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Book online «Redcliff by Zafrina Jones (novel24 .txt) 📖». Author Zafrina Jones

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calm. This only upset her more if he remained silent. The gentleman grinned and sat sighing on one of the chairs as he caught the stern gaze of her colleague. He quietly closed the door behind him and Becket, who had folded her arms and walked over to Justin, who looked amusedly at the officer. It wouldn't take long and Jack would wring her neck. He would have liked to do it himself, but his hands were literally tied. "Do you know this young lady?" asked Becket and put a photo of a young woman on Justin's desk. Without emotion, he looked closely at the picture. The woman had cuts all over her arm, and on her forehead was a flame of blood surrounded by a red star. "No, I don't know her," said Justin and looked unimpressed at the woman, who twitched one eye and furiously struck the table with her fist. "WIESO was there a picture of the girl in your bag then?!" she cried angrily and saw Justin angrily panting into her eyes and rolling his eyes. "As I said, I don't know her," Justin spoke softly, emphasizing the last four words. Becket puffed and crossed her arms. Ernst looked Justin Becket in the eyes and tilted his head crooked. This woman was not experienced, he could say that right away. It may be that she had arrested him, but no experienced policeman would get out of his skin as quickly as she did. Her reaction only amused Justin even more. "Where did you get the picture from?", the officer asked again irritated and sat down opposite Justin. Their eyes met and Jack's brother smiled. He would certainly not tell her a word about why. "Redcliff, isn't it?," Becket asked, grinning, but even after the question she didn't get any reaction from Justin. He just sighed and looked silently at the officer, who impatiently tapped the table with her index finger. "You're pretty impatient," Justin said, grinning as the woman angrily narrowed her eyes. "Your colleagues would take a different approach. Smarter," explained Justin and grinned as Becket angrily flinched and angrily clenched her hands into fists. Apparently, he had hit a nerve. "You've started fresh, haven't you?" Justin said and smiled as Becket puffed and pissed off. "I'm the one asking questions here, not you." Justin whistled in amazement, he wouldn't have expected such an annoyed answer from her: "Becket...", said her colleague and the woman turned to him, who stood in front of the closed door with folded arms. "We're not getting anywhere like this," he explained and walked over to Justin, who looked at the gentlemen with a grin and amusement. Perhaps he had more experience. "She was murdered," the Lord said in Justin's ear and the prisoner sighed loudly. Why are they telling him this? Were all the officers really so extremely stupid these days? "Either they cooperate or they can rot in the cell," the policeman said irritably and looked at Justin, who looked at the gentleman unimpressed. Neither of you had any idea what was about to happen to them. He had to refrain from laughing out loud. It amused him too much, just the thought of how the whole police building would be blown up. Jack probably had his toy again, but Justin didn't have time to think about it. The officer grabbed him and pulled him from the interrogation room. Justin cursed as he pulled him roughly down the hallway to the cells. Becket followed them and without hesitation opened one of the cells. While the gentleman pushed Justin into it and Becket quickly locked the cell. "One day you'll talk," Becket said irritatedly. "Until then, you'll stay here on guard duty," said the Lord, grinning.

Justin hissed annoyed. Those pap smears hadn't even uncuffed him yet. He bowed his head and sat down on the bench at the far corner of the cell. He looked up at the ceiling where there was a big lamp and it lit up the cell. "Won't you change your mind?" said the familiar male voice of the officer from earlier and Justin looked in the direction the voice came from. He smiled as he looked into the eyes of the young official who was obviously worried about Justin. "You could have spared yourself this if you'd just talked," he tried to talk back to the black-haired man and put his hands on his hips. He didn't let the locked-in man out of his eyes who just started smiling and lay on the bench. Quietly he began to count down from 60. Confused, the officer looked at him and said aloud, "What good will that do you now?" But the prisoner did not answer, stood up and looked at the officer. Justin spoke softly so that only the officer could hear him: "5,4,3,2,1" After he had said the number one, a loud bang could be heard. The officer got up, you could hear shots and screams. Frightened, the rookie drew his gun while Justin grinned and looked at the pale young man. Shots were fired again and the officer screamed and wanted to pull the trigger, but a bullet immediately hit him in the head. The officer fell to the ground while a pool of blood fed the floor. A little later Jack came into the room, annoyed, put his gun away and cursed: "Forty minutes of my life wasted", Jack hissed annoyed and looked into the cell. He winced with one eye and puffed: "You're fucking serious?" Justin grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "Took you long enough. Will you get me out of here now?" Justin asked friendly and smiled at Jack. Jack grinned, grabbed one of the overturned chairs, sat down on it a bit away from the cell, put one leg over the other and replied, "Nope. He crossed his arms behind his head and looked amusedly at Justin, who grumbled and tried with all means to open the handcuffs himself. "Hey Jess," cried Jack and grinned as he felt Justin's confused look resting on him. ""Bring that grenade over here." Jack grinned amusedly and Justin flinched. His brother was really off his rocker. Jess also grinned and pulled out a spherical object with a silver hook on it. "With pleasure, boss," Jess replied with a grin.

Jack grinned as Jess removed the heel of the spherical structure. Immediately, light green smoke shot out of the grenade that Jess threw into the cell. "Jack you retard!" coughing heavily. Amused, Jack watched as the light green smoke spread around the room. "What was that?" said Jack and Jess put a small flashing red grey button on the cell door. It flashed faster and faster until it blew the cell door open. "You've suffered enough," Jack said in an amused voice, watching Justin run quickly out of the cell. "Retard," he cursed and watched Jack walk out of the police building amused by the non-toxic smoke. Jess tried to unlock Justin's handcuffs, but didn't really manage to do it. Jack, who stopped and turned around and grinned briefly at Justin. It amused him how his older brother still had his handcuffs on. Jess grinned as he looked at his boss and asked, "Can I take off his handcuffs?" Jack shook his head in denial and first got an angry look from Justin at himself, but the angry look disappeared when Justin looked around briefly, stopped and said, "Wait a minute. Immediately Jack and Jess stopped and turned to the black-haired man, who looked thoughtfully at the killed policeman in front of his cell. "That cop, Becket. "we need to find her. Jack, she knows the girl," Justin began to explain, telling Jack the information he had received from the interrogation. "You're kidding me, you puke-brained potato pancakes, aren't you?!" cried Jack in annoyance, panting annoyedly as Justin walked over to Jack and looked thoughtfully at his little brother, who almost exploded with rage. "Jess," hissed Jack and looked gloomily at the young man, who nodded and pointed his hat. " find this policewoman alive and bring her into our humble home, do you hear me?!" The gentleman nodded his head and bowed to Jack and Justin and walked back into the police building while Jack managed to undo Justin's handcuffs with a sharp needle and threw them aside. Relieved, his older brother rubbed his wrists and followed his younger brother out of the building, who still started to rant quietly and walked to his white car.


Without even waiting for Justin, Jack accelerated and left the white police building behind him. He was concerned about this alleged policewoman. How did she know about the girl? All Jack knew was that the girl did not belong to any order, had his scroll and had jumped off the bridge when Jess and Saius had chased her. "I'm still freaking out here," Jack spoke softly and tried to concentrate on the quiet street, but this was difficult for him. Not a soul, not a vehicle was to be seen on the road. It seemed as if the great night-covered city had become extinct. Only Jack and behind him his brother drove along the illuminated streets. Lights were burning in the buildings and soft rain began to cover the street. The leader of Redcliff smiled at the thought of the soft rain pattering on his windshield and the wipers doing their job. The sound of the rain alone made the young man relax, slowing down and stopping at a red light. Even if he could have just kept going, as there was no one to see anyway, Jack wanted a short moment to himself. Relaxed he listened to the rain, opened the windows and closed his eyes for a moment to be able to concentrate completely on the rain. Justin's black car drove up and came to a stop next to Jack's. He glanced briefly at Jack in the lowered window to make sure everything was okay and smiled. His brother listened to the rain in a relaxed manner and a smile appeared on the corner of Jack's mouth. Nothing in the world could take this calm away from Jack. Justin didn't know why, but rain always seemed to calm his younger brother down. It worked like a kind of magic, Jack could forget everything around him, the problems, the worries about his order, simply everything. Justin sighed as he kept his eyes on the traffic light and kept looking here and there at Jack, who had opened his eyes again and looked relaxed at the road. He didn't even have time to say anything to Jack, so Jack's white car raced past Justin's and joined the turn-off road. His older brother smiled and drove after Jack. It wasn't long before the two of them reached their villa again. Jack smiled as he drove towards the garage. Apparently Roxanne hadn't blown up the building again. The young woman loved to experiment in Jess' laboratory. Her last experiment had cost Jack his whole villa because it went wrong and they were all forced to move. When Jack drove down the ramp and parked in his usual parking space, he leaned back in his seat. He

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