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Book online «Char Resurrected by Char Steel (novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Char Steel

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Roda where there with their grandmother. Cole and his dad Charlie. All the other queens and kings of the supernaturals were there also. I even spotted Master Vampire Reno. My parents were there and Nicole. My dad had his mouth open and his eyes wide as he took in  everything around him. Merny and Savatar were also there as they scanned me for potential injuries. Basically everyone was there.

I sighed and put my hands on my hips.

" Alright everyone I know you have questions but now is not the time. I was captured by someone you all know." I then paused.

" The Dark Queen."

A sharp gasp went up from the crowd as murmuring started up. I raised my hand again and everything quieted down.

" I know what your all thinking. How is the Dark Queen alive? Well I feared she was alive when I learned that me and my friends were also alive as you can see already. And I must say that I am afraid that we are going to another war. The last war was a little to easy even though we lost many."

I sighed and steeled myself before continuing. " I think that this time we will have a war soon and more deadlier. More life's will be lost but the outcome will be if we win or if we lose. This battle however needs to be done away from the humans so that none of them get hurt."

Sunruna the sun unicorn queen raised a hand her eyes glowing like the twin suns.

I nodded and pointed to her. " Yes?"

She put down her hand asked a question that I am sure no one had thought about.

" Why can't we ask the humans to help us?"

I stared at her for a moment before answering. " Well for one they wouldn't believe us and two it's going to take someone that can convince them to go and convince them."

Everyone nodded and murmured at each other. Finally after discussing it they all looked back at me expectantly.

I narrowed my eyes at them. " Why are you all looking at me like I am the one needed to go and convince the humans?"

Sunruna shrugged and pointed at me.

I glared and tried to look like I wasn't the one needed to convince the human race that we needed them but nobody budged.

I sighed and finally threw my hands up. " Alright! Alright! I'll go and try to convince the humans. Happy now?"

Everyone nodded and stood up ready to leave.

I gulped and thought of the impossible that was going to have to happen tomorrow.

I threw out a last sentence. " Now everyone I need you to gather your armies tomorrow and make swords or whatever. Gather them and put them in Colorado. That's probably the biggest state to have a state war in. Meanwhile I'll try and convince the humans. If they are convinced then we will need a couple more states to have the war in. A reminder is that we will need every supernatural this time no matter if you are enemies or have grudges."

I looked at each and every one of them as they gave each other bad stares before continuing.

" I don't care what kinda of grudge or war it is you have. Even if it is their fault. You need to put it aside for now because it won't matter later on if we do not win. Now that I have said this please leave so that me and my friends can go and see the President."

Everyone grudgingly got up and left leaving me and the Ruffian's and my family alone.

I sighed and sat down as I looked at my parent's and Nicole.

" Okay guys here's the deal. I'm going to get a shower and then I will go with my friends here and drive to Washington to meet the President. I expect a update about how the army's are gathering and whatnot."

My family nodded so I got up and left. I ran upstairs and opened my door to find Pomo sitting there expectantly.

He looked at me with his adorable eyes that pleaded to go with me so that he could meet the president.

I rolled my eyes and got undressed before cleaning my outfit and heading to the shower.

" I know what your thinking Pomo but the answer is no." I threw over my shoulder.

" But I wanna see the President!" He whined and pleaded.

" It's too dangerous Pomo."

I turned on the water and got in as he followed.

" But who knows? Maybe I can help convince the President." He pleaded.

" No Pomo the answer is NO."

I heard a sniffle as Pomo went away and my heart melted. Maybe I was too hard on him. After all he was a tiny pup.

But I countered he couldn't come along because he might get hurt and god only knows what the President would do to him in a lab.

I firmly instigated in my decision to leave him behind and finished my shower. I dressed and gathered all my weapons before heading downstairs.

Waving goodbye I went out the front before getting in the black van that Savitar had rustled up from somewhere.

I squeezed in the back next to Merny and sighed as the van started up and rolled away.

After a moment of silence I plugged in some earbuds and drifted away to Nightcore 5 minutes later.

The President - Part 8


I woke up with a fuzzy headache and someone snoring on my shoulder.

I yawned and stretched as every muscle in my body felt more refreshed than earlier. Everything seemed sunny and peaceful. Warm and cozy.

EXCEPT for the snoring that was originating from my right ear. I tried scooting over but it didn't even help.

In fact it just made the snoring louder. I finally opened my eyes and glared at Ronan who was snoring peacefully away on my shoulder with a little smug smile on his face.

When had he gotten here? Last thing I knew was that Merny had been in the backseat with me.

I sighed and finally grabbed some duct tape from my bag and ripped a piece off slapping it on his mouth.

I snickered and added an extra piece over his nose abruptly ending his snoring.

Finally after having my fun I looked out the window at a surprising view of skyscrapers and clean manicured lawns. Not to mention the fancy well dressed people that were walking the streets as they hurried to their jobs.

I managed a grimace as a blonde looked at me in disdain. Or probably in disdain at the lower classed van that we had since the windows were tinted.

I sighed heavily, why couldn't Savitar get a car that blended in? Not to mention that I had no idea where we where.

Without waking up Ronan I carefully reached in the back and grabbed my clothes out of my bag.

Before stepping out in public where no doubt I would receive stares and looks I grabbed a hoodie, and baggy black jeans from my bag and put them on.

Looking down at myself I then realized that I would still attract attention since I was dressed all in black.

Since it couldn't be helped I just sighed again and opened the door and stepped out. Of course right away a group of businessmen and businesswomen looked at me and scoffed before turning their noses up and walking away.

I glared in their direction before proceeding to the most important building in the place.

The White House.

Standing in all it's glory before me with it's manicured lawns and pristine walls. I smiled and put a bounce in my step as I sauntered to the 20 foot fence.

Several guards gave me looks as I walked around the fence looking for the best way in.

Finally I spotted a section of the titanium fence that was a little shorter than the other.

It didn't even take me two seconds to half crawl half leap over the fence and onto the other side.

It also didn't even take two second for a couple of little puppy's to start whining and barking at me as they strained at their leashes.

I looked confusedly at them. What was their problem?

" Hey! What are you doing over the fence?" A guards stern voice sounded from one of the puppy's owners.

I shrugged and pointed to the tall white building before me.

He stared at me for a minute before removing his gun very slowly and turned his head calling into his radio.

" We have a code red here. Southwest corner."

Glaring at the gun I proceeded to walk very slowly forward which only triggered a response from the guard as more guards came in and started surrounding me.

" Hey! Stop or I will shoot!" The guard said pointing his gun at me with steady fingers.

Walking forward only made them get more edgy and trigger fingered.

" I said stop! Or I WILL shoot!" He edged towards me.

Ignoring him I proceeded forward while keeping an eye on all 10 guards.

I didn't think that they would shoot so I was surprised when a bullet edged through the air at supersonic speed towards my head.

I turned my head and watched the bullet go slow motion through the air. The patterns of airwaves flowing from the bullet going round and round.

Snaking my arm forward I caught the bullet without a mini second to spare.

The guards waited for me to fall from the bullet that First guard had shot but I didn't instead I stood stock still bullet between my fingers before letting it slip to the ground.

They stood still for a moment before shooting a wave of rounds from their guns.

My eyes opened wide in surprise and I twisted my body to avoid from being used as hamburger meat fed to the dogs.

Dodging the last three bullets I almost missed the fourth heading straight for my shoulder.

I barely managed to swerve aside and miss the bullet but not before it nicked my skin.

I hissed and grabbed my stinging arm as the guards reloaded their guns with more clips.

" We warned you girl. Next time you will not be alive to hear it. Now stand down." The First guard said.

I snickered and let my eyes turn an bluish icy white before running forward in a flash and dodging their bullets as they fired off round after round.

Running in a sonic boom also, thank god, made me able to dodge the automatic gun systems positioned at each corner of the house.

I arrived inside out of breath only to be confronted by a group of armed agents.

Groaning I readied myself for the fight to come. Why did it take so much testing and effort just to meet the president?

But life was not easy as I was forced to take five seconds from my important time to knock them all out.

Rolling my eyes I proceeded down the hallway and whipped out my phone as a ding lit up my screen.

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