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Book online «Redcliff by Zafrina Jones (novel24 .txt) 📖». Author Zafrina Jones

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herself and the lady at the reception in danger and not really save her. It would be idiotic if she were to intervene alone now. All she could really do was stand there and wait. When the young lady put the receiver to her ear, it took a few seconds for someone to pick it up and the girl immediately spoke in a frightened voice, as if she was the one on the other line: "Z..Zwei Männer erwarten sie. " Attentively, Roxanne watched the young lady swallow and did not let the strange men out of her sight. When she hung up the receiver a little later with a shaky hand, she said in a frightened voice to the two men: "He is waiting for her. Fifth floor." Roxanne flinched, did she hear it right? You were going up to the fifth floor? Now it was clear to her who the two men wanted to go to, only what exactly had Jack done that these armed men wanted to go to him. Of course there were armed men in her order, but they seemed more dangerous than anyone else Roxanne had ever met. If they killed Jack for money, her medal would be history. She had to stop them, no matter what. Maybe she could rig the elevator and get to Jack before the strange men would get to her bro.


Annoyed, Jack looked at his cell phone. The last thing he needs is for these guys to show up right now. He rubbed his temples and paced the room. They wanted their share of the last mission, even if it failed. He had teamed up with a group that could hack into the police system to find out more about a particular group that was in the news. Oh, if this sounded absurd, but he was tired of the fact that the police would eventually get hold of him and put him away for obstructing the investigation. Since he didn't know much about it, he had trusted a friend who had recommended this hacker group to him. Biggest mistake Jack ever made He really should never have listened to his "pal." Now he was in trouble, so to speak. He hadn't told Roxanne or Justin about it and now that they wanted their share of 2 million Euros, which Jack could never give them, he was in a fix, so to speak. He couldn't just let those two men walk off with his money. He hadn't gotten the information he needed or anything else he could use. He sighed annoyed as he looked to the lift where the numbers were slowly playing. Apparently the papnoses were already on their way to him. The young gentleman rolled his eyes, walked to his desk and took out two guns, sat down on his desk chair facing the lift and waited patiently for his lovely guests. It was not long before the lift doors opened and the masked men entered Jack's room. "Welcome to my mansion, Skyripper," Jack said amusedly, reaching out his hands and smiling. As if shot from a pistol, the two men drew their weapons and pointed them at Jack, who bent his head hurt and sighed loudly, "Oh, now you disappoint me. I would have expected a little more style from you." With these words Jack rose, clasping his hands behind his head as the men lowered their weapons. He knew the morons wouldn't shoot him, after all, they wanted their dough. The men stood still with their guns lowered and looked at Jack thoughtfully. "We want our share, Jack," shouted the same man who had threatened the receptionist and grinned broadly. Unimpressed, Jack looked at the two men. He sighed loudly, shook his head and without fear he stepped up to the men who pointed their guns back at Jack, ready to fire. "That's no way to get your money," Jack said annoyed and put his head on edge. The man named Skyripper gritted his teeth annoyed and wanted to pull the trigger but Jack hissed: "Do you want to shed blood unnecessarily? The boss of Redcliff looked at his carpet and sadly said, "If you kill me, you won't get any money and you'll have to clean the carpet." He tapped with his foot on the expensive Persian carpet and put his head crooked. "Let's talk this over like normal business partners," Jack suggested and smiled broadly. With these words Jack turned his back on the men, bowed his hands and inconspicuously pulled his small black guns from his belt. The young man puffed loudly, he couldn't use black magic now, after all he had wasted his last breath of magic on the girl. Now it took a while until his magic would generate itself again. "Jack, we're not here for games," Skyripper cried angrily, clacking his shoes could hear Jack on the stone floor and the master came closer and closer to Jack. He turned around immediately before the stranger even reached the carpet, drew both weapons ready to fire and held them to both Skyripper and his companion's forehead. "If I were you I'd keep my mouth shut. I have no problem pulling the trigger. Even if you pull the trigger. You ain't going to accomplish a damn thing with my death. I believe your life is more important to you than the money," Jack said with an annoyed undertone and began to grin demoniacally. These men were cowards, they looked tough, but what they lacked was brain and courage. Both of the strange men lowered their guns and puffed annoyed, they looked at Jack who stroked the trigger with his finger and couldn't stop grinning. Without further hesitation the men flinched back and pressed the lift switch, never letting Jack, who started laughing softly like a madman, out of their sight. Apparently she had quickly understood that he was serious and it was better not to mess with him. "You learn quickly, but you don't deserve to live any longer," Jack whispered earnestly and without hesitation pulled the trigger on his weapons when the lift sounded. Two bullets fired from his guns and hit the men directly in the heart. Immediately they fell to the ground and blood flowed onto the black stone floor. Jack grinned as he stepped to their bodies and looked down on them. Blood. A small pool of blood formed on the floor and Jack hissed in disgust. His bullets were not so big now that these men lost so much blood and defiled his property. He plugged in his guns, pulled out his cell phone and dialled the receptionist's number. It wasn't even seconds before Jack heard her panicked voice, "Chief, are you okay?!" Jack rolled his eyes, if there was anything he didn't like, it was his people who were worried about him. Without answering their question, he said, "If those guys show up again. Just send them up." The woman on the other end of the line answered "Yes, Lord" and Jack lay up without saying another word as he looked at the bleeding bodies thoughtfully.  


Thoughtfully, Justin sat down behind the black wheel, closed the door of his midnight black car and remained frozen for a while. He had received a picture of the girl from Jess when he met her in the garage. He put the key in the ignition and took the picture out of his pocket. Thoughtfully he looked at it. Somehow the girl looked familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where. Quickly he shook off the thought of the girl. No matter where Justin knew her, he had to find her, no matter what. As he pulled out of his car and drove up the ramp towards the road, Justin shrugged in shock as Jess ran in front of his car. He suddenly slammed on the brakes and cursed as Jess ran to his window and knocked on it. "Are you out of your mind?!" cried Justin angrily as he lowered his window and looked angrily at Jess who kept apologizing and scratching the back of his head. "I have something for you. I'm supposed to give this to you from Jack," said Jess and handed Justin a technical feature that looked like a tracking device. The latter sighed, looked at the little round device and shook his head. "I don't need any surveillance, Jess," Justin said and raised one eyebrow. The black-dressed man looked at his boss's brother as if his boss had lost his marbles and began to explain, "That's not a tracking device. It's a kind of technical addition. You can receive calls, video calls without going to your mobile phone. And it only responds to your voice. When you ask to see the map, it shows you the map. It's almost like Google Maps except that all police officers are marked with red dots on the blue map. You can sort of see if they're following you or not. Interested, Justin looked at the little black button and placed it over the vent. Immediately the little device began scanning the interior of his car with a light blue beam. "What the hell is this shit?!" Justin asked Jess, who grinned as the device began to speak in a woman's voice: "Measurement complete. Voice recognized. Map to destination is displayed." Confused, Justin looked a little to the right on the blue map, which showed many red dots after turning off to the main road. "That's the cops," said Jess, pointing to the zich red dots on the blue map. "The green triangle is you," Jess said with a grin and the black-haired man looked annoyed at the gentleman. He felt he was being taken for a fool, did it say on his forehead that Jess allowed himself to talk to him like that? "Ehm, good luck," Jess quickly put in, as he could tell by Justin's grim look alone that he'd screwed up and ran onto the pavement, where he stopped and looked at Justin's black car. "Oh, boy. I'd like a car like that. No wonder the cops never catch him. I bet it goes as fast as lightning," said Jess and whistled in amazement as he watched Justin drive down the street in a hurry.


Justin sighed as he grabbed the wheel firmly with one hand and kept looking from the road to the map on his right. He still had time before he could start his game. He smiled at the thought that he was far too curious what the police would come up with this time to catch him. But his train of thought was immediately interrupted when suddenly a call came in instead of the card, which he answered. "Remember, I want her alive. Also, don't play with the police too long. They almost caught you the other day, if it wasn't for me," Jack said immediately and crossed his arms before Justin could say anything. When his big brother looked at Jack, he sighed loudly and just nodded. He didn't feel like arguing with his brother. His brother was much too stubborn anyway, and unnecessary discussions would get him nowhere. "I understand," Justin replied, slightly annoyed and ended the call immediately before Jack could say anything. He stopped before a red light and rubbed his temples annoyed. But he was not alone in the black night. Next to him a light blue Porsche came to a halt, the windows of the car went down and Justin could make out a blonde-haired woman in a shrill pink dress looking up at him. Her face was made up like a clown and Justin had to stop laughing. While they were both waiting at the traffic light, the gentleman rubbed his eyes and could not help but laugh. But he was lucky that the woman didn't hear him, because he had put the windows up before. "Hey sweetie. Roll down the window," shouted the woman as

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