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and them is they get paid to express their opinion and then be ignored, while we freely just ignored you.




I’m not your superior; I just have more knowledge and experience than you do.




They have a strong belief system which is good, but unfortunately it blinds them to certain realities.


Ha Ha


Everyone is a comic, problem is thou, most of us are unemployed.


Word Flow


You’re good at the talking, just not the doing.


Next Please


I hate people who won’t listen because they’re afraid they might have to actually do their job.




I don’t think there’s anything wrong.  They don’t think there’s anything wrong.  So does that mean there’s actually something right?




Everybody is accusing everybody else, but no one has actual proof as to the reality of the situation.


Might Help


You can justify your actions anyway you want and perhaps it’ll help you sleep at night or perhaps not.


Not Buying It


There are no excuses for your actions, but I’m sure you’ll have one.




They carry themselves as a person with many burdens; unfortunately, they’re all made up.


Could Be


It wasn’t me today, thou tomorrow, perhaps.




When someone says that’s just the way it is, your answer should be, that’s just the way it was.


A Drift


They’re lost in thought, so their basically just lost.




I am not going to stand for this anymore, so I’m going to sit down now.


Move On


You want to join a winning team?  Keep looking.


Word Is


If your belief system consists of believing in a higher being that will forgive you for all your transgressions and sins, only, if you believe and worship in them, that’s just fine.  But still, that doesn’t give you license to be a dick to others with other belief systems.  How about just being a good person instead, with no need or expectations of forgiveness.


Beneath It All


I’m sitting under a bridge and I can hear the world pass me by from above and I’m good with that.


Doesn’t Matter


Your opinion of me matters naught, as my opinion of you should also matter naught.




They announced that their “already irritated” so everybody stop what you’re doing and commiserate with them immediately, or not, if you choose to.




I don’t worship the sun, but rather the shade.


Mo Mo


Their like a dairy farmer, their milking it for all it’s worth.


Square Wheel


It’s a pain in the butt when everything falls apart and it puts you in the position where you have to reinvent the wheel, yet again.


Say What?


I hear everything, but know nothing.




I am what you think you are, interesting isn’t it.




I can’t think straight, so I guess it’s croaked then.


Two Way


My teenager says I’m really bad at this talking thing, I told them they’re really bad at this listening thing.




My world is already centered right there on the point of a pin.


Just The Facts


I am looking for useful information, not someone’s philosophy on useful information or their opinion on how to apply it.


Knowledge Is Limited


When someone is an idiot and they don’t know it, it’s annoying.  I’m an idiot and I know it and so I work within those parameters, but I’m still annoying.




Are you done demanding what you’re never going to get, maybe you should sit back and re-evaluate to find a more realistic mind set.


Try It


I want you to take the “stupid challenge”, try doing something that makes sense, see how that feels.




The sludge of the Internet is created by the trolls that inhabit it, need we say more?


Always Hope


You keep telling yourself that and perhaps someday it’ll be true.  But right now it’s all just delusional.


Time Lapsed


I don’t believe your story because you have had time to think about it and you’ve come up with a rationalization that absolves you of all sin.




Decision making is a process that should be well executed, but mostly it’s not.




I’m absolutely listening; I’m just not paying attention, that’s all.




Your prioritization of what is necessary is quite backwards.




I thought I was having a meltdown and then I realized it was just a tuna melt.




You’re still out there chasing the dream, which is fine.  But in my case the dream seems to have eluded me.


Top Of


Thank you for being so mediocre.


Black And White


In their black and blue world, it should always be them and the rest of us don’t count.


But If


If you doubt the validity of my answer with no basis in reality, then you’re free to move on, I don’t need your lack of perspective.


Not Me


No one wants to be the one at fault, for our egos want to ignore it.




Am I handling it right or am I handling it wrong, only time will tell.


No Goals


They’re setting the bar pretty low for themselves.  I hope they’re not surprised when the world doesn’t beat a path to their door.


Good Enough


That comment shows a certain lack of understanding of what’s occurring, and shows little desire to understand it at all.


It Is


Life is when everything right, goes wrong and my Cabin In The Woods burns down.




They call themselves the consummate professional, but their actions speak of their lack of.


Fess Up


Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and stop blaming everybody else for your shortcomings.


Nice Delusion


The only problem with their story is the actual truth.


Truth Of


What if I’m right and they’re wrong, it’s probably not the case, but what if?


Good Day


The day you wake up dead, is the day you don’t have to go to work.




I saw a product that stated it was “More Natural”, than what?  A pile of shit can be considered “More Natural”, but it’s still shit.  Plus, there are plenty of things in nature that can kill you.  So a product simply being natural is kind of irrelevant, no matter how much more it is.




My youngest wants to rename the dog “5 miles”, so if anyone asks they can say, I walked 5 miles today.


Power Up


Get all the facts beforehand, don’t jump into the situation stupid.




I thought I heard a derailment when I interrupted their train of thought.


Truth Be Told


There is no truth to the statement that “they do nothing all day”.  The correct statement is “they mostly do nothing all day”.




So really?  You’re doubling down on stupid?


It’s You


It’s not your fault, but we’re blaming you anyhow, it’s just your turn on the blame scale.


Move On


They can’t assist at this moment, because they have an important nothing to do at this time.


Plain Same


I’m sorry if I like consistency throughout my life, since change brings well change and that’s not always agreeable.




You learn to live with it; however, you never get over it.




They have to arrive under their own power.  Maybe they will, maybe they won’t, but it’s still up to them.


Think About It


Sometimes it’s the small victories that matter the most.




We’re at the cross street of No Way and Doubtful Lane.


Step It Up


It’s not creativity if you cater to the lowest common denominator.




I’ll get to the bottom of it as soon as I figure out what it is?




Your actions say “I cared not to try”.


Possession 9/10’s


Just because you’re being aggressive about it, doesn’t make it rightfully yours.




I can’t say if I respect or disrespect you, for at this time you’re a complete blank to me.


Open Up


The problem with some people is the illusion they have built of their reality will get in the way of actual reality.


Just Different


I don’t picture myself a better life, just another life at a Cabin In The Woods.




It’s easier to cry over the individual than the masses.


Working With


You’ll make do with what you have and maybe in the future you’ll get what you need.


Truth Inn


You’re mostly wrong anyway, so why is that worrying you now?


Bound Too Repeat


We’re shaping the future by repeating the past.




All eyes are on, well not that?


What Want


You can’t always get what you want, but, you could want what you can’t get.




The situation is so deluded from where it was that I just can’t justify caring anymore.


Already Done


Don’t reward stupid, for being stupid is reward enough.




Sometimes during a career, lightning only strikes once, if at all.  Not everyone can repeat an early success, but they still keep that lightning rod up just in case.




You don’t get to go first, when you come here last.


Not Luck


My work place is having a potluck dinner; I’d cook something but with my skills I’d be lucky if everyone doesn’t end up on the pot.




They have this ability to take a simple situation and make it complicated by over thinking it.


Permanent Half


Some people like to think of the cup as half empty, while others half full.  I prefer half frozen.


It Works Until…


For some people bullying and degrading others is the way they proceed through life, that is until they hit a wall that they can’t bully or put down.  Then they’re at a loss as to what to do next for they didn’t have a good skill set to begin with.


Move Along


If it has to be done, don’t complain or whine about it, just do it, life is too short.


Pass It Off


You’re so intent on getting somebody in trouble for your stupidity that you’ll place the blame at the feet of the first person you see.




They bitch and moan so much that really no one is surprised that they get nothing done in the end.




I’m not designed for speed.  I just waddle along.




Your personal beliefs mean nothing if your actions show you’re a shithead.


It Is


I have no

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