Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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like I told you before its not your fault ", He said.

" I can't help it ", I said.

I was trying to control myself but I couldn't . Damen was leaning over me he was qick . I felt his fingers stroke my face. I let him but guilt went over me he was Derics cousin . I pulled away from him.Damen sighed and he left. Something was wrong with him he was acting more gentle nicer with me today. Maybe Deric dying had made him change a little or it might have been somethhing else I couldn't under stand it was hard to get through him sometimes.

I fell asleep again wondering if I was going to be able to go to Derics funeral .


I was ready to go to Deric funeral I knocked on Autumns door witch was my room.

" Are you read Autumn", I asked.

She didn't answer me she just came out of the room . With sadness filling her eyes.I was suprised she didn't cry . We drove to the Vampire cementary in silence.She was looking at the window.It was cold in Translyvania specially becuase it was November already . Translyvania wasn't warm like california it was cold .

We where here Derics friens wheere here and me his only family member. The council members and priesthad came to. I saw Autumns mother and sisters.Autumn said nothing through the whole funeral she didn't even cry the look on her eyes was worstthan seeing hercry their was no expression just emptyness . I would do anything so she wouldn't be so upset .
Chapter 17


I watched Autumn go up to her room after the funeral . She felt guilt becuase she had not loved Deric but Deric had loved her . She shouldn't feel guilty becuase Deric had known her feelings and yet he still wanted to marry her.I had treated her badly I had hurt her physically and verbaly. I would have understood her if she fell in love with Deric.I needed to tell her I loved her . I had make her feel better I had tom make her lose her guilt of Derics death .

" Are you awake ", I asked as I enter her room.

" Yes I couldn't sleep again", She said.

I sat next to her on the bed . She looked at me like she always did with love. Sometimes she had tried to hide it but it was still in her eyes it always was .I didn't know how to start telling her.

" Autumn I don't know how to say this ", I said.

I felt a as if someone had tied a knot on my throat . I didn't say anything I just kissed her. I kissed her softly at first and waited for her to respond to me and she did. A kiss I have longed for months now . I had desired her lips very long but I didn't accept it. She suddenly pulled back.

" You don't have to do this to make me feel better don't act like you like me ", She said.

She was stiff and her eyes where cold.

" I'm not doing this becuase I want to make you feel better,I'm doing this becuase I want to ", I said.

" Don't dlie please ", She begged.

I sighed knowing she was in all her right to think I was lying after all the things that had happened between us . This time I was going to have to beg for her forgivness it was my turn to suffer like she had sufered for me.

" You are in all your right to think I'm lying but I'm not , not this time ", I told her.

She said nothing silence filled the room. It was going to be hard to convince her but I was not going to fail. I had to fight for her with her own feelings. I had to fight for my soulmate.


When I felt Damens lips against mine I felt a comforting feeling that filled me inside. I knew he just kissed me to make me feel better . I didn't want his pitty I didn't need it. I looked out the window the sky hadn't changed since the morning . My mother had told me that I could visit her or call her ,but I didn't want to . I only wanted to be alone. I felt guilty and hurt .

I remembered Derics words " You will get to love me ", he told me. I would have if he hadn't died maybe I would have forgotten Damen . Could I ? I had all those thoughts running back and forth in my mind. I was broken before Deric came but I fixed myself. I knew Damen was trying to fix me but I didn't want t0o be fixed I didn't deserve it .

When I used to live with my aunts I was afriad of falling and being broken . I had fallen becuase Damen mad fall. Now he kisses me when all the time I have been living with him he has treated me like crap. If Damen thought that becuase I loved him , Deric was dead ,and that nothing standed in our way I was going to be with him. I was going to marry his cousin becuase he wouldn't marry me.

I had spent the rest of the day crying in my room I didn't eat or did anything .I spent the past three months doing the same thing crying and looking at my window. I thought how miserble my life was I tried to put in my head that all of this I deserved. That if I had told the priest that I didn't want to marry Deric he would be alive . I blamed myself for everything .

I felt Damen enter my room I didn't turn around to look at him I didn't want to.

" Autumn we have to go we are moving we can't stay here some vampire hunters might notice the attack that happened with the wolves ", He said.

" Ok ", I said.

I didn't need to pack my clothe I they were already packed. I followed Damen not speaking to him . I felt him grab my hand I looked at him.

" What do you want ", I said .

" Autumn you can't keep on feeling guilty Dercis death was not your fault ", Damen said.

I felt my getting watery again I wasn't going to be able to contain my tears .

" It was Damen it was ", I said letting the tears spill from my face .

I walked quickly getting out of the house. The flight had seem fast we where somewhere else we where in England. I was silent as Damen showed me my room . Damen wrapped his arms around me I felt comforted by him .

" You have to move on ", He whispered .

" I can't ", I whispered back.

" Why ", He asked.

" My consious dosen't let me ", I confessed .

" Everything will be better ", He promised me.

I hoped it would be but I couldn't be sure . I didn't know if I could trust him . I knew wanted to fix the things that had happened . But could he ?


Well at least I had made contact with Autumn the months had passed quickly since Derics death she had to move on and I was going to help.I had her in my arms her scent and the heat of her body filled me up . A little bit of piece also filled me . I kissed the top of her head knowing this time she wouldn't pull away .

We stood their in that same postion. Autumn was relaxing for the first time since Deric died. I had many feeling racing through me I actually felt my heart beat wich was rare in me becuase I was old. One feeling I had was fear , I feared the wolves they would come back and maybe do what they wanted to do . I was going to do everything to protect her .

" Don't worry about the wolfs Damen this time I'll check when they come ", Autumn said .

" Ok ", I said .

I was about to tell her something else when the door bell rang. She fixed herself and went down stairs to open the door . I watched her walk away .She came back with anger in her eyes.

" Its Crystal she wants to speak to you ", She said.

I could sense her jelousy and rage I grinned. I tried not to laugh . I wrapped my arms around her but she pulled away .

" Whats so funny ", She said as she glared at me.

" Your jelouse of Crystal ", I commented.

She turned around giving me her back.

" Me jelouse of her I don't think so ", She said.

" Theirs nothing to worry about c'mon lets go see what she wants ", I said pulling her to me.

Both of us went down stairs when Crystal saw us coming down together shock raced through her face .

" What is the meaning of thi Damen ", She growled looking at Autumn.

" Oh I haven't told you I must have forgoten I'm going to start a serious relationship with Autumn ", I told her.

Rage went through her eyes.She said nothing and left slamming the door .

" That went perfectly well don't you think ", I said to Autumn smiling.

" I think that was kind of messed up to Crystal ", She sai trying to hide her amusement.

I saw her smile vanish as if something inside her didn't let her be happy. Today had been the first I had seen her smile in a long time . I felt her unsicure about something . I wondered if it was about me .

" You don't think I'm honest ", I asked her .

She said nothing her silence said everything I needed to know but it didn't hurt me . I knew I deserved every ounce of her insicurnes

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