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Book online «Destiny's Decree by Wesley Russon (korean ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Wesley Russon

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all in the span of a few minutes. He wallked over to the sleeping gard pulled the dart out of his neck. Leaned the sleeping man agest the small wall behing him. so if any one saw him it would look as if he feel a sleep on duty. Jumping over the and down the wall.
Cralwing ever so slowly to get to the some what tall grass the getting up and runing in the forst. Only fity pace a way he sliped in to the woods un noteced. Then he noticed move ment off to the right and dive in to a side way role. throwing one two three throwing nifes at his. attcker with perrfict acuricey hiting his target with all tree throwing knifes.
roling in to a croche and simitansly drawing his replacement swords for he all ready hide his favorite stuff not to mention most power full stuff deadly enchantments on them made him even more power full. But because he didn't inted to succed let alone live he hide them for his. son wich even now lay sound a sleep in the monstary. When his asalint steped out of the shadow he emdently reconized him. Replaceing his wepons in his sheaths he ran for word and coute his seconde boren son. teras sterming down his face as he held his now dieing son in his arms. when he hered his son wisper " as good as ever i see dad" a smile spreding over his sons face cofing up blood. " son I-I thout You where dead. How did you excape." A miscives grin spred a cross his face. " I was trianed by the best dad is baby bro okay " "Yes hes with brother Max im keeping him as far a way form this life as posebull" teras came to his eyes as he watched him pul out a letter and place it in his hand. cofing up more blood he said they excuted every ne that belived in you> and he whent limep in his arm and closed his eyes for the last time. " rest in peace son"
The next day he bured his son and walked to the neresist town and bout a huores and took off in a hury his mind whriling. If one son lived could his first still be alive to?what his baby girl? twin to the son he gave up not long ago. This chages every thing he must fined out. and save them.If they hadnt been killed yet. his hope sowred for the first time in many days. His wife he knew was all ready dead. but his childern one survied mabey the others did to.

The next day brother Max woke up to the screming. Of Blades chiled and for the frist time he asked what he got him self in to. as he draged him self out of bed to attend to his now adopted chiled. "This is going to tack some getng used to that thout he mubeled to him self." whene he hered a knok on the door "enter " he said at last pulling on his trousers.
to monks enterd the room and instantly found the sourece of the crying. "Well this is akword" max said as they looked from the baby to him.
the confusin written on there face is told him that this was going to be one long day of story telling. As five more monks came in to the room. 'What am I to tell them that one of the worlds best assassin. was here just last night to give me his child. and what was he to tell the abbot.' He thoue then whent to pick up the child to comfert him as he quikly compesd his story to tell the abbot. They all leaft him to his privcy. he realized the child most like woke up most of his fellow brothers and sisters in the monestary. "Yes he said to him self this is going to be a long day. "
whene he was fully dressed he piked up the baby and whent to the mess hall wich by now was all ready filled up with others. he stood in line receving many curious stares. All wondering why he was holding a month old chiled. He twiched his nose and whent through the line. when he arrived at the end of the line and he quickly spoted brother Adm his best friend. And the gratest cook this church ever had. Brothre Adm gave one quick quizzical look his neerly bald head shook. And looked as if he might ask why the hell he was holding a childe. In less vulger wording of-cores. But he just shook his head and walde off in to the back room. His overly plump body making it look as if he was walkng like a Penguin. He retruend a minute later with some fomeula. But still didn't say any thing.
Max ate quikliy then put the bottel to the chiled to feed him but the suborn child wouldn't tack it. A few minutes later it was crying but when he tired to feed it it still wouldent eat. After a few minutes of distress Cassndra the positivitly most butifull sister in the inter Church. Walked over to him long brown hair falling behinde her. she asked if he need help. Maxs mouth just hung open. She laughed at him gesterd torwd the baby. And he said "oh yes im Farly new at this as one can see." She laughed aging he neraly droped the child in surpises. when she said "ho no you look like you been doing this for some time." He glared at her in response then asked " so you going to help or not" a bit more sharply then he intend. His face changed instaly and he stumbeld out a quick apoligy. Cassndra flicked her head to remove the hair that fell in her face. Then looked at him as if to consider the question then said. " Maby if you ask me nicely"
He look at her as if to say I dont know what your talking a bout. she lafed agin he loved it when she laughed. And her voice was music to his ears. Then be for he knew it she took the baby a way whispering to the child, All the while then looked him in the eyes "okay I'll help but not for you but this pore inacent baby" He blushed at this and watched her rocke the baby while feeding him. She notcetd him blushing "oh dear max is face is all red is the big strog Max blushing at me" see winked at hime sat down feeding the baby looking at it. the child opend it eyes while eating. Cassandra let out a gasp. He look at them and noticed that they wher just like his fathers they wher gold.
He quickly got over his shock but Cassndra didn't she looked at Max with amazement in her eyes. "He looks human but his eyes are gold" she said he smiled "so I see" responde max she asked a qustion that he him self did not see comeing. "Is he a half elf? for I never seen such eyes in a human child before." "no" respond Max "he's human" 'I think so any way or for the most part he is' he thout but didn't say. "where did you get him he's not from the nursery" she said a little to loudly.
"yes" another voice frome the crowed now gathering around Max and Cassandra "this child wasn't here yesterday. Max where did it come from is it yours"
max couldn't find the words to respond. Sweet strated down his brow. He stamerd some thing no one under sooted. "Well Max?" Asked Cassandra." "ummmm...." Max responded.
well Max responded he is not my chide exactly he only reacently came in to my life. You see last night I couldent sleep so I whent for a walk. I was in the main hall when I header a knock.
I opend the doors to see who might be knocking at the door. An old friend stumbled in. handing me his child asking me to tack care of the child. he looked worried so i said yes. I whent to fetch some him food and came back and he was gone.
The lie came to him easily enough but no one rely believed him. Any way but it only got them buzzed up even more. Then there was a loud thudreing voice that said. " Max come with me." the croud hushed and parted . A man came Threw the croued uesing his golden staff as a walking stick. bald head held up striate Abbot Renold.
had come walking in to there mist like a king thrue his army. "Ab..abbot.. sir ummm... " Max maniged to say. "bring the child and come walk with me'' said the old abbot. as he shuffled off down the mess hall. So Max did as was asked he took his now adopted son and follwed after abbot Renold. They walked in silenc for some time Max new that Renold.
Knew he lied for like a parent Renold all way Knew when Max was lying and to make it worse on poor Max. Renold was like the father he never had. the silince grew more akword by the minute. They where all most to the garden on the roof when Max started to explain. Then the old man stoped and listened to the tale of all thous years ago on the road and when he frist meat his shadowy friend Blade and what little he knew of the man. Renold listed intently as Max spune the his tail at a few part he even seemed to smile as if remembering the whole thing him self. "That dose sound like him to do such a thing." Renold said when Max was done. Max looked at the old man with a confused look on his face and twitched his nose.
"Excuse me Abbot but what did you say?" the Abbot looked at him with a big childeish grine. "Max you may not know this many don't but I know him to he saved me to from another yet equlliy skilled assassin when I was but nineteen years of age. Stop gawking at me like that! Max im not that old you know." Max was more confused then ever before the words that stumbled out of his mouth seemed strange in deed. "Abbot the man im talking a bout is at least thirty years of age like me he cant possibly have saved you wene you where nineteen."
at this the Abbot let out a laugh like he hadn't in since he was around fifty years old and looked at Max. there was a childish gleam in abbot Reanolds eyes. wich took a good number of years. A way form the old abbot. For a quick moment he saw a much younger man befor him.
Now Max was relay confused for shure he looked up in time to see the smile disaper frome Renolds face " I see" the old abbot said "so he never told you did he. Max my son come close and let me tell you of the man you think you know. he is ageless like the elves that once lived here long a go. But as you well know by now he is no elf. An old and ancient power runs throw his veins. More powreful the that of the elves even. Do you know what blood that is Max or shold I tell you."

He made it to the rocky valey to wich the keep of his order is set in carved out of
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