caused the car to swerve “Cole, you almost gave me a bloody heart attack!” and he hit Cole over the head with a empty milk bottle. “Could everyone just stop hitting me?!” Cole yelled “Cole, you’ll wake Ju…” June grunted in her sleep. “Sorry!” Cole squeaked. June continued to grunt in her sleep. But the grunts only got worse. Her hands started glowing and Cole could see the form of a wolf glowing through her shirt. It was on the left of her chest, if you looked at her standing in front of her. She was wearing a light green full dress that ended just above her knees. Suddenly she started floating. Cole grabbed her wrist. After a while of holding her she fell back in her seat. She lay still for a moment and then her eyes shot wide open. She grabbed the front of Cole's shirt and looked him straight in the eyes. Cole noticed that her eyes weren’t blue or green, but red. “June, what's happening to you?” It seems Sven and Mary haven’t noticed what was happening. “Beware of the girl named June on the night of the thirteen’s. Stay away from her at that time. And be careful of her on the twelfth and fourteenth.” She said in a voice very unlike hers, and fell back in her seat, fast asleep. “Sven, what's the date today?” Cole asked, his heart pounding against his chest. “The eight, why?” “Just wondering, it concerns June.” Cole lets out a sigh. At least he’s got some time to ask June what happens on the thirteenth. About a half hour later, she woke up. “How do you feel my baby?” Cole asked her. “Actually, great!” “That’s good news” said Mary. “How late is it?” June asked, rubbing her eyes and yawning. “Its eight am” Sven said “I presume I’ve slept about an hour?” June asked “Yup” they all said. June was really bored in the car, so she started thinking, and this is what she thought: ‘That dream I had, I wonder if I dreamt the future? It was horrible, dreaming that I walk into the room with dinner, rabbit, and find Sven and Mary sitting at a table while a girl is kissing my Cole. And in my dream, I knew she was our enemy. And after that I dreamt about hurting him. But it hasn’t to do with the kissing. Anyway, I hurt him physically. Biting and kicking and hitting and I couldn’t control myself. There was something about a moon in the dream. Weird hey? And then it felt as if my defensive system went of and everything went black for a while and then I had a good dream. I dreamt that a bullet went flying towards me and he jumped between me and the bullet. Great hey? Like they say: every cloud has a silver lining’! June always thought like she was writing in a diary. She smiled to herself. “What are you grinning about, huh?” Cole asked and started tickling her. She started giggling and after a while broke into an uncontrollable laughing fit. She laughed so much that after a while she had to stop because her sides were hurting to much. Cole decided to take this opportunity to ask her “Hey, June, what’s happening on the thirteenth?” she looked thoughtful for a moment then answered. “Nothing that I know of so far” she said and smiled at Cole, eyes closed. When they arrived at the next town (which was very late, about 02:00 am) before they went to a pub, June went into a little shop next to the pub, where she bought a necklace. It was very pretty. It was flower shaped, pink, and had a small wolf in the middle. The wolf, chain and back of it was silver. Sounds pretty hey? Anyway, she also bought a cat bracelet for Cole, a necklace with a sun on for Mary and an eye patch with a mean looking eye on it for Sven. When she was done, they walked over to the pub. The pub was a pub where most people were sweepers. “We will be staying in this town for a few days. And by that I mean we’ll be here long.” Sven said and went to the barman to get a drink. Mary went with him. Cole and his ‘baby’ went to look at the wanted posters. “Sven’s going to go grab a table over in the corner.” June said, without looking away from the wall. “But how did you kn…?” Cole started to say “I’m a M.D hun, catch up” she said and stood on tip-toes to ruffle his hair. “I’ll go get us some drink’s, I’ll be back soon, don’t miss me too much!” she said winking. While she was away, a girl burst through the door and rushed right to Cole and whilst doing this, she knocked over a few tables. “Oh, Mister Crosses!!” she said and knocked him to the floor. “I’ve been waiting so long to give this to you” she said. At this moment she was lying on Cole. A very mistaken, wrong and bad sight. Well, you could imagine what it looked like. The girl was franticly trying to kiss him. He was blocking her kisses but then she held his hands away. He turned his face, not wanting a kiss. A small white cat was walking by. The girl had closed her eyes. Cole grabbed the cat and held it in front of his face. The cat ended up getting the kiss. The girl’s lips stayed on the cat. “What the *** hell is going on here?!!” June shouted. She came back in the meantime. The girl opened her eyes. “Eeuh!!” she yelled and jumped up of Cole. And it almost looked as if the cat blushed. June took a deep breath and put the two pineapple cocktails she was holding on a table near her. In the meantime the girl was making a fuss about her mouth, which had cat hair in. Suddenly June stormed towards her and hit the girl through the face with her fist of fury. She sailed through the air and landed flat on her face. She jumped up and she said in an angry voice “And who the hell might you be?” “June, his GIRLFRIEND” and suddenly the building exploded. Everyone was buried in rubble. “June, control your powers! You could’ve killed us all!” Cole yelled, outraged. “That wasn’t me.” She said softly. On a big piece of rubble a man stood, his gun pointing at the girl from earlier. “Well, well, looks like you got yourself into a bit of a sticky situation, ‘ey Azura?” the man said to her. June stood watching them, but not in the way of the gun. She was chanting softly “Shoot her, shoot her, shoot her” she was so busy chanting, she didn’t know that Cole was running towards them. The man pulled the trigger. The bullet shot towards Azura. For June it all seemed too happen in slow-motion. Just when she thought that this boyfriend stealer is done for, Cole jumped in front of the bullet. It hit him in the right shoulder. The shoulder he uses his gun with. It felt as if June’s life was a big window and someone threw a stone through it. Her whole world crumbled. She ran towards Cole and checked if he was Ok and then stood in front of him, arms spread wide. “Get away from here!” June shouted at him. “I doubt your appearance, when next we meet.” And with that he jumped of the rubble and a helicopter took him. “Cole, are you alright?” June asked him looking worried and sad. Cole closed his eyes and bit on his teeth. June could see he was angry. “Why the hell didn’t you stop him from shooting?” June straitened up from where she had been kneeling next to him and glared at him “Well, if that’s your attitude, I’ll be waiting in the car. No, make that ON the car” she said and walked off. Cole looked after her and then inspected his arm “Ouch, that looks painful” Azura said to Cole. “It is. I wonder what June’s problem is. And it seems that I use that word quite a lot around her.” Meanwhile, June was lying on the car roof, sobbing. ‘How could he be so mean? I wanted her gone, she’s just messing our love up’. She thought and started singing softly to herself. She sang ‘Holding out for a Hero’ but after a while she sang so hard, she attracted a group of people. She didn’t even realize she was standing, and there was people listening to her and cheering. After she finished, everyone cheered and hooted and yelled. And then it started to rain hard. Sven, Mary, Cole and Azura came just as the people were leaving. “What was that all about?” Cole asked her. She just turned her back on him, still standing on the car roof. “Ok, be like that, at least I’m not the one who’s going to ride on the car roof while it’s raining.” He said sarcastically and climbed in the car. She knelt down on the roof and let her head hang over the side and told him: “You know of course, that I can easily stop this rain?” said in a sarcastic voice and she propped herself back up on the roof. She didn’t have anything to do, and from inside the car laugher came. So she spent the time gazing at the moon, it’s just something Moondwellers do. She noticed that the moon just over half. ‘I wonder why dumb Cole asked what was happening on the thirteenth.’ She liked to insult someone in her head when she was angry at them. She fingered her necklace. ‘And even after I bought him the cutest bracelet.’ A few tears found there way down June’s cheek. She lifted her hand and pretended she could reach out and touch the moon. Why did I ever rescue him? She made her outstretched hand into a fist and hit the piece of car roof next to her. She forgot how strong se was. The car swerved and returned to the road. Someone inside swore. Then shouted at her.
While she lay there on the roof, the song ‘Bring me to life’ played in her head. A while later they stopped at a gas station. June had fallen asleep, but she was moaning and crying in her sleep. Sven hit the roof next to her head. “Hey, wake up, we’ve stopped.” She rolled over… and off the car. “I’m ok, I’m ok.” She said, jumping up. “And I’m awake.” She looked over to Cole, with a longing look. Pleading him to take her back. At the gas station there was a Motel too “Are we going to stay at the motel?” June asked Sven “Yes” “I would like a room alone please, I’ll pay more if I have too” June said. “Now, why would you want to do that?” he asked “because you and Mary are shearing, I presume Cole and Azura are shearing, which leaves me” she said looking sad. After Sven had rented the room, Everyone went to the loo except June and Cole. They sat in the waiting room. It was very awkward. June spoke first. “Are you still mad at me? If you are, please forgive me.
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