Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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them about the bond ", I told her.

" Why did you tell them ", she asked.

" So they could find you faster ", I confessed.

" Maybe Lucian will be there ", She said sounding scared.

" Don't worry ", I said as I grabbed her hand holding it gently .

This tim she didn't pull away like last time.

" We should go ", I said clearing my throught.

" Okay ", she said.

We left I kept her near me as we walked down the halls of the meeting mansion . I saw Derics face lit up when he saw her. Hers was the same a bit scared but calm.

" This way ', William said leading us to the priest .

Chapter 14


I was lead by a vampire named William to se the priest I enetered the room with Damen . As I went in I felt cold feeling run down my spine that made me shiver.I saw seven men sitting in lined up chairs. Each seemed to be fifty or sixty years old. Dmen and I where standing in front of them. Don't be scared Damen said in mind they just want to talk to you.

" It is nice to meet you , their is no ned to scared , I'm priest Devon , Thats priest Christain , Priest Gregory , Priest Allistar, Priest Jerome , Priest Fernan , and Priest Isac. ", Priest Devon said.

" Damen has told us about your bond with him ", Said Priest Christain .

" I would like to read you ", Said Priest Allistar.

I gave Damen a nervous glance . He gave me a look that said go on.

I went to the priest and gave me my hand . He seemed intrested and shocked at the same time shock filled him. Something went on the between the priest I could feel it.

" Thats it ", Priest Christan said smiling as he released my hand ..

" I am sorry to say I am a bit disapointed of the things you've done to this young lady Damen ", Priest Gregory told Damen.

Damen said nothing he was just still.

" I am sorry ", Damen said.

" Do not apoligize to us apoligize to the girl ", Priest Devon said.

" Their are some things you'vedone in the past that have been bad but this is despicable ", Said Priest Gregory .

" But you had some right to do what you did ", Said priest Jerome.

" You are our prince our leader we are here to advice you not to judge you ', Said priest Fernan said.

" As for Lucian you can dispose of him as you want ", Said Priest Devon.

" That is all ", Priest christain said.

We left the room .

" That went well ", Damen said smiling .

" They are scary ", I whispered .

" They are not they seem to like you ", Damen said. " And most of all they said I could kill Lucian ",He added.

I looked at him his eyes where cold when he mentionded Lucians name . Deric came to me and Damen left.

" I'm so happy you are okay ", Deric said.

He suddenly crushed his lips into mine . I was so shocked I couldn't move. I finally pushed him of me.

" Not now Deric please not now ", I said to him .

" I'm sorry I couldn't contain myself all the dreams and talking to you getting to know you made me fall in... love with you ", He confessed .

I looked at him with shock he said he loved me .

" I want to speak of this later I 've been through a lot the past to days ", I said my eyes welled up with tears.

Deric embraced me .

" Where were you all this time ", Deric asked me.

" Lucian took me he wanted my blood ", I told him.

I felt him tense and he went cold exactly like Damen .

" I am going to kill him ", Deric said.

I rested my head on his chest .

" Only the priest and Damen know he was the one who took him ,Damen is already looking for him ", I informed him.

" I'm going with him ", Deric said.

" Don't go Damen can take care of him ", I told him.

He looked at me and gave me a soft smile .

" Okay ", He sighed .

" Thankyou ', I said.

I didn't know what to feel anymore . I liked Deric but I was in love with Damen it wasn't fair for me to give him hopes.


I went to Lucians house and acted normal.

" Damen I didn't expect to see you ", He said.

" Well I didn't expect you to be here you fuckin son of a bitch ", I growled.

I grabbed him and threw him across the house.

" I warned you to stay away from her to leave Autumn alone but you insisted and now i'm going to kill you ", I barked at him.

He laughed I thought he had gone mad.

" You can't kill me Damen the priest won't alow it ", He said.

" I don't need the priests permission I can kill you without it but the priest said to so as I want with you", I said to him.

" You're lying ", He said in an unsicured voice.

" You'll se if i'm lying ", I said getting close to him .

I grbbed him by the throught he gasped.

" Do you think I'm lying now ", I asked him.

" Damen you are going to kill me becuase of that bastered ", he asked in shock.

" No i'm killing you becuase you tried to kill the person who is bonded to my soul ", I told him.

I ripped his head out blood covered my hand . I set the whole place on fire after I left. Knowing that if they saw Lucians body they would see strange things on his blood.I didn't feel bad or any remorse feeling for killing Lucian he deserved it . Death had been a little bit to nice for him I should have mad him beg for his life.

I went back to the mansion to pick Autumn up I found her with Deric talking to him.

" Damen you have blood all over your shirt itr not yours right ", Autumn checked.

I shook my head.

" We have to go ", I told her .

" Okay ,bye Deric ", She said.

" See you soon and remember we have to talk ", He told her.

I didn't know what to tell her as we drove back to the apartment I didn't like the silence.

" I'm sorry all of this happened on the day of your birthday ", I apoligized.

" Its not your fault ", she said.

" Is their anything special you wanted , or wanted to do today on your birthday ", I asked.

She thought for a moment.

" A movie ", She said .

" What ?", I asked.

" I want to see a movie ", She said.

" What kind of movie becuase if it what they call a chick flick you can just forget it ", I warned her.

" No its not a chick flick I promise ", She said.

" Whats the movie called ", I asked her.

"Its called Abraham Lincon Vampire hunter ", She said.

I raised an eyebrow when I heard the title.

" Why would you want to see a movie about Abraham lincon hunting our kind ", I asked.

" You said I could watch it as long as it wasn't chick flick ", She said sounding like her old self again.

" Fine ", I said.

We drove to a movie theater.


I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing at Damens reactions to the film . He wanted to kill himself .When the movie was over he thanked god.

" How could you make me watch that movie ", He said.

" I didn't make you watch it I told you , you could watch something else ", I told him as I got in the car .

" Its the most horrible and stupid film anyone has ever mad about vampires it insulting our race ", He said .

" Well I thought it was a good movie ", I argued .

" How can you say that , whe abraham lincon was alive mortals didn't know we existed only the night hunters ", He said.

" You are over reacting to it , it was just a movie ", I told him.

I was glad we where finally home becuase Damen hadn't stopped talking about how horrible and insulting the movie was to us .

" I swear if I see a movie like that again I will shoot myself ", He said.

I laughed .

" Thankyou Damen ", I said.

I left to my room . I laided on my bed thinking about the events that had happened today. It was to much for me. Escaping from Lucian knowing he is dead becuase Damen killed him ,above all wasthe confesion of love Deric made me.He loved me but I was in love with his cousin. I was in love with Damen only he didn't love me back.

I had used Lucian to forget about Damen and I looked at the problom it had caused . N o the problom I had caused. I felt guilty becuase I had . caused Lucians death becuase if I hadn't used him to forget Damen this wouldn't have happened . Maybe in time I could love Deric he had seemed sincere when he told me he loved me . I couldn't return the love he felt for me

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