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Book online «Redcliff by Zafrina Jones (novel24 .txt) 📖». Author Zafrina Jones

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loud as she could and Justin stopped breathing in her dreadful voice. He looked quickly at the red light, hoping it would turn green quickly, and fixed the street in front of him. "Why does this always have to happen to me," cursed Justin and pretended not to have heard the woman. She puffed insulted and knocked impatiently on her pink steering wheel while she didn't let Justin out of her sight. A thousand thoughts flashed through the man's mind, there was something strange about this woman. As soon as the light turned green, Justin stepped on the gas and sped past the woman, who looked at him in shock. She sighed and said softly, "Too bad you're not gonna play." After these words she twitched her cell phone, grinned and spoke softly into the receiver. "It's him 100 percent. Get him." The woman smiled in amusement, leaned back in the seat and put the mobile phone away.



 Police sirens shrilled into the silent night, red and blue lights of police cars could be seen on the quiet streets, which quickly crossed the intersection and chased a night-black sports car, in which a black-haired young man was sitting. He grinned in amusement as he looked in his rear-view mirror and saw the patrol cars coming closer and closer to him. "At last," said the man, grinning and accelerating. His car was clearly faster than the police cars. A red BMW was just about to cross the intersection but stopped abruptly when Justin's car passed him. The old man in the car cursed and gave Justin the finger, but Jack's brother didn't care. He avoided the cars as best he could, which either drove too slowly or were about to stop at red lights. Just as Justin was about to cross the next intersection, five patrol cars shot across the intersection and blocked the exits. "Shit!" cursed Justin and hit the brakes. He should have known how the police would try to react. Just in time the car stopped to avoid a collision, the officers got out of their cars and drew their guns. They pointed them at Justin's car and ordered the suspect to get out of the car carefully with his hands up. Justin hissed annoyed, that was all he needed, he drove through his hair. Shooting the officers would do little good. Only unnecessary bloodshed and that is what the young man wanted to avoid. Jack would wring his neck when he found out. Slowly Justin opened the door, unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car with his hands up. He smiled, bowed his head and looked smiling into the faces of the officers. "You'd better not grin, Justin," a familiar voice said and the young gentleman turned around. The officials shouted no movement, but did not really act. One young lady raised her hand to indicate that everything was okay. Justin swallowed as the woman from earlier recognized "You're not serious," he cursed softly and briefly annoyed himself. The woman grinned, stepped up to Justin and smiled with folded arms when she reached him. "Too bad you didn't play along. It would have saved us a lot of work," said the woman, pointing to Justin to turn around. The gentleman gritted his teeth; if he were to punch the woman in the face, the officers would surely fire at him. He turned around without saying anything, knowing that anything he might say could be used against him. "Good boy," said the woman, and pulled out a silver pair of handcuffs. She put them on Justin and nodded contentedly. "We didn't expect you to cooperate," she said with a smile and pulled Justin along by his upper arm. The young man rolled his eyes annoyed, but still didn't say a word. He silently allowed himself to be led away to one of the five police cars. The guns were still pointed at him and it didn't seem like the officers would lower them. The woman opened the door of one of the police cars and nodded her head inside the car. "Get in," she commanded and looked at Justin, who smiled and got in without comment. The woman puffed and closed the door and crossed her arms. "Ma'am, be careful," one called the police officers to the lady who cursed in annoyance and looked at the officer who was swallowing and just nodded at the cold look of the woman.

"You're still not talking," said the woman, looking in the rearview mirror at Justin who was sitting behind her and looking at her with an icy cold look. The woman grinned, she looked at her colleague and spoke amusedly: "Let's go to the station. The kid's not gonna talk here." The officer at the wheel next to the woman nodded and drove off. Justin hissed annoyed. Never before had he wanted to kill someone as much as she did. When she arrested him, she had taken the guns from Justin. He couldn't shoot her. "Beket is my name," said the officer, looking at Justin with a smile, who raised an eyebrow but still didn't say anything. "Will you keep quiet for about 30 minutes?", the woman asked annoyed and turned back to her colleague who laughed and turned into the side street. Unobtrusively, Justin tried to get hold of his wristwatch. He carefully turned his wrist and pulled the crown of his watch twice with his right hand. He smiled and leaned back. He smiled as he thought about the watch. Jack had given it to him. If Justin was ever caught by the police, he would pull the crown twice and a signal would be sent directly to Jack. He smiled as he thought about how his younger brother would react. The stupid grin would certainly wipe off the woman's face once she saw Jack standing in front of her. Justin sighed loudly and looked out the window, the woman immediately looked at Justin and sighed as well. "Have you changed your mind?" she asked irritatedly, relaxed Justin turned his head towards her. Their eyes met, but the perpetrator still said nothing.

Jack tilted his head, he grumbled annoyed as he looked at his vibrating cell phone which had a flashing blue light on it. "I warned him," Jack cursed and stood up from his leather chair. He took his cell phone, touched the screen to confirm the message and put it in his pocket. "I didn't want to go out there," grumbled Redcliff's boss annoyed and stepped to the elevator. Impatiently he waited and looked at the changing golden floor numbers. "Faster damn it!" cried Jack and the lift doors opened. Annoyed, the boss of Redcliff stepped in and pressed the letter G. The lift doors closed slowly and the brown-haired man bowed his head. He was not allowed to freak out, he had to stay calm. But he couldn't really do that. Slowly the lift went down and Jack noticed how impatient he was getting. When the lift stopped Jack scurried through the half-open doors and almost collided with Jess. "Jack, I mean boss," Jess quickly corrected himself and smiled. Jack puffed annoyed and looked at Jess, who looked at Jack in wonder. "Has something happened that you have to leave now?", Jess asked insecurely and scratched his cheek. Jack sighed, Jess could probably help him. It wouldn't be stupid to take someone with us. "Come along," Jack ordered coldly and walked past Jess, who swallowed and followed Jack as fast as he could, walking through the large park. Jess trembled excitedly. He had never seen his boss' car before. Only Justin's car was known to him and this was a fast one. The thought of Jack's car drove Jess crazy and he continued to follow his boss who walked to a white Lamborghini. Justin gasped in surprise and yelled, "Holy cow, I thought your brother drove a cool car." He held his hand in front of his mouth and waved the other air to himself. Annoyed Jack looked at Jess who was pale and grinning innocently. "Get in, you idiot," Jack said and opened the car with his key.

Quickly Jess carefully got into the passenger. Carefully took his seatbelt and buckled it carefully. He was afraid of damaging something and looked at his boss who also got into the car and fastened his seat belt, then he put the key into the ignition hole, released the handbrake and slowly drove up the garage. "Boss, where are you going at this hour?" Jess asked uncertainly and looked around the car. Jack mumbled only in reply, he didn't really want to talk to Jess, but the leader of Redcliff had no other choice. He glanced briefly at Jess who flinched and spoke irritatedly, "My beloved brother has probably been caught by the police. Jess blinked, scratching his head, not knowing what to say. Jack sighed as he drove up the ramp towards the road and turned right. "But how could this happen," Jess asked incredulously and looked at Jack who shook his head and did not take his eyes off the road. "How should I know? Don't bother me," Jack cursed annoyed and looked briefly at Jess who thoughtfully took out his cell phone and dialed a number. It wasn't long before a familiar gentleman's voice answered with a "Yes?". Jess sighed and took a deep breath and spoke softly into the receiver: "Saius, don't wait for me. It might be late." A little later Jess hung up and bowed his head. Worried, Jack looked at his employee and asked a little later, "Are you all right?" Jess winced, looked at Jack, who saw his back on the street and swallowed hard before he started to speak: "It doesn't matter boss, let's save your brother instead." He smiled and put his cell phone away. The boss of Redcliff sighed loudly and grabbed the wheel with one hand while he stroked his hair briefly and straightened it. "I'm going to find out sooner or later, Jess. "If anything happens, you can tell me. Maybe I can help out." Jack spoke compassionately and drove a little faster. Jess held on to his seatbelt in fright, because he hadn't expected his boss to drive faster. Jack grinned with amusement as he looked at Jess who had turned pale as he expected a collision at any moment. "Boss, if we go on like this the cops are going to chase us too," Jess said, slightly insecure. This statement made Jack grin, he looked briefly at the passenger and said amusedly: "That's exactly what I want. They will lead me to Justin for sure. It would be boring, wouldn't it, if I got Justin out right now? I want to have a good time too." Jess blinked, and looked shocked at his boss, who must have really lost his mind.

"Move it," Becket said annoyed and pushed Justin into a small grey room with a black table and two black chairs. Justin cursed as he stumbled past the officers into the interrogation room and looked angrily at the woman. How he would have liked to insult her and let his anger out, but he preferred to remain

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