Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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smile at her .


I was talking to Deric he seemed anxious and happy to get married with me.

" You can start picking thing for our wedding right away ", He said kissing my hand.

" Don't you think next month is to soon ", I asked.

" Not at all if we could we would be getting married today ", He said.

He gave me a soft kiss on the lips .

" I know you don't love me but in time you will ", He promised.

" i hope so ", I said.

" As foe the pack of wolves that wants to kill you I'll send some guards to track them down , so you can be saf", He said.

" Thankyou Daeric ", Is aid.

For no reason I was crying.

" Don't cry Autumn ", He said softly.

" I'm sorry I just wish I could already love you ", I said .

Wich was the truth I wish I could love him as much as he loved me everything was just so confusing .

" Can I tell my mom now ", I said.

" Of course I'll take you to her house ", He said .

Deric toook me to my mothers house she was happy and suprised to see me.

" Well come in darling this is your home to ", She said smiling.

I saw her husband who didn't seem to be bothered by my presence he actually smiled. I knew he hadn't known anything about the affair my mother had with my father.

" Mom I came to tell you I'm getting married with Deric ", I told her.

" What !", She and her husband said.

" But you barley met him not that I'm opsing or anything ", She said.

" The priest said it would be the best ', Deric explained.

" Then they have to get married Sheila ", Said Xavier her husband.

" When is the wedding ", She asked.

"Next month ", I said.

" Its to soom but you'll have time to know each other when I tell your sisters they will be over joyed ", she said.

The conversation was long my mothers husband was very nice he was actuall going to hand me over to Deric at the altar. My sister where even mor exicted than me. My sister Liana said she was going to help me choose the dress, Emily was going to get the invitations ready ,and Rebecca was going to decorate everything. All of them promised me everything would be perfect for that day . I hoped so

" Your sisters seem to like you a lot ", Deric commented.

" You barley know me and your going to marry me ", I told him.

" Well it hard not to love you who would be stupid enough not to love you ", He said.

I gave him a smile and kissed him softly before he left .


I had seen Autumn kiss Deric befor he left how fast she had gotten over me and over the love she supposly had for me. I not wan ting to see her left after she came in. I smelled her scent the smell of flowers came through my nose everytime I was near her. When I passed her I didn't glance at her I just kept walking as if she wasn't there. Very soon she wouldn't be here anymore she would be living with Deric she would be his wife .

I needed blood I found a perfect victim walking alone on the streets she wasn't beautiful but she was averge. She had raven black hair unlike Autumns golden blond hair. I follwed her and pulled her into an alley and drank from her. I had gotten used to drinking Autumns blood but I wasn't going to bite her anymore. I was going to stay away from her I had to I couldn't let myself be attached to her anymore than I was.

I got back home and went to check if she was sleeping . I opened the door to her room and found her laying down on the bed fast asleep . I watched her sleep. I had promised myself I was going to stay aaway from her but it was hard. When I had her near me and in my mind. It was as if someone had cast a spell on me . I had never thought of anyone more than I had thought in Autumn in my long life.

I had to addmit everything had changed when Autumn came to live with me. I actuallly had someone to care about . Like some young humans say I had been a loner before she came. I had lived with her a year and I had gotten used to her. It was hard to tell myself she belonged with my cousin but it was reality . She was getting married the priest had warned me that their was no turning back even if I wanted to .

Chapter 16


As the wedding got closer I watched how Autumn planned her wedding in four more days she would be marring Deric . I hadn't spoke to her since the day she had anounced she was engaged . I alwayes tried to evade her and maybe she was evading me. It was better this way so she wouldn't hurt my cousin Deric. I focuse more on being with Crystal.

" So are you going to Derics wedding ", Jason asked.

" I have to he's my cousin ", I told him.

" You don't sound to content ", Crystal said.

" Why do you think that ", I asked he.

" You don't seem happy ", Jason said.

" Of course I'm happy my only relative is getting married ", I said .

"Sure ", Jason said.

"Shut up Jason your just jelouse becuase Deric found a girl and your still alone ", Crystal said.

Jason said nothing to that.

" So its true ", I commented.

" Of course its true thats why he went quiet ", Crystal said.

I knew Jason had always wanted Crystal but she paid attention to everyone else except him but he could never tell her.


Four days left unil my wedding everything was ready . I had picked out a beautiful lacy white wedding dress . The invitations had already been handed out Der was filled with joy I wish I could to share his joy but to bad I couldn't.I was with Deric alone in the apartment I benn living with Damen for the past four months.

" I love you ", Deric told me.

He kissed me gently on the lips his lips treveled along my cheeks and down my neck . His kisses felt nice each day that passed I started to liken him more but the love I have for Damen was still in my heart.

" Deric why do you love me ?", I asked him.

" I love you becuase you're nice kind beutiful you're not like most vampire girls I've met . I can't compare no one to you becuase I would be insulting you. You are the most graceful creature I've ever met . Their are millions of other reasons I love you that would take all my eternity to say ", He told me.

His words made me feel more guilty.

" Like I told you before I can wait until you love me back , I will never force you to do anything you don't want to ", He said.

I saw his warm brown eyes full of sincere love . A love that might be for both of us to share. It was time for me to move on to love him like he loved me it was time to move away from Damen.

" I love you to ", I whispered .

He knew I was lying but still he smiled like he had won something priceless.

" You will Autumn " ,He promised "You will",.

" I hope so ", I said to him.

He left I stayed in the living room watching tv . I felt Damen as he entered he seemed distant all these days I decided to move on. I went to my room so I didn't bother him.I took a shower and got dressed .I layed down and fell asleep . Love and hurt where almost the same things for me.I'm in love with Damen but it means to get hurt.

Everything was wrong everyone was happy except me . Damen was finalley going to get rid of me , Deric was going to marry me. Even my mother and my sisters where happy I was getting married.


It was nine in the morning when I woke up . I thought about the werewolves and how everything had been so quiet lately. Alphas always honered their oaths it was part of their leadership. They should have already tried to kill Autumn or atleast attack other covens in their search for her everything was strange .

I hoped the days would go faster so she could leave along with the feeling of confusion I had.I heard a knock on the door and opened it to my suprise it was Rebbeca , Emily , and Liana Autumns sister.

" Hi Damen ", Rebbeca said as she kissed my cheek greeting me .

" We came to see Autumn we have to ake her practice her vows ", Emily said.

" I know she's awake I checked ", Liana said.

" Sure go on she's in her room ", I said getting tensed.

" Thanks ", They said.

Rebbeca was A bit older than me Liana was two-thousend years old ,and Emily was three hindred years old. Autumn was of course eighteen the youngest . I heard them talking.

" You and Deric look so good together ", Liana said.

" You are going to be the most beautiful bride the world has ever seen , just three more days ", Rebbeca said.

" I know you look gorgouse mom thinks your dress if perfect ", Emily said.

I didn't wan to hear their conversation about

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