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have a familyagain.”

“I hope this means I’mforgiven for leaving you with the responsibilities of Jaipar to gorescue them.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.Let’s hold a ball to celebrate your family’s arrival,” Koriannsaid. Erling agreed.


Two weeks later the ball was heldat the Fenian-Marsindi palace in the spacious ballroom. The room waselegant with crystal chandeliers, gold-leaf furniture, marble floor,arched alcoves and large doorways on the ocean side that opened ontobalconies. As the women danced, their long gowns made a swirl ofcolor.

Toemeka left the dance floor withMichio and walked over to Koriann and Erling, who were talking to hisfamily. Captain Zachary and Onolyn joined them a few moments later.Toemeka enjoyed the high energy of the large group of people. Shewore an off-the-shoulder gown that tapered to her narrow waistline,then flared back out again. She knew Michio liked it because his eyeslit up when he saw her. But he was conservative and commented theneckline was cut too low.

Earlier she and Onolyn hadshopped together for ball gowns. Onolyn purchased a green,form-fitting one that looked gorgeous with her strawberry blond hairand tall, slender build. Toemeka picked a glamorous rose-red gownthat reflected her excitement at being home again.

Toemeka squeezed Michio’s handas another dance began and Erling’s parents stepped onto theballroom floor. She was eager to join them.

“Don’t tell me you want todance again,” Michio said, smiling at her. “Don’t we get torest once in awhile?”

“We’ll rest when theorchestra takes a break.”

“At least let me get somethingto drink first.”

Erling said, “I guess I’dbetter do my official duty and ask the Princess of Perditta todance.”

Toemeka followed Erling’s gazeand saw a stunning young woman, smiling bewitchingly at him. She worea form-fitting black dress that showed off her ample breasts and hada slit up one leg. “Who is she?” Toemeka asked, feeling strong,dark vibrations coming from the princess.

“Her name’s Nyla,” Erlingsaid. “Her parents didn’t come to Jaipar for the ball, but shearrived a few days ago and has been staying at the palace. She’syoung and will be offended if I don’t dance with her at leastonce.”

“I’m sure she’ll get plentyof offers from other men,” Koriann said, sounding annoyed.

“You never objected when Idanced with the Princess of Mithra.”

“She’s old and ugly.”

Erling’s eyes danced withamusement. “You wouldn’t want me to be negligent in my duties.”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

“Queen Koriann, I’ll sit thisdance out with you,” Zac said. “I’m glad to have a break.

“I’ll sit with you, too,”Sharma said. “I don’t feel like dancing.”

It didn’t surprise Toemeka thatSharma didn’t want to dance. It was too soon after fiancé Connor’sdeath.

“Remind me never to hold a ballagain when I’m this pregnant,” Koriann said, putting her hand onher round stomach. She wore a crown in her golden-brown hair and herempire-waisted blue-velvet dress brought out the color of her eyes.

“You’re the most beautiful,powerful woman here, and carrying the royal heir,” Erling said.“I’ll bet every woman is jealous of you. I’ll hurry back assoon as the dance is over.” Erling kissed her, then crossed over tothe princess.

Toemeka turned to Michio andsaid, “There’s something about Nyla that makes me uneasy.”

“Really? Why? She’s just ayoung woman at a ball for the first time without her parents.”

“I sense something negativeabout her and don’t like the way she’s staring at Erling, likeshe wants to eat him for a snack.”

“He’s the dashing prince ofJaipar who’s responsible for overthrowing General Bandar, freeingJaipar, and uniting the entire planet. She probably idolizes him.”

“No, I trust my woman’sintuition; she’s up to something.”

Michio shook his head. “I don’tsense anything negative about her.” They both watched as thePrincess and Prince Erling glided gracefully around the dance floor.

Toemeka was puzzled; she valuedMichio’s perceptions and wondered if she was wrong. She’d heardof Princess Nyla in the news broadcasts. She was King of Perditta’syoungest daughter and considered a raving beauty.

Briefly it crossed Toemeka’smind that perhaps she was jealous, but she rejected the idea. She’dnever been envious of other women and Michio would never do anythingto cause jealousy. He loved her unconditionally and wasn’tinfluenced by physical beauty, looking much deeper than that.Although,she thought frowning, hedid seem to be charmed by Nyla.The princess had that kind of magnetic attraction. Men followed herwith their eyes.

“She’s not what she appearsto be,” Toemeka insisted.

Michio raised his eyebrowsskeptically. “Probably the worst thing she’s done in her shortlife is break a few hearts and make a few women jealous. I sensesomething else from her; she needs help or is in trouble.”

“Are you kidding?” Toemekasaid, “She’s self-confident and knows exactly what she’sdoing.”

“Outward actions are sometimesdeceiving; it could be a front.” Michio looked at Zac. “Let’sget the ladies a drink.”

As the two men left for therefreshment table, Toemeka shifted her awareness so she could see theaura surrounding Nyla. At first, she saw positive blue and whiteenergy swirling around the young woman. She went deeper though andbeneath the light she saw black sliced with red encompassing Nylalike a dark storm cloud.

Toemeka sat on a chair nearKoriann, Onolyn and Sharma. “Koriann, tell Captain Zachary to keepan eye on Princess Nyla,” Toemeka said. “She’s up to something.Michio’s impression of her is different from mine, but that justincreases my uneasiness. We usually perceive things close to the sameway.”

“I sense something off, too,”Onolyn said. “There’s something familiar about her. I feel I’vemet her before, but I know I haven’t.”

“I don’t like her either,”Sharma said. “She’s been following Erling around ever since shearrived, pretending she’s interested in Jaipar and laughing atevery witty remark he makes.”

“I don’t like any woman whomakes an open play for my husband,” Koriann said. “I knew it wasa poor decision to marry a ladies’ man.”

“Erling’s not a ladies’man!” Sharma exclaimed, defending her beloved brother. “He adoresyou. I’ve never seen him so in love and he’s excited about thebaby.”

“He just likes to dance,”Toemeka reassured Koriann, “and he feels it’s politicallyimportant to befriend people connected to foreign governments.”Toemeka decided to change the subject; Koriann was getting tooagitated. “Onolyn, you look lovely, tonight. That dress is theperfect choice.”

“Thank you. I hope Zac thinksso.”

“I’m sure he does,” Toemekareplied. Michio and Zac returned with their drinks.

When the music ended, Erling andNyla joined them. The princess hung on Erling’s arm, looking up athim

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