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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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take care of the medically necessary first and you whenever.


Old, Gone


The world is ending as we know it and yet you still think you should be in the front of the line. Perhaps you should be, when it comes to an end.


Not Present


Your past is your past, it always is and it never changes, it’s just your past.  Learn from it, don’t dwell on it.


Can’t Seek, What Never Happen


They hide what they never did, really well, so that’s why we believe they actually did it.  Since we can’t find it no matter how hard we look.  This nonexistent proof for this nonexistent activity is impossible to find, but we’ll keep looking or just make something up in the end.  For they have to be blamed! Innocence is irrelevant!  For they are guilty!


Coming Thru


The car accident isn’t their fault!  It’s the fault of the person who already occupied the space before they arrived!




What’s worse than a never ending list, a never ending list inside the never ending list.


Keep Trying


When you hit rock bottom, get some mining tools.




With the passing of every second you’re just a little closer to your death.  Though some of your behaviors may bring it even closer, but then maybe not.


Not Trying


They said, “doing that doesn’t help”, I responded, “it wasn’t supposed to.




More is not always better, less is often perfect.


Long Road


While it may be a step in the right direction, there are still many steps to go.


Big little, Twit


I seem to recall a lot of directions and orders coming from you, but they were all based in a lack of authority.  Perhaps instead of being a big Little chief, actually do the work and stop trying to push it off to others.


No Standing


How can you criticize another’s accomplishments when you have none of your own to point to?


I Heard


The psychiatrist asked the new patient, “so why are you here?”, their answer was, “I can’t deal with both of my parents missing my birth”.




If your strategy is to shout down your opposition and not allow them to speak or even listen to them, then there’s some issues there.


Please Listen


They know what they think they know and no one can tell them different.


Duh The Word


You seem to be pretty certain that you have the answer, even though you have no information or even the question.




If you talk too much, then it gets tuned out, less is better.


Don’t Buy Into It


They’ll promise you the world and then deliver a dead rat, because that’s who they are.


Not Always


Do you have the right to be wrong?  Certainly!  But, if it adversely affects the overall group in general, then no.


No Base


When you’re the minority, thinking that you represent the majority in your views.  It will come as a real shock to you that the actual majority doesn’t fall in line with your perceived majority view and do not support you when you try to enact them.  Leaving you to fall on your face.


Taking It On


I wasn’t given the power, I assumed it.  It had to be done and no one was there to stop me and besides, they didn’t want it themselves.


No Info In


If your people do a half a$$ed job on their end, then don’t blame me when I can’t provide you with information they left off the paperwork.  My crystal ball is in the shop and my ESP is on the fritz, so sorry.




Do you know me, no, do I know you, no, then let’s work together and get to know each other and then solve the issues between us.


Foot Torque


I don’t get excited over tools, what I dislike is people who are tools.


Blow Hard


When you only talk to talk, but don’t back it up by, walkin the walk, why should anyone take you serious.  For actions gets it done, talking just blows a lot of hot air into the universe.




We all listen when they talk, question is, do we hear them?


Just Do It


There’s no point in bitching about what others aren’t doing.  Or how you seem to be doing it all.  Since it needs to be done.  So expend your energy on doing it, not complaining about other not doing so.


La La Land


I’m done chasing people down who don’t want to listen.  I’ve decided to just leave them in their ignorance, where their happiest.




Their phone system says I’m an important caller, yeah right.  Next they’ll be giving me a million dollars because I’m invaluable.  I’m not really feeling it thou.


Part Douche


We actually have work to do now that catering to your ego will prevent us from accomplishing.  So you’re free to go and try to find someone else you can push around, for its not happening here today.


More Postage?


My spouse works for the Post Office and they do a strange thing.  Even though they have direct deposit for paychecks, they still mail out paystubs.  The weird thing is that more often than not, they arrive often day’s after payday.  You’d think they could at least get that there on time.


Not Always


Just because you do it for one, doesn’t mean you necessarily have to do it for the others.  For they may not want that at all, sometimes that’s just the way it is.


The One


They find themselves the most interesting person in the room.


My Needs


All I hear is people saying, “what I want!”, “what I want!”  Do you want to know “what I want?”  I want them to shut the f**k up and think of others besides themselves.




Of course there’s a pattern, I’m nothing if not a pattern maker.




If you expect your idiotic idle threats to intimidate, not happening.




Just because someone does something that can change the world, doesn’t mean it’ll be for the better.




You’re using too many words to explain your beliefs.  For when you find yourself out into paragraphs to explain yourself, you’re saying too much.  Shorter and simpler is best.




The reason they don’t understand it is because they can’t conceive it and since they can’t conceive it, they’ll never understand it.




I an’t writing anything that anybody is interested in, so I guess I’ll just keep it up.




It’s nice to have the moral high ground, except when it starts to erode and begins to conflict with reality.


Grade D Effort


We always try, we’re not always successful, but at least we try.


Common Sense


They’re a very smart simpleton and in there lies the problem.




People like to think they can get to a point in their life that they will make a difference.  Others just toil in obscurity, looking to make a difference, just never doing it.  Thou some relish the obscurity, for if they actually appeared on the radar, they might be forced to make a difference.




I wonder what it would be like to become a footnote in history, especially when you knew you’d be the whole book.


About You


I’ve noticed that you complain about things that others do that bother you, but you never take in to account the things that you do that bothers others.


Oh Yeah


You know you are in your own little world when there’s a highly observed holiday and you go about your life like it’s any other day and don’t notice until some place you want to go to is closed and you don’t know why.




The proof of your ignorance is in your statements.


Actual Facts


Proof that is not based in facts, is proof that’s based on the denial of facts and wishful thinking.


Lost Soul


Let’s praise the idiots that think their solo act is going to change the world forever, but don’t have a group behind them.  Nothing much changes from these events.




It might be a tough nut to crack, but in the end all nuts crack.


Too Much Thought


I hate it when I have a simple project in mind and I think it into delusions of grandeur and forget about the K.I.S.S. principal.


Wishful Denials


Just because you desperately don’t want something to be true, doesn’t mean it isn’t.  No matter how much you deny it, it isn’t going to make it so.




I’m not scared of the dark, I’m scared of what is hiding within.




If you feel the need to lie about what you’ve done, at least try and keep your story straight, or it will bite you in the a$$.


House Of Cards


If it’s built on false pretenses, then false results are what you’ll get.




Can you find me, I seem to have misplaced myself.


How Dare They


You’re attacking them and yet you get upset when they dare to defend themselves.


Shut Up


They are just another talking head who’s compulsive need to state their opinion over rides any common sense or fact checking.


Truth Is


This is the purified water of our secret society.  Partake of it and you shall be, what that is we don’t know, since it’s a secret.


Learn From It


You don’t need to see when you fall, there’s time enough when you get up.




“We The People” means different things to different people, so please take that into consideration.




You may ask and I may answer, not!




You still have much to offer the world beyond what you already have, it’s just too bad no one’s listening to you.


Look At Oneself


Are you criticizing me because I’ve done something with my life?  While your major accomplishment with yours is criticizing others.


Pre Bias


I’m sure you’ll find something wrong, because you have your heart set on doing so.


Nothing There


A conspiracy theory a.k.a., no basis in fact or reality.


Taken Not Seriously


It sucks to be brushed aside as irrelevant, it sucks even more when it happens constantly.


New Plan Needed


You’re always trying to play the system, but the system always plays you.  Let’s step back and think about that for a while.


Go For It


They feel the need to sing, but no one feels the need to listen.




To some things it’s irrelevant as to what you think and believe you are.  They make no distinction and to them you’re just a host.


Not So Much


Some people think they’re geniuses and get all pissed off

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