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Book online «The Adventures of June Wonder by Jeanne Esterhuizen (carter reed TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Jeanne Esterhuizen

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/> Something was shaking a lot. June sat up. And bumped her head against something. “Ow, what, where am I?” she asked, not daring to move again “You’re in the space between the back window and the top of the boot” Sven said “Roll over slowly and you’ll be ok” she rolled over. She blinked a bit before her eyes started working again. Next to her sat Mary and Azura. Cole was in the passenger seat. June looked at him. ‘How could this happen?’ She thought. Then, as she was thinking to herself, it felt if she was having a blackout. Except that she could see everything but just couldn’t control herself. A growling sound emerged from her throat. But it didn’t last long. She collapsed in her seat. Panting. Everyone was staring at her. “Are you sure you’re alright?” Sven asked. “Maybe I need some fresh air; it’s cramped in here anyway.” And with that June climbed out of the window and sat on the roof. It was lovely outside on the roof. She stretched her legs. “Man, my legs are sore, AND I’m unfit!” she told herself. “Maybe I should try, yes, I think will.” She stood up. And ducked again quickly, as a tree branch shot towards her head, at a tremendous speed. She checked for any branches and stood up again. “Well, here goes nothing.” She said and jumped off the car, on Sven’s side. ‘Ahh! I’m not gonna make it’! She thought, her eyes closed tight. After no impact, she opened her eyes slowly. She was speeding along side the car. Sven hadn’t noticed her. She tapped the glass. Sven had a very relaxed expression on his face. He turned his face towards her with the same expression. June flashed him a peace sign. His expression rapidly turned from relaxed to shock, fear, surprise and wonder. June smiled at him and flew up, up into the clouds. She swerved down in front of the car, just to get their attention. “Oh, now she’s just showing off” Sven said “What, how is she doing that?! Wow!” Azura said. Everyone forgot she didn’t know June was a Moondweller. Suddenly that black out feeling came over June again. She made a name for it: Midiron. Anyway Midiron came over her. She sped towards the windshield of Sven’s car. She landed hard on the bonnet. She snarled at them, showing fangs. Sven couldn’t see the road. He stopped the car with screech. June was still snarling. She stared pounding the windshield with her fist. Her eyes were red and her nostrils flaring. Just when the windshield was about to break, she collapsed. She opened her eyes and crawled up to the roof again. She lay panting on the roof. “Man that was weird” she said. Sven was saying the same inside the car. Most agreed and Sven started the car again. Cole was the only not to agree. He was thinking hard. ‘It’s the full moon tomorrow night, she’s acting like a wolf, and getting this vibe stuff over her. There is only one explanation: June Wonder is a werewolf’. He thought and sighed.
June’s breathing tempo had subsided for a while. Maybe I should try being a
 an Eagle. She focused her mind on the form of a fish eagle. Soon after her body began to take the form of the fish eagle. She opened her wings wide, lifted her head and called the cry of a fish eagle. She soared into the sky, through the clouds and landed on the car again. She squatted down and tapped Cole’s window with her beak. He looked over at her and almost crapped in his pants with shock. He thought it was June, meantime it is this gigantic eagle. “Lo
 look there!” he stammered. Everyone looked. And Sven quickly stopped the car again; Everyone needed to go. Oh yeah, and he wanted to chase the eagle away. But when he looked on the car roof, June wasn’t there. “Hey guys, June’s not here!” he called to them. “Just a minute, kinda busy here!” one of them replied. ‘I am here you idiot!’ a voice said in Sven’s head. “June?” he said, looking around him for her. ‘The eagle, pellets for brains’ she replied “Oh. Hey, you don’t have to be so insulting!” ‘Sorry, but someone crapped in their pants when they saw me, it kinda offended me, don’t ya think?’ she said in a bitter voice and morphed back to human. “I thought you said June was gone, but here she stands!” Cole said, coming out of the bushes. ‘They kissed in the bushes’ Mary told June telepathically. “WHOT!!” June said, and not in her head. She jumped of the car and slapped Cole through the face, then Azura, then Cole again. “How could you?” she said, even more bitter and climbed into the passenger seat. ‘Sorry, my fault she turned on the radio. ‘Apologize’ was playing. June looked at it and the song stopped and ‘Hot’ started playing and she sang with it. She had calmed down but had a sudden urge to rip him apart. And for rabbit. “When are we gonna stop for lunch?” she asked Sven. “Oh yeah, now you’re speaking my language” Cole said. “I don’t know, we’re going to arrive at our destination late tonight, would you mind catching something for us?” Sven said and reached for hand. “Eeuh! You mean we’re gonna eat raw meat? Gross!” Azura said. Sven pulled his hand away. Just in case. It seemed she didn’t mind him holding her hand.
‘I really like this man’ June thought. And his sense of style always accentuates his eye patch. And she noticed he was wearing the eye patch she bought for him. ‘Except, what’s up with his multicolour hair?’ His hair was black with red ends and a few streaks of blue. He looked at her and their eyes locked. She smiled and looked away, blushing. ‘Oh man!’ She though, ‘I’m going all girly!’
She stared out of the window and suddenly she saw a wolf darting by. “Stop the car!” she said. Sven stopped the car so suddenly everyone splattered into the seat in front of them. Cole was sitting in the middle so
 he crashed into the window. Splat. “What? What is it?” Sven asked “A wolf” and when she looked again, it was gone “Oh, sorry, trick of the light. Back to the road then” she said, looking quite upset. They arrived late night, or rather early morning at their destination. It was an abandoned hospital with a few battered tents outside. It was a shelter for homeless and orphaned children. When they stopped, June jumped out and ran into the bushes. The other went into one of the tents and rested on the couches. June returned after a while with fresh mutton. So fresh it was still a whole sheep. She wandered in, in the form of a grey wolf. Everyone yelled and jumped onto high things. June demorphed and dropped the sheep from her jaws. “I brought dinner, uh
 breakfast” she said sounding more cheerful. “Mutton! Yum!” Sven said, picking up the sheep. “Anyone wanna help me cook it?” Sven asked “I will, I’m from South Africa, and there we braai” June said, hooking her arm into Sven’s. Outside they made fire and cleaned the sheep out. After it was cleaned and the fire was ready, June put a stick through the sheep’s body and put it over the fire. She put barbeque and veggie spices on and it smelled delicious. All the kids stormed out and stood around the fire, taking in the aroma. Cole jumped off the roof of the building and ran towards them, pushing everyone out of the way. “What is that wonderful smell?!” he asked. June and Sven were sitting next to each other on a piece of fallen tree. June was laughing a lot and Sven too. It seems he had made a very funny joke. Cole stopped in his tracks when he saw them with each other. Sven stretched and put his arm around June. She shifted closer so they cuddled together. “Hey, what are you think you’re doing with MY gal?!” Cole yelled and hit Sven through the face with a fist. “Well you aren’t giving her any attention, so I am” Sven said standing up, hand on his cheek where Cole hit him. “Well she’s still my girlfriend.” June picked this time to speak. “Well it doesn’t seem so, with you going off and just kissing any girl walking by” she said, sniffed and went to check on the food. Cole didn’t really bother him over June; he went on with fighting Sven. They were fighting like dog and cat. Litterly. “Stop it!! Just stop it!!” June screamed and hit Cole through the face. She was red in the face. “You don’t give a damn hell about me, so stop pretending you do!” she yelled, hitting him through the face again. “June, stop” she just hit him through the face again. Just when she wanted to hit him again, he grabbed her wrist. “Now, stop that! You know I love you dearly, and I don’t go walking after girls and I definitely DON’T kiss them. So PLEASE calm down” he was panting after his speech. He looked into her eyes. They were flashing from red to green to blue and back again. “Whot the
?” he started say, but June collapsed in his arms and started crying. “I don’t know what’s happening to me” she sobbed “please help me, please!” she said and cried harder. Sven came over towards them. He had several bruises. “I’m really sorry about that.” Cole apologized. “Nah its ok. The foods almost ready June” Sven said. June looked up. She saw the kids staring. She sucked her breath in sharply. “I’m sorry you had to see that” she said opening her arms and smiling friendly. She approached slowly, but they backed away. They were scared of her. She straitened up, her eyes all watery. “Ok then” she said. She went to the fire, sniffed the meat and conjured a bucket of water. She threw it on the fire and it hissed as it died away. She looked at the oldest girl. “Where can we prepare the food?” “Oh, I’ll show you to the kitchen” she said and started walking. June pulled the stick out and carried the sheep, walking after the girl. They walked up the stairs of the hospital. They went through a hall and into the third door on the right. “It may not be a master kitchen, but we are able to prepare nice chicken soup here” she said smiling. “It s good enough for preparing the food” June replied on this, checking for dust on the counter with her finger. She put the sheep on a counter and started searching for a knife. She found one in the basin. She cut the meat into twenty-three portions. There were thirteen orphans and the five of them. ‘But we will certainly have seconds’, she thought and chuckled softly. She was thinking of a lot of things, and so, was deep in thought. So deep, she cut herself. She had the power to heal herself, but only when hurt in combat by someone else. She groaned, clutching her finger. She went over to the tap and ran cold water over her finger. It was getting light outside. Cole came in and looked at the food. He had some ice wrapped on a towel against his cheek. She had found some vegetables in the fridge and dished it up with the meat. “It looks good” he said “Hmm” she replied. Then he saw her finger. He gasped, taking her by the shoulders and swinging her around to face him “What happened?” he asked “I cut myself, don’t worry ‘bout it” she said, shrugging him off. “The food
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