Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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Autumns wedding with Deric . I went to see Crystal trying to relax myself.

" Is something wrong Damen", Crystal asked.

" No its nothing ", I said .

I was tired of pepole asking me if everything was okay . Why would things be wrong I got mad and left her their. The priest , Jason,and Crystal thought something was wrong with me. The only thing thats wrong here its them becuase I feel perfectly fine. All of them had thought I had felt something for Autumn but they are wrong she was Deric bride. Sure I had bit her wich had gotten me soul bonded with her but that meant nothing or did it? I couldn't feel insicure not now.

The days had passed slowly but everyday Autumns sisters came to see her about thins about the wedding. All was confusing with thoughts in my head I didn't trust myself any more or my feelings anymore especially today . To day was Autumns wdding with Deric and I had to see her get married with my cousin..


I found my self in a white wedding dress ready to get maried. I was tarring at myself in the mirrior . I sighed today I was going to get married . My mom was next to me.

" You look beautiful darling ", She said smiling.

" You do to ", I said .

" Well lets go we don't want to miss your big day ", She said.

I saw th Limo pull up at my moms house . I hope my sister hadn't exaggeratered with me today. No one except Deric . Damen and me knew why I was getting married with Deric . We stopped at the place I was going to get married it wasn't a church it seemed more like a santurary mad for vampire . We where in Tranylvania again . In the middle of the forest. The placee was decorated like in fairy tale . It had whit roses in the entrance and a beutiful read carpet that rose peddles thrown on the side.

I got out of the car with the help of Xavier out . I walked down the aile with lot of eyes staring at me . I saw Damen in one of the stands he seemed to be startled by me . I saw Deric their waiting for me . The priest where lined up in chairs . My sister where smiling like clowns. I took Derics hand a kneeled down in front of a pope who was a Vampire.

" We are here to unite two immortals for all eternity ",said the pope.

The cermony went on.

" I Autumn Cornelian take you Deric Vashoc as my husband to spend my immortal life with ", I said putting the ring on his finger. He smiled .It was his turn.

Suddenly growls came from out of the place everyone turned around shock filled their faces a bunch of wolves came in. Deric grabbed my hand and led me away the wolfs had only one target and it was me . We ran out of the church but their where others . I saw the royal guars trying to fight them off bu their where to many. Like at least ten packs put together like sevendy wolves.

" Lets go I'll go back ", He said.

But he didn't have to go their where wolves in front of me . They where gigantic I recognized the alpha . It luanched at me but Deric interfered lot os wolfs luanched at him.

" Go Autumn Go i'll be fine ", He shouted.

Those where his final words becuase the wolves got a grip on him and riped him apart.

" Deric ", I screamed.

Horror passed through me they finished him off and where headed for me next. I knew I shoul run but Derics body was laying their I couldn't move . I fell on my knees I was parlazeyed everything went into slow motion Deric was dead I couldn't accept it. Suddenly Damen and others apeared they killed some of them but their where still lot of them left . They looked at me with shock. Silent tears came out of my eyes . I felt my mother hand on my shoulder. I couldn't stop crying.

Deric died and it wasn't worth it.

" We have to go ", Said my mom softly.

" No ", I shouted .

Damen pulled me away from Derics dead corpse taking me away . I had Derics blood on my hands . I cried non stop. My mother was at my side trying to calm me down . I was alone with her in Damens living room . Everyone was at Damens house . They where talking about the wolf attack and how their had been dozens of them. I didn't care about them I cared about Deric.

It wa hard telling myself that a couple of minutes ago I was about to marry Deric , that a few moments ago I had lost him forever. I had actually started to love him.

" I'm sorry sweat heart ,but hes dead and there nothing we can do ", She said in a soothing voice.

" Its my fault the wolves where their to kill me ", I said.

" No its not", My mom said.

I wanted to sleep and never wake up. I fell asleep with my mom stroking my hair.


When the wolves had attacked the first person I thought was about Autumn. When I found her kneeling down by Derics corpse releif went through me knowing she wasn't hurt but also guilt becuase I had only thought of her . I knew the wolves would strike again and the my cousins death was just the beggining. I was going to avange my cousin . I wasn't going to let them hurt Autumn more than they hurted her with Derics death . If I would have married her in the first place Deric would be alive she would be happy. This was the first time I had realized I loved her I loved Autumn .

Everyone had left Autumn was still sleeping on the couch I thought. I went there and found her crying she hadn't stopped crying since we found her by Derics side. She didn't even notice my precence.She was still wearing her wedding dress ,and she still looked beautiful.

" You should go change ", I told her.

"I don't have any clothe here ", She said holding back tears.

" I asked your mom to leave some of your clothe here ", I told her .

" Am I still going to live with you ", She asked .

I nodded . She went to near by room to change . She came out a few moments later. I could still see tears coming out.

" Damen this was just the first attack of the wolves ", She said.

" What do you mean ", I asked.

" The wolves are gathering more there going to ceme her soon again ", She said.

I wrapped my arms around her but she pulled away . As if she was doing something wrong. All this time I had been in love with her but I couldn't accept it but now I wanted to be near her I wanted to keep her for me. I knew I was selfish but I couldn't help myself.

" I'm sorry for what happened today we are going to bury Deric tommorow ", I told her.

She said nothing but tears kept on spilling down her face . I grabbed her this time she let me embrace her . She buried her face on my chest crying we stood like that for a long time. She fianlly stoped crying. Her eyes where red and puffy.

" Everythings going to be fine ", I promised her.

" No its not fine Derics dead and its my fault ", She said.

" Don't say that its not your fault ", I told her.

We sat down on a couch . The day was still long. I had to go to a meeting to check things for my cousins funeral but I couldn't leave her alone . I felt her feelings through the bond guilt,sadness , and empty.

" You should get things ready for Derics funeral ", She said.

" I don't want to leave you alone", I told her.

" Its okay I'll be fine ", She said.

" Okay bye ", Isaid getting up and leaving .


Damen had left to get things ready for Deric's funeral .I was upset becuase Deric had been nice to me he shouldn't have died . It should have been me. Maybe I shoul have let the wolves kill me the first time I met them.Millions of thought ran in my head of should have happened to me not to Deric . I loved Damen but Deric had deserved all my love. Derc had understood me he always told me he was going to make me love him.

I glanced out the window and saw the gray day . This was supposed to be a happy day the day my wedding. This day had been turned in a nightmare . I saw the wolves in my mind when they where gathering other packs . The alphas had been displeased becuase he didn't get to kill me. He was going to strike again I knew it . When they get stronger they will come for me . It was just a little bit of time until they regain themselves.

Night came and Damen was still out . I went to the room I had when I was a maid and fell asleep.I woke up in the middle of the night I wasn't in the the room I had fallen asleep in I was in Damens bed room . I was suprised to see Damen there standing looking at me.I thought that was dreaming when I saw him I blinked again and saw him their.

" No your not dreaming I'm here ", He said.

" Damen why am I in your room ", I asked.

" I thought you would be more comfterble ", He said.

I got up .

" Why are you getting up ", He asked.

" I want a glass of water ", I said.

He blocked mt way out .

" I'll go get it for you ", He said.

" You don't have to ", I said.

He elft anyways. In an instant he was back with my glass of water. I went to lay down Damen was still in the room he sat on a chair . I couldn't sleep with him here . I sat up not able to sleep.

" Damen you should sleep ", I advised him .

" No thankyou I'm not sleepy ", he said.

" I can't sleep with you here ", I confessed shly.

I remembered Deric all of a sudden tears came out of my eyes again.

" Don't blame yourself
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