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stock apprentice, 59–60

Thau’s rumored sexual relationship with, 70–71

theater career of, 63–65

Walker’s relationship with, 95, 97

White’s engagement to, 60–61

Reagan, Neil, 81, 82, 248, 282

Alzheimer’s disease of, 112, 532

Maureen’s Senate campaign opposed by, 360

on RR’s romance with NR, 98

Reagan, Nelle Wilson:

Alzheimer’s disease of, 112, 532

death of, 112

as enthusiastic performer of dramatic monologues and poetry, 83

generous nature of, 82

marriage held together by, 93

in move to West Hollywood, 87

NR’s romance with RR approved by, 99–100

NR urged to be patient by, 100

religious faith of, 82

on RR’s marriage to Wyman, 88–89, 100

on RR’s movie contract, 86–87

as stabilizing force in RR’s childhood, 82, 112

Reagan, Pamela Gail Putnam, 178–79

Reagan, Patricia “Patti,” seeDavis, Patti

Reagan, Ronald:

on accepting responsibility, 81–82

as afraid of flying, 136

in Army Air Corps film unit, 89–90

Cleaver as high school and college sweetheart of, 84–85

and Cleaver’s marriage to Gordon, 85–86

and collapse of first marriage, 6

colon cancer of, 396–400, 471, 543

in compulsive dating after Wyman divorce, 78–79, 95

conflict as discomforting to, 120, 135, 139, 148, 157–58, 211, 296, 382

death and funeral of, 561–64

“Dutch” as nickname of, 82

emotional remoteness of, 5–6, 79, 83, 117, 133, 176, 182, 235, 527, 533

at Eureka College, 85

growing political interests of, 90–91

HUAC testimony of, 91

idealism of, 435–36

improvisational skill of, 216

intellect of, as underestimated, 305, 440, 533, 572

Las Vegas act of, 110–11, 113

legacy of, 527, 565–72

in letter about faith to Loyal, 336–37

as lifelong horse lover, 98–99

lucrative speaking engagements of, 170

Malibu Canyon ranch of, 98–99, 145

marriage of NR and, seeReagan, Nancy, marriage of RR and

marriage of Wyman and, seeWyman, Jane, Reagan’s marriage to

newspaper column and radio program of, 170

as oblivious to NR’s faults, 154, 159

as radio sportscaster, 85–86

Rancho del Cielo of, seeRancho del Cielo (Reagan ranch)

religious faith of, 84, 336–37, 346

in resignation from SAG presidency, 107–8

in rewriting stories with unhappy endings, 175

in romance with NR, seeReagan, Nancy, romance of RR and

as SAG president, 76, 91

in shift from New Dealer to conservative, 41, 98, 125, 569

skin cancer of, 400–401, 543

speaking tours of, 115, 201, 204

strong women as filling deep-seated need in, 79

superstitions of, 343

troubled childhood of, 6

trusting nature of, 3–5, 7, 82

vision and ambition of, 3

as voracious reader, 81, 292

Reagan, Ronald, Alzheimer’s disease of, 6, 81, 112, 373–74, 521

Abshire on, 534

Brinkley on, 536

Capps and, 548

deepening effects of, 547–51

emotional and physical toll on NR of, 548–50, 556

and failure to recognize friends and associates, 537–38

Hutton and, 531, 532, 533, 546, 556

increasing public evidence of, 541–42

Maureen and, 545

media’s response to, 546

medical costs of, 553

Michael’s lies about, 555

Morris on, 533

NR and, 532, 536–37, 542–43, 544–45

NR as gatekeeper in, 547

and NR’s 1996 Republican Convention speech, 546–47

and NR’s decreased public appearances, 555

NR’s financial anxieties and, 553

official diagnosis of, 542–43

Parvin and, 538

and Patti’s reconciliation with NR, 547–48

as possibly brought on by riding accident, 536–37

public admiration for NR’s devotion to RR in, 545

public announcement of, 529, 532, 543–44

and question of performance as president, 532–36

ranch life as too difficult for, 550–51

Reynolds on, 535–36

Ron on, 535, 542–43, 544

and RR’s daily routine, 546

and RR’s withdrawal from public appearances, 546

Ryan and, 531, 543–44, 546

Spencer and, 542

Reagan, Ronald, assassination attempt on, 267–82

Brady wounded in, 272–73

failure to transfer power to Bush in, 274

inaccurate first reporting on, 268–69

increased security measures following, 344–45

infection crisis in, 281–82

NR first told of, 269

NR at RR’s bedside in, 271–72

NR’s increased anxiety in wake of, 282, 284–85, 346, 347, 350, 353–54

NR’s increased reliance on astrology following, 5, 342, 344, 346

NR’s insistence on going to hospital, 269–70

NR’s insistence on reduced schedule following, 282

RR’s notes in, 276, 277, 281

RR’s recuperation from, 277, 279

RR’s release from hospital after, 282

RR taken to hospital in, 270–71

seriousness of RR’s condition downplayed in, 280–81

spiritual impact on RR of, 283–84

TV broadcasts shuffled in wake of, 279–80

wounding of RR in, 270

Reagan, Ronald, as California governor, 143–70

abortion rights law signed by, 150–51, 167

amateurism and missteps in early days of, 148–49

Battaglia fired as chief of staff of, 156–58

as disinterested in Sacramento social life, 145–46

first inaugural gala of, 143–44

inauguration of, 143

Meese as chief of staff for, 159–60

and Mitchell execution, 149–50

in move from Governor’s Mansion, 162–63, 165

in 1968 presidential bid, 171–76

NR seen as disruptive presence in, 152–54

NR’s fears about RR’s safety in, 152–53

NR’s insecurity and naivete about role in, 147–48

and NR’s insistence on building new Governor’s Mansion, 165

and NR’s snubbing of political wives, 146

NR’s support of Weinberger in, 149

and NR’s visits with Vietnam veterans and POWs, 168–69

personnel problems of, 148–49

reelection of, 164

RR’s conflict avoidance in, 148, 157–58

second inaugural gala of, 164

student protests and, 151–52

tax policies of, 149

Reagan, Ronald, California gubernatorial campaign of, 127, 129–30

Edie and, 137

in election landslide over Brown, 142

Hollywood Democrats’ support for, 142

Kitchen Cabinet of, 129–30, 148

Maureen and Michael excluded from, 139–40

NR as careful observer in, 134

NR as intermediary between RR and Kitchen Cabinet in, 129–30

NR’s increasingly vocal complaints about, 140–41

NR’s public appearances in, 138

Spencer and Roberts as consultants in, 134, 136

Wyman and, 136–37

Reagan, Ronald, childhood of:

in dramatic recitals with mother, 83

father’s alcoholism and, 79–80, 81–82

frequent moves of, 80–81

as lifeguard, 83

mother as stabilizing force in, 82, 112

Reagan, Ronald, film and television career of, 109–10, 114, 126

canceling of General Electric Theater and, 125

Death Valley Days hosted by, 126

in General Electric Theater,113–14

studio contracts lost by, 108

Warner Brothers contract of, 86

Reagan, Ronald, 1976 presidential primary campaign of:

family meeting on, 182–83

Florida loss in, 188

and Ford’s loss to Carter, 199

Kitchen Cabinet and, 185

New Hampshire loss in, 187

North Carolina loss in, 188–89

North Carolina TV speech in, 190–91

NR as recruiter for, 186

NR’s pessimism about, 183, 189, 191

NR’s reflections on, 196–97

NR’s rivalry with Betty Ford in, 194–96

Sears in, 189, 190

Reagan, Ronald, 1980 presidential campaign of:

Anderson’s debate with RR in, 231–32

Bush as running mate in, 225

Carter debate in, 232–33

Carter’s concession in, 237

Casey as manager of, 219–20, 221

Deaver in, 211–12, 221

Ford as possible running mate in, 224–25

Iowa caucuses in, 212–14

moderate tone of, 208–9

Nashua debate as turning point in, 217–18

New Hampshire primary in, 214–20, 221

Nofziger’s rejoining of, 221

NR’s disapproval of Bush as running mate in, 225–26

NR’s encouragement of, 203

NR’s focus on RR’s emotional appeal in, 228–29

NR’s public image missteps in, 229–30

NR’s racially insensitive comments in, 214–15

NR’s speaking engagements in, 212–13, 214–15

official declaration of, 210

RR’s racially insensitive gaffes in, 215, 226–27

run-up to, 203–10

Sears fired as manager of, 219–20

Sears as manager of, 206–8, 210–12, 214, 215–17

Spencer in, 222–23, 227–28

Reagan, Ronald, post-presidential life of

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