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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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separatechanging rooms opened and closed.

Toemeka left the changing roomand went to the sink, keeping her eyes on the mirror as she watchedfor Major Daiker. The two female pilots came out of their changingrooms and left the lounge. Minutes later, the lounge door opened. Inthe mirror Toemeka saw an athletic-looking woman with blue skin andshort white hair stride in. She walked over to Major Jemit Daiker’schanging room and disappeared inside.

Toemeka knocked on the door,feeling a rush of adrenaline surge through her. “Major Daiker,”she said.

“What is it?” Jemit askedthrough the door

“Lieutenant Kerek asked me togive you a note.”

The door opened and Toemekasnapped the capsule open in front of the woman’s face. Jemit’shand reached for her stun gun.

Toemeka grabbed her wrist andknocked her hand against the wall. Jemit slugged her in the stomach.Toemeka gasped and got a full breath of the gas. She held her breathas she fought Jemit. Everything seemed to be distorted and inslow-motion and her movements were uncoordinated. Jemit seemed to beaffected by the drug as well.

Toemeka’s strength ebbed a darkfog formed before her vision. Jemit collapsed on the floorunconscious, Toemeka flumbled for the helmet and placed the oxygenmask over her mouth as she sank to her knees. Gradually the oxygenmixture revived her. She staggered out of the small changing room andremoved the oxygen mask, gulping fresh air. Feeling stronger, shestepped back inside and searched Jemit’s tote bag for thespacecraft key fob. Inside was an assortment of necessities neededfor travel. At the bottom, she finally found the key fob.

Toemeka slid the stun gun intoher pocket and left the locker room with the tote bag. The lounge wasempty. Toemeka wondered how things were going for Michio. Had MajorDaiker arrived yet or was Michio still waiting for him? She sank intoa chair and watched news on the overhead monitor. She hadn’t beenwatching long when a video of her and Michio entering the spaceportcame on the screen. A reporter said they were wanted criminals; ifanyone sighted them, they were to report it to the authorities.

Alarmed, Toemeka returned toJemit’s locker, her mind racing. She needed a disguise. She’dseen a jar of blue foundation in Jemit’s tote bag. She pulled itout and applied the blue cream to her face and neck, graduallytransforming herself to look like a woman of the Goran race.

The makeup was perfect except forthe area around her eyes where it was hard to get the blue creamclose enough to cover her white skin. She put on Jemit’s sunglassesand pulled on gloves to cover her hands. The transformation amazedher. She hardly recognized herself. Toemeka returned to the loungeand discovered Michio still wasn’t there. She glanced at her watchand sat down to wait, impatiently tapping her foot as the minutesdragged by. Finally, the door to the men’s locker room opened and apilot stepped out followed by Michio, who was handcuffed. A secondpilot came out right behind them.

As the pilots walked to the exit,their backs were toward Toemeka. She drew her stun gun and shot oneof the pilots. The other man spun around and Michio gave him a shoveas he returned fire.

The shot went astray. Toemeka’ssecond shot hit its mark and the second pilot collapsed as well. Shehurried to Michio. “Where are the keys to the handcuffs?”

“Try the pilot’s jacketpocket. What’s with the blue face paint?”

“A news bulletin with a videoof us entering the spaceport building is being broadcast in the spacestation. We’re to be arrested on sight.”

Toemeka found the keys andunlocked Michio’s handcuffs.

“Let’s get out of here,”Michio said once he was free. He put on a helmet and pair ofsunglasses.

They hurried down several longhallways, then left the building and walked to a row of shuttle carsthat transported pilots to their aircraft. They boarded a two-personcar and Michio drove it across the airfield.

“Thanks for your help,”Michio said. “I waited for Delmer in his locker room. When heentered, he put up a fight and another pilot joined in. In the smallspace, I couldn’t defend myself against both men.” He shot her abrief glance. “I’m glad you insisted on joining the mission.”

“I had a premonition you’dneed help.”

Michio nodded. “I should alwaysremember to pay attention to your premonitions. It’s saved my hidemore than once.” He stopped the shuttle car near the aircraft theyintended to steal. Toemeka put on her helmet and got out, noticingarmed soldiers spread across the airfield.

A guard stood in front of theirship. “Lieutenant Derek, reporting for duty.” Michio said,pulling out his ID. “Are you expecting trouble?”

“We’re searching for a womanwho’s wanted by Commander Rochambeau.” The man glanced atMichio’s ID and handed it back, then turned expectantly to Toemeka.Her stomach turned as she started rummaging through Jemit’s totebag.

Damn,she should have thought to look for Jemit’s ID sooner. She finallylocated the pilot’swallet, but her heart sank when she discoveredit didn’t contain her ID. “It’s here someplaces,” she said,glancing up at the guard and giving him a weak smile. “These toteshave too many pockets.” She continued searching,aware of Michio’stense stance and the guard’s impatience.

She finally found a small case.She zipped it open and saw Jemit’s face on an ID. “Here it is!”She flashed the ID in front of the guard.

He barely looked at it. “Ialready knew you weren’t the woman they’re searching for.” Theguard took another look at the ID. “Say, your hair’s white in thephoto.”

“So, I dyed it. Is that againstthe rules?”

The guard glanced at the photoagain, then handed it back. “You look better with black hair. Havea safe flight.”

They boarded the spacecraft andsat down in the pilot and co-pilot seats.

“I’m impressed,” Michiosaid. “I didn’t know you were such a convincing liar. Myundercover operative wife is full of surprises. Your facial featuresdon’t even resemble Jemit.”

“He only noticed my skincolor.” As Toemeka began the preflight check, her hands shook.Something could still go wrong. “I don’t think it’s fair thathe barely look at you. You were in the video, too.”

“I’m not as interesting as anexotic blue-skinned woman.”

Toemeka contacted the controltower, requesting permission to depart. Once it was granted, shestarted up the engines. They roared to life and the ship beganvibrating. She took off and flew into the air, heading

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