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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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him. “We’vebeen so worried about you.” Her cheeks were a healthy color and hercough seemed to be gone.

“I was worried, too. I didn’tlike leaving you and the others.”

His father and Sharma huggedErling. Gratitude that they safe filled him. He’d risked so much torescue them, leaving Kori with full responsibility for ruling Jaipar.

Zac and Onolyn came over to greethim. “I’m glad you made it,” Zac said. “Koriann would neverforgive me if anything had happened to you. I’m supposed to be yourbody guard.”

“You and Onolyn got my familyhere safely. I’m eternally in your debt.”

Breezy and Jake held hands asthey walked into the bedroom moments later.

“Where’s Toemeka?” Najettaasked.

“She and Michio are stealing aspaceship so we can fly home.”

A worried expression clouded hismother’s face. “Why is she involved in such a seriousundertaking?”

“She’s a Coalition operative,Mom,” Erling said.

“It’s time to head out forthe rendezvous site,” Jake said.

“Are you coming with us toplanet Borko?” Breezy asked with a worried frown

“No, I’m staying on Alandrawith the Resistance.”

“Then I’ll stay,too.”

Erling tensed, hoping Jake wouldtalk her out of such a dangerous decision.

“Are you sure, Breezy?” Jakeasked. “This may be your last chance to leave and you might neversee your family again.”

Breezy bit her lower lip andlooked at her family before turning back to Jake. “I’m sure Iwant to be with you.”

“This is crazy; you can’tstay, Breezy,” Richwood said. “Alandra’s defeated. There’snothing left to stay for.”

“Father, I’m an adult now.It’s my decision and I intend to fight for my country. Erling’salways led a dangerous life and you’re proud of him.”

“That’s different.”

“How? If he wasn’t ruler ofJaipar, you know he’d stay.”

“But you’re a woman.”

“So is Toemeka.”

“I knew this would happen.”Najetta hugged her and began to cry.

Erling pulled Jake into thehallway. “Breezy will listen to you. Tell her to go with us. Thisis no life for her.”

“Breezy has a right to fightfor what she believes in—you always have.”

“She’s not staying because ofAlandra; she’s staying because of you. Are you going to marry her?”

Jake stepped back. “We’re inthe middle of guerrilla warfare. It’s not the time to think ofmarriage. You don’t want to risk her becoming a widow attwenty-two.”

“She could be killed.”

“We’re fighting aninterplanetary war. No one is safe anywhere.”

“I came to give her a chancefor a better life.”

Breezy stepped into the hallway.“I know you did, Erling, and I appreciate it. But I love Jake and Ilove my country. I’m staying.”

Their parents appeared. “Whatshould we do, Richwood?” Najetta said. “We can’t force Breezyto come with us.”

Richwood looked at his daughterwith respect. “It’s her decision, not ours. Jake will watch outfor her.”

Erling glanced at hiswatch-communicator. “We have to get going.” He led themdownstairs to where one of Jake’s men waited by the front door.

“I’ve got a van outside,”the man said. “I’ll drive you to the meeting place.”

Tears streamed down Breezy’sface as she hugged her parents and Sharma.

“I don’t think I can bear itif you stay,” Sharma said. “I’ve already lost Connor to thiswar and you’re not a soldier. We worked in the Coalition office,not the field.”

“If Connor was alive andstaying, would you leave?”

Her face fell. “No, I’d staywith him.”

“Then you understand.” Sharmanodded and Breezy turned to her father.

“I’m proud of you for stayingto help our homeland,” Richwood said, “but if things get too bad,you and Jake must come to Jaipar.”

“We will, Father, I love you. Ilove you all,” Breezy said. She walked over to Erling. “Don’tbe upset. This is what I want.”

Erling felt a lump in his throatas he drew Breezy into his arms. “God, Bree, I hate to leave you,but I understand. Maybe I’d do the same, if I didn’t have otherresponsibilities. I hate seeing our beautiful planet under SamratCondor’s control. I just don’t like you being here when theCoalition main force has pulled out. I love you, little sister.”

“I love you, too. I regret thatI won’t get to meet Koriann and my future niece or nephew.”

“You will, someday.”

“I hope so.” She wiped awayher tears.

Erling looked over her head atJake. He remembered the times they guarded each other’s back andshared many adventures from the time they were young boys. We’reas close as brothers,he thought.

He crossed to Jake, who stoodapart from the others. “Thank you for all you’ve done. Take careof Breezy. Good-bye, Jake.” They embraced.

Erling felt almost physical painas he realized how much he’d miss his closest friend.


Heart of the Enemy

Toemeka and Michio entered theTalon military spaceport where an armed guard was checking IDs.Toemeka tensed as she approached him and averted her face from theoverhead security camera. She handed the guard her ID and waited inedgy silence as he studied it. After a few moments, he handed it backand checked Michio’s ID.

“You’re clear,” he said,nodding dismissively to both of them. They headed over to thewallboard and read the flight schedule. It included departure andarrival times, types of spacecraft and names of pilots.

“What do you think of flight387?” Michio asked softly.

Toemeka scanned the informationand saw it was a cargo ship, loaded with weapons and no crew orpassengers. It was scheduled to depart to planet Rex Tar in twohours, piloted by a woman and man — Major Jemit Daiker andLieutenant Demar Kerek.

“Looks good.”

Michio and Toemeka headed downthe corridor. “We’ll go to the pilot lounge, immobilize thepilots and acquire flight suits. Any questions?”

“No, it’s prettystraightforward.”

“We need to leave the lounge atleast a half-hour before the scheduled departure time. If the pilotsdon’t show up by then, we’ll assume they’re already at theship. If so, we’ll overtake them there.” Some people drew nearand, Michio stopped talking.

Before long they reached thelounge and split up. Toemeka went into the women’s locker room.Inside was a row of doors labeled with the pilots’ names. MajorJemit Daiker’s name was on the fourth locker.

Toemeka knocked. When no oneanswered, she opened the door and stepped inside. It was a small roomwith a bench. A flight suit and helmet with a visor and oxygen maskhung on the wall. She checked the size of the flight suit. It wasmedium and, kowing it would fit, she put it on.

The sound of two women engaged inconversation filled the lounge, then the doors to two

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