Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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I wish I could.

I felt a little bit hungry and went to the kitchen .I found Damen looking at me when he saw mw.

" Is there a problom ", I asked him .

" Yes its the wolves they seem to be trying to track you down , but its strange they are very good at searching for us they should be here already", He said Damen.

" I could check if you want me to ", I asked.

" No we'll check tommorow today you've been through alot ", He said.

He left exahuasted to his room . I ate a little bit and went to sleep. I found myself having the same dreams like I alway have for the past three months. I can't figure out why I am always at the altar with Deric about to say I do .I woke up and tried to figure the dream out but I couldn't my mind wouldn't let me . Things where....... blocked for me.

Yesterday Damen told me the priest wanted to talk to me again today in the morning. I didn't know why but the priest scared me . Their precence were cold . Their was something strange about them Damen said thats how they always where.I heard a knock on the door it was Damen.

" Autumn are you awake ", He asked.

" Yes , come in ", I said .

He came in looking handsome and galent as always. Damn it I forgot to block my thoughts. I lowered my face in embarssmant knowing he had heard me.

" Sorry ", I said .

" Its okay, we have to go see the priest again are you ready to go ", He asked.

I raised my face to him and nodded.

" Why do the priest want to talk to me ", I asked.

" I think they are going to talk to you about the bond ", He said.

We headed to the meet with elders I was very nervous like never before .
Chapter 15


Why was Autumn so nervouse around the priest I thought as we entered the meeting with priest. I had known the priest since I was a little boy and never felt nervous like she did . Autumn had sen the priest yesterday they had acted nice around her.

" Welcome ", said Priest Jerome.

" We wanted to speak to the two of you becuase we thought that if you two are bonded you should get married ", Priest Fernan said.

" What!!" , me and Autumn said at the same time.

" Yes marriage , Damen you are over four-thousend years old you should get married and you brought this on yourself ", Priest Christain said .

" Well you can get out of the marriage if she is engaged to someone else ", Priest Devon said .

I looked at Autumn confused face . I'm to young to get married she thought .

" I am not doing this ", I told them.

For my sake and Autumns sake I hoped they didn't argue with me.

" Why not the girl and you make such a good pair ", Said Priest Gregory .

" Becuase I don't want to and she doesn't either ", I said.

The priest talked to each other .

" Damen we will give three day to make up your mind if you still don't agree than she will have to marry your cousin so her blood doesn't get tainted ", Priest Allistar said.

Shock passed through me if I didn't marry her she was going to marry Deric. I couldn't let it happen ...

" That is all we will speak in three days ", Said Priest Isac.

I walked with Autumn shock went through her . Maybe she had forseen this and didn't want to talk about it.

" Damen I don't want to get married I'm to young ", She said.

" Well we will think of something ", I assured her.

" I thought you could boss them around ", She said.

" Their are some things they can make me do things I might not want to do ", I said to her .

" What do they mean if I marry Deric my blood won't get tainted ", She asked.

" That means that if you marry him when he bites you it will erase all my bites ", I told her.

" Why will that happen ", She said.

" Becuase me and Deric are related ", I told her .

" Do you think Deric knows ", She asked.

" I think he does the priest had to tell him , he probably agreed ", I said.

Deric had probably agreed becuase everytime he spoke of Autumn he seemed to be enchanted . If I didn't know better I would say he love her. Deric just like me had never taken anyone serious but with Autumn he seemed diffrent. If Deric felt for Autumn what I thought he would probably marry her .


Me and Damen ran into Deric .

" Did the priest inform you to ", Deric asked us.

" Yes " Damen said .

" So what are you two going to do ", Deric asked.

" We don't know ", I said to him.

Silence passed between us three .

" Well I have to go ", Deric said .

He left .Damen seemed thoughtful when we got back to the apartment. I loved him but like I thought before I was to young to get married.

" Derics willing to marry you ", Damen told me as he entered my room .

" I don't want to marry anyone ", I whispered .

" I know you don't but theirs nothing we can do you have to marry Deric ", Damen said to me softly.

I had never heard him speak to me this softly . I was suprised his words hurted me so much . Was it becuase he didn't want to marry me?

" Is that what you want me to do ", I asked him on the verge of tears.

He seemed startled by my question . He though about it an sighed.

" Yes Autumn thats what I want you to do I want you to marry Deric ", He said.

" Okay then I will marry him ", I said holding back my tears.

" Autumn please don-", Damen tried to say something before I interuppted him .

" I'm tired ", I told him he left leaving me alone.

Tears came out of my eyes I knew Deric was nice, but I was deeply iin love with Damen I couldn't love him back . I atached to Damen not just by my love for him but becuase our souls . Even though I was soul bounded with him he didn't love me an I think he never will. Being soul bounded is a very powerful bond but not even that can make him love me . I was going to marry Deric even If I didn't want to . I spended the rest of the day in my room not wanting to eat or do anything . Damen knocked two time I pretended to be asleep when he knocked.

Three days passed quickly today I was going to tell the priest I wanted to marry Deric I knew once my Desion was made their was no turning back on it . I found myself standing in front of th priest.

" I'm going to marry Deric ", I said .

The priests and Deric whee shocked.

" Are you absoultly sure ", Priest Isac asked me .

" Yes I'm absolutly sure ", I said .

" When is the wedding taking place ", Priest Jerome asked .

" In nwxt month ", Deric answered.

Damen and I where startled the wedding was so soon yet none of us said nothing .

" Now that things are cleared up we would like to speak to Damen alone ", Said Priest Gregory .

Me and Deric left leaving Damen alon with the Priests.


Why would the priest want to speak with me I had made everything clear . I wantAutumn to marry Deric or do I ?

" Even you are unsicure about yourself Damen ", Priest Christain said.

" I don't know what your talking about ", I said to him.

" In thought you where teretorialn but I was wrong ", Priest Devon said.

" What do you mean ", I asked.

" Are you really going to let Deric take away your soulmate away from you ,is she really so insgnificant to you ", Priest Jerome sai.

What me and Autumn where soul bonded not mated.

" Your with her is bigger than anything we have seen before ", Priest Isac said.

" If that is all I will be going their is nothing that keeps me here ", I said leaving .

I didn't care about Autumn I never did . I saw her walking with Deric she was smiling and so was Deric she was probably going to be happy with him I had nothing to worry about. Deric loved Autumn he could take care of her . They maden a good pair even though my thought hurted me I knew it was the truth .

I saw Crystal walking by she came over me and smiled.

" I heard your cousin is getting married ", She said.

" Who told you ", I asked

" He did he seems very happy ", She said.

" He is ", I said.

" You don't mind he is getting married with Autumn ", She asked.

" Why should I mind , I never had anything to do with her ", I said telling her the truth .

" Well I thought that becuase you got mad at me becuase I called her a bastered ", She said.

I pulled her close to me .

" I'm not mad you becuase of that ", I said trying to force myself to

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