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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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west towardthe rendezvous site. As the spaceport grew smaller beneath them, thenervous pressure in her chest began to ease.

Michio put the location of theirmeeting place into the ship’s navigation system. “I wasn’t surewe’d get past the guard. You handled the situation well.”

“I should have realized my IDwas no longer good and checked for Major Daiker’s in case we werecarded. I was sloppy and could have gotten us both killed.”

“You’re being overlycritical. We just succeeded in stealing a ship from a guard who wason the look out for us.”

A half-hour later, Toemeka landedthe ship in an open field and kept the engines running. Zac ran overto the ship. When he was sure it was them, he signaled to the others.Onolyn stood guard while Erling and his family ran over.

“Board quickly,” Michio said.“We don’t want to be spotted.”

“Where’s Breezy?” Toemekaasked, glancing over her shoulder from the pilot seat as Erling andhis family boarded the ship.

“She’s staying with theResistance,” Erling said. Toemeka heard the unhappy undertone inhis voice. “What’s with the blue skin?” he asked, walkingtoward her.

“I needed a disguise.” Sheraised her voice so everyone could hear her. “Get buckled in fortakeoff.” Toemeka flew the ship into the air until it was ten milesabove the surface of Alandra, then soared toward outer space.

Once the ship was enroute toBorko, Erling leaned forward in his seat so his head was close tohers. “You didn’t seem surprised that Breezy stayed to fight withthe Resistance.”

“I wasn’t. I already knew shewas thinking about it. She’s in love with Jake.” As she said it,Toemeka realized she might not ever see Breezy and Jake again. She’dgreatly miss them both. Breezy was like a sister and Jake was a goodfriend.

“I hadn’t realized they werethat serious,” Erling said.

“Then you weren’t payingattention,” Sharma said. “I like your blue skin color, Toemeka.”

“I rather like it myself. MaybeI’ll dye it blue permanently.”

“Please, don’t,” Michiogroaned.

She grinned at him. “Can youstart the calculations for a space jump to Borko?”

“I’m on it.” He typed thedirective into the computer.

Toemeka turned to look atErling’s mother. “How are you feeling, Najetta?”

“Much better. I got medicinefor my cough.”

“We’ll be home tomorrow andyou can see a doctor. I can’t wait to hold Baymond. I hope he’sdoing well.”

“Koriann probably completelyspoiled him by now,” Erling said.

“I hope she gave him lots oflove. I wouldn’t want him to be neglected.” Toemeka settled backinto the pilot seat. “I’m never leaving Michio and Baymond again,not for anything.”

“Not until next time anyway,”Michio said, sounding unconvinced.

Their eyes met. “I won’t; I’mserious about settling down.”

Michio raised his eyebrows. “I’llbelieve it when it happens. In the short time I’ve known you, I’vehad more adventures than most people do in a lifetime.”

“I’m resigning from theCoalition. While traveling with Erling, I realized it’s time tomove on. Defeating Samrat Condor won’t bring back my parents orbrother. I have my own family now and have to let go of the past andembrace that gift.”

Michio clasped her hand andlooked at her with love shining from his eyes. “I’m happy to hearit, but I’m afraid this isn’t over with Commander Rochambeau. Hestill wants you and he knows where we live.”

Toemeka felt foreboding danger inhis words. Would she ever be free of Cadmus?

The spacecraft entered the firstphrase of a jump and the stars turned into streaks of light.



Toemeka awoke in her seat as thespaceship came out of the jump. From their position in space, she sawBorko’s double moons, like two smiles in the sky, welcoming themhome.

Michio and Erling piloted theship while the others still slept. At the moment, Erling was talkingon the radio, “We’ll be home in a little over an hour, Kori.”He was quiet for a moment, then responded, “I didn’t expect to begone for so long. Things got complicated.” He paused again,listening to her speak, then said, “I knew you’d be worried, butdidn’t have any way to contact you sooner. We were in thewilderness.”

Toemeka leaned forward. “How’sBaymond is doing?”

“Kori said he’s doing great.”

Anticipation filledToemeka,,she’d see her baby soon. Gazing out the window as theocean came into view, she wondered how much he’d grown since she’dlast seen him.. As they soared toward the City of Silver Light theMarsindi palace came into view. Michio landed the ship on the royalairfield. Lights flickered on inside the cabin and everyone stirredin their seats. Toemeka unbuckled her seatbelt and was the first oneout the door. Guards stood on both sides of the ramp and at the endstood Queen Koriann, holding Baymond in her arms.

Tears of joy blurred Toemeka’svision as she hurried down the ramp steps and took Baymond in herarms. Unconditional love for her child washed through her. “Imissed you, little one. Do you remember me?” Baymond smiled at herand her heart flooded with joy.

Michio joined her, putting hisarm around her shoulder. “It’s good to be be back. I’ve missedyou little one,” he said as he gazed down at his son. Baymondstarted babbling and waving his arms.

Toemeka felt a pang of jealousythat Koriann had spent time with Baymond while she was fighting forsurvival in the wilderness. She turned toward the Queen and saw thatthe others had all deboarded. Queen Koriann was in Erling’s armswith tears streaming down her face. If she was angry with him forgoing on the mission, it didn’t show in her greeting.

Erling kept his arms aroundKoriann as he introduced her to his family, who lovingly greeted her.“It looks like our new grandchild will arrive soon,” Najettasaid, putting a hand on Koriann’s stomach. At moment later shesmiled, “Oh! He kicked!”

“Can I feel him kick?” Sharmaasked, sounding unsure.

“Ah…” Koriann glanced atErling, looking surprised by this personal interest in their baby.“Sure.”

Sharma shyly put her hand on thequeen’s stomach. “I can’t feel him.”

“His foot is over here.”Koriann guided her hand to where the foot was.

Sharma’s face lit up for thefirst time in weeks. “I felt him move. Oh, Erling, this is soexciting. I’m going to be an aunt! When is he due?”

“In a few weeks,” Koriannsaid new tears filled her eyes.

“What’s wrong, Kori?”Erling asked.

“I’ve been so worried aboutyou I didn’t think about how wonderful it would be to

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