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Book online «Twilight World All Over Again by Heather Lawhun (best english books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Lawhun

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bags into my room.
"I will leave you to your plushies." Emmett said grinning. I rolled my eyes. Then he left after giving me a hug. I put them all in the trunk, but it turns out they won't all fit. So I put some on one of the bookshelves that was in there and filled half of it. My room was finally complete, so I had some dinner, took a shower, and went to bed. Today was a long and tiring day.
You would think not being able to sleep would make me bored, but really I’m still really busy. Stepping as mom of a preschooler doesn’t really leave time to rest as it is. There always seems to be cupcakes to make and clothes to wash. Not that I’m complaining. I love Jade with all my heart. It’s just a good thing I never need sleep. Jade has a school program coming up and I make the best cupcakes, or I’m told, so they want me to make six dozen cupcakes for this Friday. This would be easy if I was anybody else. But I have a thing about each of my cupcakes having to be noticeably different. I make those little candy shapes for each one and make as many different flavors of cupcake icing I can. Jasper says at the rate I’m going, I’ll be able to open a shop soon. I asked him what I’d call it and he told me ‘The Cullen Cupcake Shop’. It did have a nice ring to it. And unlike all the other bakeries, I’d only need about an hour’s notice to have gourmet cupcakes for any occasion. “Someone is thinking too much.” Sparkles mumbled as he walked by. “Stop Punk, before you give yourself a migraine.” Just then Renesmee came running in and stole one of the cupcakes.
“Yummy, blueberry with strawberry frosting!” She said with her mouth full.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full Princess.” Sparkles scolded her. That’s the other reason I’m always baking. The only food she’ll eat is my cupcakes. I had blueberry, chocolate, vanilla, banana nut, pumpkin, and a mixed batch. I had strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate icing with all kinds of sprinkles and candies. Some of them even had candy baked in the middle or cream filling. I had plans for Jade’s fifth birthday, which was just a month away.
“Hey Shay.” Pyper said yawning. She looked like she’d just woke up. I looked at the clock; two-thirty in the afternoon.
“Way to sleep all day, Pyper.” I said rolling my eyes. She stuck her tongue out at me.
“I’m tired of this game.” Sparkles grumped. “Love each other or shut up!” The whole room groaned as Pyper and I yelled loudly,
“I lost the game!”
“Oh no, I think Sparkles has lost his mind! He’s talking to himself!” Pyper said grinning. He rolled his eyes. Emmett, Jasper, and I laughed.
“Seriously, who were you talking to?” I asked him.
“The new people in town, I don’t know them, but they are even more annoying than Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley’s love child.”
“What?!” Pyper hollered. “They’re still together!?” Pyper groaned.
“They have a love child?” I asked confused.
“Yeah.” Jade said to both of us. “Her name is Marissa and she’s in my class!” That was a complete and utter shock.
“Guess what you guys?” Carlisle said smiling. “Your friend Angela is three months pregnant.” Wow! Was nothing what it used to be? Angela and Ben will make great parents, its poor Marissa I feel sorry for. Mike and Jessica were never exactly the picture perfect couple. They’re Bella and Edward’s unwanted trash for crying out loud. The only reason I think they were together in the first place is that they were both rejected. But enough about that, I decided to take a dozen cupcakes and figure out who our new ‘neighbors’ were. It was a cloudy day but it wasn’t raining so I decided to walk. I could hear their arguing as soon as I stepped out of the house. They were the closest thing we had to neighbors, as they had cut down part of the woods to build it. It annoyed me they had done this without telling us about it, so I was eager for the quit of having stolen land from such nice people to sink in. When I got within human earshot they stopped yelling. I knocked on the door and a girl, maybe six at the oldest, opened it. “Hello?” She said shyly.
“Is your mommy home?” I asked sweetly. She shook her head no. “Your daddy?” I asked. Again she shook her head no.
“They took me.” She whispered, fear on her face.
“Abby! Who’s at the door?” A sweet voice hollered.
“I brought cupcakes, just a welcome to the neighborhood.” I said with a smile. I know I had to play it cool at least until I talked to Carlisle. “I’m Shayla Harper.” I introduced.
“I’m Abby Marks.” The little girl said looking me in the eye. “And that is my mom Becky.” When she said mom, she couldn’t look me in the eye. “My dad just left. We moved here from Tallahassee, Florida.” This little girl was obviously smart. She had given me her name and the state she had been taken from, plus the name of one of her abductors.
“I will be back soon.” I whispered only to her, and said loud enough for Becky to hear. “It was nice meeting you.” Then I headed for home.
Trouble Stirs
“Pyper!” I rolled my eyes. “Where are you!?” I’m sitting in my room on my bed and trying to read, but Shay keeps calling for me.
“I’m in my room, what do you want!?” She walked in and she looked like she had something urgent to tell me.
“Come downstairs, this is important!” I sighed, marked my place, and sat my book aside. I followed her downstairs and saw that everyone was gathered around the living room.
“Okay, what’s so important?”
“Our neighbors,” She took in a deep breath. “They kidnapped a little girl from Tallahassee, Florida! Her name is Abby Marks! And one of the abductors names is Becky!”
“Okay, how do you know all of this?”
“Abby told me. She’s pretty smart for a little girl. Anyways, I told her I’d come back for her. I wanted to know what you think I should do Carlisle.” He looked stumped.
“I don’t know what to say, but if you give me a few minutes, I’ll think of something.” Carlisle said a little unsure.
“Why don’t you just invite the over to dinner or something and try to catch them that way?” I asked curiously.
“What would we do if we did?” Sparkles asked rolling his eyes.
“It was just an idea, sheesh.” I said rolling my eyes too.
“I know! I’ll go over and tell them I could baby sit Abby for a night!” Shay said grinning.
“What if they refuse?” Sparkles asked.
“I’ll figure it out when it gets there.” I rolled my eyes. Carlisle sighed.
“I’ll go with you, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He said sternly. Shay smiled.
“Okay.” While they went and did that, I went up to my room and went back to reading. The only thing was, I couldn’t focus. Why? Well I keep feeling like someone is watching me. Stupid I know, but I couldn’t shake the feeling off. It was really starting to really creep me out. I put my book down and looked around the room. There wasn’t anyone there. I went to the window and looked around the yard. I listened for any sound that was suspicious. The next thing I know, I’m on the floor in pain and glass shards were scattered all over the floor. There were some yelling, growling, hissing, things breaking, things ripping, and my name was being yelled repeatedly.
Then I couldn’t see or hear anything. I only felt pain. When I came to, my cheek was stinging and someone was yelling. I opened my eyes, but regretted it because the face I saw had to be the ugliest and smelliest face I’ve ever seen or smelled. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like smelling people’s faces, it’s just I couldn’t move. My body felt drained and my energy was sapped. The ugly face spoke. “Good you’re finally awake.” I attempted to roll my eyes, but it didn’t work out so well. “Now, I don’t normally like half-breeds whether it’s part vampire and human or any other combinations of creatures, but I need you to deliver a message.”
“What makes you think I’ll deliver it?” I asked smirking.
“Oh? A mouthy one, huh? DO you know what happens to those who mouth me back?”
“Oh, I don’t know, this?” I asked making him slap himself. I would teleport, but my body’s too weak. He growled a not-so-nice word and slapped me.” I felt blood run down the side of my cheek. He smirked. “What are you smirking at Ugly? I’m not done yet.” I said smirking. He growled, but was cut off short because I made him twirl around like a ballerina.
“What the hell are you doing you idiot!?” Another ugly yelled walking into the small room we were in. Hello Ugly number two. I thought smirking. I made Ugly 1 and Ugly 2 dance the Salsa. Now, figure out where I’m at. I found myself chained up; great. Then I got an idea, I’ll just make one of them unchain me, but I didn’t get the chance when a big ugly guy walked in. I’m guess he’s the boss.
“Are you idiots going to let that half-breed mess with you?” He said in a demanding voice. The two stopped what they were doing and began to look nervous. Yup, that guy’s the boss. “Now, look here. I’m being nice and letting you live, so don’t make a fool out of my men, even if they are a bunch of idiots.” I’ll say…
“May I ask, what exactly is this message you want me to deliver?” I’ll be honest, I’m curious.
“Tell the Cullen’s to hand over the other half-breed or else there’s gonna be some trouble from us.”
“Oh, is that all? Well too bad, I can tell you now that they won’t hand her over.” I said imagining Sparkles getting angry and growling. The boss man set his jaw and narrowed his eyes at me.
“Do you want to die?”
“Do you?” I asked smirking. I can’t help it.
“Are you threatening to kill me when you’re all tied up?”
“No, not me,” I said shaking my head, as my strength slowly returned. “My boyfriend you see, he’ll be pissed off if you kill me. I’m sure he’s out looking for me and if he were to show up and find me dead, then you’ll get killed for sure.” I said shrugging as much as my restraints would let me.
“We’ll see about that.” He said smirking and cracking his knuckles. Let’s just say, he beat me until I was halfway dead. Before he could land the final blow, I teleported y way out of there and ended up in the middle of the living room floor of the house.
“Pyper!” Shay yelled. Carlisle ran in and patched me up. When he was done, I said in a completely serious voice,
“Take Nessie and run.”
“Why?” Sparkles asked.
“If you don’t, they’ll end up killing her. They’ll come back here and kill her. If it weren’t for the fact that I can teleport, I would’ve been dead right now.”
“Why didn’t you teleport earlier?” Shay asked curiously.
“I didn’t have the strength or energy to do it. So take Nessie and run.”
“But where would we go?” Bella asked.
“I don’t know, anywhere but here. I’m not lying and I’m not messing around.
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